
5 Post – 323 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Aren't there two guys who already "own" all possible combinations of notes they should get in on the fight too

Have you seen how dumb his shell companies are? Like how he says on air he's shipping his product to his dad's warehouse but that are totally not related companies

Like pay for the actors in the beetlejuice to reenact bobert and then act out her losing the campaign?

Ace ventura bent over: I cast tracking whirlwind

I really want ozzy to cover break stuff after he released "one of those days"

I dumbest thing is some people actually believe it

Someone needs to make a drawing of it because when he originally said it he opened his mouth wide and through his head back like was a literal puppet

Would be interesting if all politicians had to share one pool of cash for campaigning, though it would be nice if individual people could still choose one politician

Spend years automating small farm tasks that take minutes

Slow mode enabled

Slow mode set to 60 seconds

See this little blade comes down slicing the rolled up paper with a rune drawn on it causing it to activate, then that causes the projectile to be pushed down the tube and depending on the rune it can imbue some aspects of the spell to the lead but gold works best for that

I never thought this was about drugs I thought it was about hooks

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Sometimes I think it would be nice to do a controlled coma but I don't want to end up like peterson

I was thinking something along those lines would be cool too, pretty much anything you could volunteer for would be a great start.

At this point id rather see youtube die than watch ads

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I wonder if he'll be more like his old self after this like cartoon amnesia

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Ah russia can't even defend themselves from reindeer it would seem

I worked at an airport as a ramp agent and it was a minimum wage no experience job where if things fail on an 8/10 level you could cause a plane crash either by terrible luggage distribution or in effective deicing of the planes wings as an aside air canada has lower standard for deice training than most

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One of the people he owes money to is a cancer patient who has to crowd fund her treatments

That haas to be getting easier to filter out, why not use ai to make fake stories about awful people

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The higher ups are fighting for the kingdom but the pawns are fighting for hrt

If microsoft would just put out a modernized version of windows 95 it would probably be seen as "visionary" and be perfect for like what eighty percent of people and businesses, I just want a modern windows that unnoticeable and secure

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I feel we need to change that little children's rhyme to be a bit more accurate

"Sticks and stones may break my bones but words can lead to pogroms" or something like that

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what about having a tv across the room as a second monitor?

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A stupid little thing like this made me hide any possible relationships

This is great but is there something like this that let's you upload a spotify playlist and buy that list drm free? I'm willing to pay if it means actual ownership

*Oh wait I didn't see what sub this was

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"I'm italian"

If your suggesting these are ai I can say maybe some but most predate ai images

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Sounds like it's time to start selling pride flags

I call for an exponential property tax after two separate living spaces(apartments/houses/cabin)

After you own three places, as a company or person, your property tax jumps up to being 3 times as much for each property, 4 times as much for four and so on

Not being able to be contractually obligated to share profit or control over the property is key I think

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you don't even know what I'm capable of I'm completely sober

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Oh it's that one band "they might be germans"

When you're not even trans and have been disassociating so hard

Oh the lolwrus

Audiobooks with video games that don't have dialogue are what got me into books

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Get yourself some real screws get yourself roberston

I know you would need to be totally anonymous to get away with it but it's it really worth it if you can't do it dressed as a supervillain and leave a calling card?

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I think part of the problem is the conflicting news, my roommate was watching fox and this week they where boasting about how great trump is doing in the trial

This is just getting stupid now and I love it

It would be more of a fair trade if bad actors at least needed to make sure their code was way better than most