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Joined 1 years ago

These idiots could just release a high quality story expansion for Black Flag every year for ten years and make a billion dollars. Instead they do... This.

I had dinner with my mom last night. She told me she made $2.20/hr as a waitress in 1972. Not including tips.

That's the equivalent of over $16/hr now.

The boomers have no idea how lucky they were. And they fucking wasted it.

43 more...

The guy behind me that watches fox news all day because "he needs something to help him focus" immediately started spouting fox talking points as soon as the verdict was read. My younger coworkers were like, "no way, that's crazy" to all his bs. I just had to say, "no that's not true. I read the jury instructions and they don't say that." He moved onto insisting there was no evidence and Cohen perjured himself and at that point I was already on my way out the door.

He's Gen x, a landlord, new York exile, classic gabagool. Ugh.

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Every one of my republican voting friends owns firearms and smokes weed. One of them has a hemp businesses that they're just waiting to switch over to cannabis as soon as it's legalized. Guess who's the most diehard Trump lover of the bunch...

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Denying him primary delegates, saving money during the main campaign, and effects on down ballot races are all good reasons to kick him out. Also, yknow, following the constitution which clearly disqualifies Trump.

If you don't like the 14th amendment, push for a new amendment to repeal it. If you really believe trump didn't engage in insurrection, push for congress to exonerated him with a 2/3 vote of the house as provided for in the 14th amendment.

Trump, and anybody else, cannot ignore constitutional restrictions on office just b cause he's popular.

The whole thing reminds me of Cersei skipping her trial at the temple. Trump, and the RNC, are willing to lose all of the downstream races as long as Trump wins because they just plan to kill all the democrats as soon as he takes over the armed forces. It's terrifying.

To paraphrase margery tyrell, "He doesn't care about the consequences because he doesn't intend to suffer them."

Trump has fallen ass backwards into a perpetual get out of jail free card. Is it any wonder he acts with impunity when events time after time prove that he is effectively immune from all but the most trivial inconveniences?

I've never been more glad to be child free.

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You're supposed to isolate until you don't have symptoms,however long that takes.

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I'm pretty sure that having sex with underage girls is worse but that's just me.

Lawmaker: "If these flurries think they're animals, we're gonna treat them like animals! "

Furries: "Yes, that's exactly what we want."

Marijuana is not a gateway drug.

Having to deal with a drug dealer that wants to also sell you actually addictive drugs is the gateway.

Legalize pot, sell it at the grocery store, and you will watch the number of addicts in general fall precipitously. I guarantee it.

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You misspelled "traitors".

Netflix has a reputation for killing TV shows after 2 or 3 seasons, before they can be wrapped up. So there's a ton of content on Netflix which is 'unfinished' and so completely unattractive to anyone that might want to start watching it. Why would I ever bother starting to watch, for example, Santa Clarita Diet if I already know the show just ends with no pay off?

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When 90% of the value of your company is created by a small group of unpaid volunteers, it's not a good idea to piss them off. That said, the repercussions from all this will take a few months at least to be analyzed.

Apparently Anna Paulina Luna says if the motion to vacate hits the floor several Republicans will immediately resign, giving the house to the dems. Honestly, that's probably the best thing the Republicans could do. The dems would have to pass legislation immediately enshrining reproductive rights into law or they'd look like chumps. That would energize the conservative base and depress the liberal vote. The Republicans intend to institute one party rule if they win the presidency and rule by fiat. If they have to accept six months of abortion being legal in order to go full Handmaid's Tale, I think they would take that bargain.

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So Hunter paid Joe about $4100 over three months when neither of them were government employees or office holders.

Next they'll bring out evidence Joe paid for hunter's orthodontics in 82 and that proves they've been in cohoots the whole time.

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This is exactly why Stadia failed. I honestly think if it was a service like Gamepass Ultimate where the games come with the sub, it would've been a success. Spending $60 on a game I can only play via Google's service though? Fuck no. Never. Not in a million years.

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We are dangerously close to an emperor has no clothes moment in regards to the rule of law. When people digest that the law is whatever it needs to be to suit the needs of the moment, they'll operate as if there is no law and they'll be right. I fear we are already past the point of no return.

All for Donald fucking Trump.

I agree. It's a handy chat app but it's not a replacement for actual forums and, God forbid, an actual support page for a project.

I agree. I still think they were lucky insofar as they were born in the right place at the right time to benefit massively over future generations.

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The Steam controller is a miracle. Yes, it's a first Gen product that needs iteration but a controller with track pads, gyro, paddle buttons, and wireless for $50 is still the best value controller ever made imo.

Throw in steam input, which if you haven't tried it lately is fucking amazing at this point, and I honestly can't understand why companies aren't clamoring to integrate it.

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All previous animal test subjects died, including the majority that were euthanized at the end of the test period for dissection and study. There was a super high failure rate but let's not misrepresent what actually happened.

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The director of marketing at my company just got out of a meeting with reddit and is super hyped at funneling all our Facebook and Twitter dollars into reddit instead. I didn't have the heart to tell him he's five years too late.

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Room temperature and pressure. The two are intrinsically linked.

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This is the case still with Spotify, apple music, deezer, etc... Multiple services with few if any exclusives means almost all music piracy has stopped. Somehow, the record companies continue to survive.

Rfk Jr will win zero electoral votes. I would stake my life and my entire family's lives on it.

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I've been on android for 10+ years and never downloaded malware.

Don't try to download cracked apps and you'll be fine.

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Just a reminder that if trump is elected, he will reverse this immediately only because Biden did it.

That's not speculation. That's a godamn fact.

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I'm just waiting for someone to use one of these for an assassination attempt in a western country. I'm honestly surprised it hasn't happened yet considering Ukraine has shown how effective they are.

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On the one hand, good. Fuck him.

On the other hand, it sucks that in order to even be in the conversation for any public office you need massive amounts of money that can only realistically be provided by selling yourself out. There are a few exceptions, sure, but by and large our leaders are chosen by ability to drum up donations instead of things like wisdom, judgment, and leadership.

It's more like if a landlord canceled the leases on a bunch of properties that a chain of privately owned libraries was renting.

"keep your books but you can't keep them here" in a way.

If you are lesbian, gay, or bi then you're a damn fool. Do you really think the bigots will stop at demonizing trans people if they manage to eradicate them? No. You will absolutely be next. Then after you it'll be another group. Fascists always need a boogey man to rail against. You're participating in a moral panic no different than the satanic panic of the 1980s. Get your head out of your ass.

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Elder millenial here. I expect no inheritance from my mom or grandparents and no social security. I'm one of the lucky ones though. My dad died ten years ago and left me just enough to make a down payment on a house.

The moral of the story is, give your parents cigarettes and hope the cancer kills them quick before the bills can pile up.

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The vote I cast in 2020 was against trump and not for Biden. I feel pretty good about that decision considering what happened afterwards. I'll vote against Trump again as many times as it takes.

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The problem is separating out the work that does rely on hours worked vs ones that don't.

Running a stamping machine? Yeah, your run time is going to be pretty much proportional to your output.

Working a desk job doing research and generating reports? The better you are at it, the more you can do, and eventually you just outrun the workload. Then you shit twiddling your thumbs for no reason.

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The most likely is that his accounts were hacked and the files were planted on a computer along with faked emails and documents. The computer was then passed around by the right wing kook-o-sphere. When the FBI told them they wouldn't touch it with a 10 foot pole because of all the chain of custody issues with the computer they disposed of the actual hardware and went with plan B which we're living through now: Just pretend like they were right all along.

If they cared about that, they would make a law that forces all newborns and their 'parents' to submit to a DNA test before issuing a certificate. This is just being done to make it harder for LGBTQ+ parents to have the same rights and responsibilities as straight parents. Not being named on your kid's birth certificate makes things so much harder when dealing with government programs and even enrolling in school or taking them to the doctor.

They caused him to try to kill himself. $1m is low in my opinion. I just wish it came out of the cops retirement fund.

He was found by the Colorado court to have engaged in insurrection, yes. No court since has overruled that finding. Not even the scotus in this decision disagreed with the finding. They just said, basically, "He did it but Colorado doesn't have the power to determine eligibility under the 14th; That's for congress."

The "trump was never convicted of insurrection" meme is dead.