Urethra Franklin

@Urethra Franklin@startrek.website
48 Post – 76 Comments
Joined 8 months ago

Depends on the profession, I suppose.

Do dildo testers have a union?

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Your cardiologist would like a word about having a 2,000 year old corpse in your heart.

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Dude. You can't shame me into feeling bad. That's my mother's job, and she's FANTASTIC at it.

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The larger issue is people think there are really girls on the internet.

Only the plan to turn the United States government into a broad amalgamation of totalitarianism and fascism.


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Her: So do you look better in person or in pictures?

Me: Listen, I'm funny

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Dude, I'm from Wyoming. We have the second highest per capita gun ownership in the nation. I'm just unwilling to blind myself to very real, very tangible, very quantifiable situations in the United States.

Also, last I checked, this is shitposting. But Red Hatters gon' Red Hat.

I'd totally be Whigging out.

Blessed are the cheesemakers?

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I prefer the Thicc Mint Cookies.

The only thing Flat Earthers have to fear is sphere itself.

"Jesus is coming!"

I damn well hope so. He's been edging for 2,000 years.

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I don't know why you guys make jokes about this. Captchas LITERALLY keep SKYNET from forming.

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But Sinclair stations DO sell diesel.

I swear, the country would be healed if Hunter Biden would sleep with Boebert.

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Caffeine defense?

Username checks out.

EDIT: That being said, I agree with you for the most part, though I would charge that am exceedingly high caffeine level such as this should be clearly labeled.

The scary part for me is that, while this gentleman lived independently, I wonder if he would have been able to make the responsible choice to limit his intake or choose another drink if he was aware of the stimulant effects. Developmental disabilities can vastly alter critical thinking of things like that.

Bummer of a situation all around.

Would you like to play a game?

I was an Angelfire guy, myself.

It's why I like bacteria. Being from Wyoming, it's the only culture some of my hick kin have.

Maybe. As for me, I'm just a sometimes-immature 40 year old participating in a shitposting group.

Don't worry, I've been following his simple minded, tone deaf train of thought for several posts.

He's too busy posting to respond (rather than replying to discuss) to remember to cup the balls.

Did he say "Blessed are the cheesemakers?"

It's really not a risk for me until I try and get past online chat. Online chatting, I can proofread my...ahem flirtations. In person? It's a crapshoot.

That being said, I prefer to disappoint potential romantic interests in person. I'm old fashioned like that.


Turducken would like a word.

Also, if I recall, came to humans from cattle or sheep.

I love ewe.

What about a EWE?

If you French fry when you're supposed to pizza, YER GONNA HAVE A BAD TIME!

A penne for your thoughts on the matter?

So the drop bears actually float up?

Username checks out.

They have cars in the Middle East?

Oh. Wait. Just the Israelis.

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Nor cunning use of flags.

I agree conceptually. Experientially, I would say losing housing (legally occupied or not) is far more dramatic and life changing than being inconvenienced over the loss of a torrent tracker.

Source: In my drinking, I've found myself homeless (due to choices I made, no doubt). Wildly, losing access to torrents (which I've also done) is somewhat less consequential than being on the streets.

"Put them in the camel clutch, break his back, fuck his ass, and make him humble!"

Biblical or modern?

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Dark Helmet : Did you see anything?

Colonel Sandurz : No, sir! I didn't see you playing with your dolls again.

If one of your sins is gluttony, wouldn't you eat the walls?

EDIT: Might work for someone legitimately suffering Celiac Disease.

This whole conversation seems awfully Pez-imistic.

Stands to reasons, since most depictions of this Jesus character show him as VERY white and VERY European.

I love the idea of him telling a parable with a comical German accent.

"Da! Hullo! Wilkommen to mein sermon on mein mount!"