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Joined 11 months ago

I usually dislike picking hairs of evil when the alternative solution was getting annexed back into a cultural meat grinder

Another raving LEFTIST whose trying to DESTROY our glorious country with LIES and FALSEHOODS!!!

huge fucking /s


All i want for christmas is Putin's bloody head on a stick outside Kyev

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Show-off 🙄

we need to harvest already, theyre shitting and squealing everywhere.

Oh, how my world crumbles around me!

ive managed to convince my horny to go fuck itself and it succeeded

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just double tap the vagus nerve and left temple at the same time

one day you will sob and regret your life decisions, or be consumed utterly by your hate if it hasnt happened already

you are a filthy pig that thinks it knows cleanliness

so go ahead. Reply. keep pretending you got it right

Just wants to watch the world cum

Every day i wake up and take a shower watching a youtube video about how China is falling apart at the seams internally and it really lightens up my mood!

dunno, an arm to rest the head on?

If he checked before he committed, it would devalue the bit if anyone noticed! Its infinitely funnier to turn around like you were caught with a hand in the cookie jar lol

GOP love this outcome since it gives them more tragedy fodder to push even more extreme measures that fail to address the problem and only serves the wealthy or privileged.

Blatant, flippant traitors.

"Do no evil"

dog bless you

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In private, whoever said it would be killed summarily.

bow wow

Id be treating it like a sport event were it not for the unimaginable magnitude of human suffering


Finally, another Shitnobi

Its fucked, no way around it. Property bubble has already exploded with a whimper, thanks to CCP censorship. Chinese households are now extremely wary of trusting their money to others and aren't gonna be buying homes until the next (unsustainably small) generation.

I fully believe he is a Kremlin plant made specifically to encourage citizens with dissident opinions to step into the open.

Guys, just look at the economy! Infinite, uninhibited growth is a GOOD THING!!!!

I want it to startle me awake like a dozing dog

Also trying to continue brainwashing their viewers and portraying themselves as the strong man.

my hungry ass could never be a mother

Unthinkable!! How will Jeffey-Bear survive without his nightly molten gold enema?


No brewskis

Fuck off promptly

Muh cumstitutional rights!

rotat e

have you heard the news?

Nah its a p good take methinks

Even if thats true, I really doubt they have the capacity to weild it properly. Especially with the whole fucked economy thing.

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Russia only has time for warmongering, propaganda, and more warmongering. This probably falls under propaganda, just in a "youre not endorsing glorious Motherland? SUSPICIOUZ..." sorta way

Is this some kind of dungeon meshi?

keeps whiffing the technique and cursing