Hunter Biden, the son of the president, is indicted on federal gun charges to – 293 points –
Hunter Biden indicted on federal gun charges

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Every one of my republican voting friends owns firearms and smokes weed. One of them has a hemp businesses that they're just waiting to switch over to cannabis as soon as it's legalized. Guess who's the most diehard Trump lover of the bunch...

It'd be fucked up, but one anonymous complaint...

So you're suggesting ruining someone's life because you're pissy about political theatrics? Be better.

I mean if that is how they feel. Might as well be consistent. /me shrugs

This is an extremely Republican train of thought, are you sure you're on the right side of the table here?

What does political affiliation have to do with anything here?

In a global utilitarianism point of view, the best course of action is not to pursue that.

I’m a kantian point of view, there are no exceptions to rules. If you find an exception, it’s a bad rule and needs to be rewritten.

I’m taking a kantian ethics point of view. Why does this appear to be Republican to you?

So you’re suggesting ruining someone’s life because you’re pissy about political theatrics they are a criminal?


Some crimes aren't crimes.

Some things should be though, like being a Trumpet.

No it's still a crime regardless but civil disobedience is certainly a thing.

The party of personal responsibility ... law and order ... fuck you, I got mine.

I'm not saying to do it. I'm simply pointing out that it's an option and not an amazing one at that.

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Every one of my republican voting friends owns firearms and smokes weed. One of them has a hemp businesses that they’re just waiting to switch over to cannabis as soon as it’s legalized. Guess who’s the most diehard Trump lover of the bunch…

Gro-bro culture.

Every weed grower voted against legalization when California would have been the first in the nation to legalize in 2012.

My pothead roommate was livid when that failed. Went on a big rant about it. At the end, I was like "ohh, when did you vote? I didn't see you leave all day", and he was like "well, I didn't vote... but this is fucking bullshit"

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I think technically alcohol too would fall under this without too much effort

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