0 Post – 137 Comments
Joined 10 months ago

How, that's scary, thanks!

Yes and no.

Generating images instead of not generating images? Increases global warming

Generating vacation images instead of flying to vacation? Net benefit

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How does it render for you? Because in my app, both look the same. Only with a space after #, it is huge and bold:


Jim is back? Why didn't anybody tell me? Is he doing fine?

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Best before 2097? What's the problem there?

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Just admit that you are paid by Big Open Source and move on to your next sponsor Air Up

They took the early worms

We need to liberate them

Join the rebellion

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If you press the gas pedal long enough, you see a rewind of your life

the c word


I have an account on lemmygrad and when I created it, I was asked about my politics. They formally accepted every left ideology but when you say anything remotely anti-authoritarian, you get downvoted into oblivion

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Can't be. Birds aren't real

Die Waschmaschine die

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My guess is it's programmed to reject 4/20 anywhere it finds it and the programmer didn't take into account that some values can just happen to be 4/20.

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Buy my healing stone for 10.000$

The joke is that pride is one of the seven deadly sins, not really pride in the sense of LGBTQI+. It's more a pun, maybe a tone deaf one, but this is a shitpost community

Wait until you find out that a nickname used to be an ickname

It will be a leap year

There is a German novel where something like this happens over night for no reason. It's called "Miami Punk" and worth a read but I'm afraid there are no translations. It's written by an anthropologist and he investigates the question how people would react, including people out of work, conspiracy theories, scientists, ...

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No, I'm not a Marxist. I agree with him in some points and agree with some libertarian Marxists but at the end, they say alot of stuff Bakunin, Kropotkin, Goldman, ... said long before

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I'm not surprised. If anything, I was surprised to be accepted into it at the first place. Sometimes I'm surprised by the low level of education some people have. You mentioned Catalonia. Some people don't seem to know nor want to know anything about the Spanish civil war or the anything. I sometimes try to argue with people from different ideologies because I think it's an opportunity for all to grow and sharpen their position but I'm not surprised to be downvoted. In no comment of this thread did I express surprise

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I smell teenspirit

"Freedom is always the freedom of the cisman"

And Elon is the Musk of our times imo

You don't know about them because they are silenced

Jokes on you, there ain't no apostrophe

Sad that people seek parental advice in a video game community because they have no where else to ask this

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I'm not saying you're right but I get it

Is it pronounced gimp or jimp?

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AI blackboxes designed to control your mind.

They aren't designed to control your mind but to make money. The mind thing is a side effect.

As a 'no response'r, I'm not going to answer you

That's what they want you to believe. I did my own research and it turns out you are wrong. Checkmate atheist /s

In my opinion, it's not growth in users that's the problem but in capital. The more the platform wants to earn, the shittier it gets. And since lemmy isn't going to earn anything, it ain't get shitty

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But not my blood and that's the real difference

You were ahead of your time

I have a real compass I use as little as the compass app


So it is now?

The group that includes all monkeys and excludes apes is paraphyletic which is avoided in modern taxonomy. Either use it in a way that includes all simians or don't use it at all. Either way, it's a higher order than "family"

Is that Ant-Arctica?