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Joined 10 months ago

Here's a direct excerpt from the article OP linked:

Shortly after the exchange during the show, “The Joe Rogan Experience” producer Jamie Vernon cut in to correct Rogan. Vernon played a clip that Rogan had cited, which was in fact a video of Biden mocking “stable genius” Trump for the comments about airports in the Revolutionary War. Then Vernon ran a video clip of Trump’s “Salute to America” remarks from July 4, 2019, in which the former president praised Americans’ military efforts in the war against Great Britain.

In the speech, Trump said in part, “Our army manned the air, it rammed the ramparts, it took over the airports, it did everything it had to do, and at Fort McHenry, under the rockets’ red glare, it had nothing but victory.” (Meanwhile, Fort McHenry was the site of a key American victory over the British navy in the War of 1812, not the Revolutionary War.)

To that, Rogan responded, “Oh, so [Trump] fucked up.” Nickal commented, “That’s the thing about media these days. You gotta look into it.”

I dont watch the podcast, but please: let's exhibit some media literacy while we criticize others for their supposed lack of media literacy.

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Somehow still running for re-election.

Never play Star Citizen, even if it somehow becomes playable. Got it.

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All of those are limited resources to which you have no right,” White said.

But then earlier:

The nonprofit says it believes allyship from men is important and noted it cannot ban men from attending due to federal nondiscrimination protections in the US.

So... We'd like to discriminate against men and would conversely see no problem if someone else hosted male only hiring events...?

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And why has he not been fired?

Archimedes once said something like: "Give me a big enough lever and a place to stand, and I shall move the Earth."

The "place to stand" part is just as critical as the lever part. You gotta have something to push off of in order to move other things. This is a closed system that pushes and pulls only against itself.

He's looking sharp as a tack, alright. Now shut up and color, kids. You're nowhere near as mentally up to it as these pros.

Okay now, if someone could please help the honorable gentleman from Kentucky with his diaper... thank you!

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We took hostages so now you should negotiate rather than genocide the entire Gaza strip.

Yeah, good luck with that.

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I'm 60 hours deep on Palworld less than two weeks in while maintaining a full-time job. I don't buy games to make statements, I buy them because they're fun to play. And this particular one really is a ton of fun to play. Yes, they're clearly ripping off pokémon and breath of the wild and elden ring, and I'm sure a few other games. But it's a lot of fun nonetheless.

Printed on all 6 sides of the box, no less. And they were using super soldiers to lift them.... or maybe the boxes were empty. Hard to tell.

'Were forced to work'


'Were permitted to work'

I'm not sure what went wrong with your brain to not be able to distinguish between these two. You're responding to someone who said the first version. You clapped back with serious attitude about the second version.

They're not the same though.

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Never was a fan of blaming the entire dumpster fire on the leader of the executive branch any more than I believe we should blame that leader for things like gas prices.

What exactly do we expect the leader of the executive branch to do when the leadership of the judicial branch invalidates a law written by the legislative branch many years ago when it was able to agree on such things.

How much power are we willing to cede to a single person (the president) as a result of our legislative branch being completely unable to function? The legislative branch creates laws, the judicial branch rules on if those laws are constitutional and the executive has a veto and controls the armed forces and foreign policy (among honestly, maybe too many other things). I feel like rewatching schoolhouse rock might be fun. Let's do that, huh?

All of the suspects were apparently over 18.

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Sounds to me like all your problems would go away with money. I wish I had a solution for you, sorry OP.

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Given a bit of lead time, I believe the slower ship may avoid capture if there are any sort of obstacles like an island or rocks.

However, if we're talking perfectly flat ocean with no time limit, no obstacles and pefect decision making: I'm guessing the faster ship eventually catches up, as turning from far away doesn't slow your persuer much.

The implication made was that these were children being arrested for hate speech. I clarified that they're adult children at the very least. You seethed.

Just gonna completely ignore his post, then?


Seems like God might be upset with them.

Or wait, do we only say that when bad things happen to nonbelievers?

Ah, you think they still have morals and haven't sacrificed them all on the altar of bad faith? I'm jealous of your worldview.

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I dont understand the outrage. It's slightly different, oh no. Back in my day, we used a shitty bright white Windows 95 style UI voice chat program called Ventrilo, and WE LIKED IT.

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It is really weird how no one can imagine generations getting old. It's like they think millenial is slang for teens, and Gen z is slang for younger kids.

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Manufactured consent, the two party system, and entertainment "news" ensure that will never happen.

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Maybe instead of censoring the internet more we can get the people in these situations some help?

No? We're gonna ignore it and force you to ignore it as well?

Okay then...

The legislative branch has been busted for so long that they literally ceded power to go to war to the executive for the good of the nation. Y'all can feel free to undo that at any time once you're not completely broken.

I'd never heard of S mode until my aging mother needed to get on a Zoom call with her doctor, and I couldn't install the app on her laptop because of it.

I set her up to use the web browser mode instead. Leaving it on was for the best at that point. I kinda figured S mode meant senior mode like for old people or something, idk. It certainly prevented her from installing anything bad by accident: and it was just a youtube and email thing for her anyway.

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Truth is dying, as well. You get to choose what to believe during and long after the fog of war. One wonders why the US supports Israel so much throughout this level of shit if it's actually this bad.

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Don't you guys have like a fuck load of slaves?

Civil tongue? Sorry what?

Republicans operating in bad faith? I'm shocked.

We're gonna tank the company for money, everyone in this room sell all your stock over the next x months.

X months pass and the last sale of stock happens legally

Time for that announcement, send it.

Ah, the cowards way out. Why engage with a question that obliterates your argument when you can feign moral superiority and refuse to think about it?

Yeah, it's more than just a social club electing a leader, though. It's quite literally our nation sorting out our presidential elections. I think some legal boundaries outside the norm are in order for these two particular "clubs."

You go ahead and make Trump the leader of your rotary club, though.

5.4 billion in revenue last quarter. Oh they're struggling so hard.

My issue with Morrowind is the level up system where you gotta metagame it to get +5s for 3 stats per level if you want to be most efficient. And you gotta max endurance ASAP to gain the maximum potential health by end game. I simply can not handle it. It sucks the fun right out of the game for me.

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Shocked that discord employed 1k people tbh.

It's only misinformation if it's consumed as a soundbite devoid of context. And since you're commenting on my comment highlighting the context, I am legitimately confused as to your issue. If near real-time fact-checking on the very same podcast episode isn't enough for you: then you may just have an issue with conversational podcasts in general. Stick to printed news.

That's about it. I am getting a good amount of pushback from people who very much like the idea that being able to dream again and not being high are withdrawl.

And sure, they're all technically correct in the most pedantic way.

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I'd my work removed slack I am legitimately unsure how I'd communicate with my team at all. During meetings only, in tickets and in github reviews. Nice and clinical. Nah, I'll keep slack ty

I have one of those bigass orange Reces mugs. If I put my coffee in there, it's just one cup a day.

There was a fun video that got a lot of public views from WebMD in the last ~week. Wherein some of the execs appeared to be mandating RTO from a green screen of an office.

Just the biggest example that comes immediately to mind.

The tech companies I have worked for have all been the most welcoming and egalitarian environments one could possibly ask for. Down to the level of having slack bots correcting anyone for saying 'hey guys'.