If only there was a GOOD fish with a gun to save them!

Urethra Franklin@startrek.website to Lemmy Shitpost@lemmy.world – 1178 points –

Ooooh, America bad, they're shooting their obese healthcare again.

Jokes on you, he's not shooting the fish, he's shooting the woke rainbow. Get it straight.

I've seen "joke's on you" written dozens of times, but absolutely everybody misses the apostrophe WTF

Jokes on you, a plural amount of them, must be what they mean. Where are the rest of the jokes motherfuckers!?

Jokes on you, there ain't no apostrophe

That was a[n unspecified] quantity of jokes.

Like 5, 6… maybe 7!… jokes on you.

I've seen "joke's on you" written dozens of times, but absolutely everybody misses the apostrophe WTF

American education system.

And if some of the fish happen to get killed in the process, that's just a bonus.

This is just shameful. You are a bad person and you should feel bad. Also, I shared this with like 10 people already.

Dude. You can't shame me into feeling bad. That's my mother's job, and she's FANTASTIC at it.

She's fantastic at another job as well. 😉

Quantity surveying?

No, a blowjob. Yeah, she really knows how to work that leafblower to get the sidewalks clean.

This joke is so old it statistically won't die in a school shooting

To be fair, if some fish had guns and used them in self defense it would absolutely stop me from ever fishing again.

There's a kind of fish called an archerfish that shoots jets of water from it's mouth at insects to knock them down. Those ones probably have the mental capacity for calculating trajectories to at least aim one I imagine, if you gave them a weapon modified with some kind of mechanism for one to fire it

Archerfish have NOTHING on mantis shrimp, though:

Source: The Oatmeal

Eh, the police fish would just keep all the good armed fish out of the area.

All the popular fishing areas with dense populations would get marked as "gun free zones" to make it easier for the fishermen.

I know this is a shit post but in case anyone doesn't know: never shoot bullets at water.

Not a 'murican so have no experience with firearms - what's the danger here? Ricochets off the water?

You just need to rebuild the stream so it's more like a prison, job done.

Steven Spielberg made a movie about the good fish in the '70s. It didn't go well for the fish.