25 Post – 593 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I'm just this guy, you know?

It's 18 minutes to Monday in London, as I write this

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Oh! I thought "daylight savings" was another US-only thing like our Freedom units and our slobbering worship of guns.

A sandwich of a couple of frozen Entenman's (Local brand?) Mini chocolate chip cookies with a spoonful of Ben & Jerry's Phish Food filling.

edit: my spouse wants me to add, "and a joint."

That's almost exactly what I was looking for! I even tried searching stainless mesh on Amazon and it kept steering me to screen door meshes & chicken wire.

The new AI algorithms suuuuck.

It's thin gruel this week, but I'll take it.

/Bannon!? No overthrowing the country! Not during an election year. Enough of your shit, young man, you're in tine-out. Go sit in a corner for a few minutes and think about how you can be more subtle next time.

Can't delay a trial you intend never to hear tho, right?

/case dismissed!

It'll be remembered a dark age when the lights go out and all the disks rot. And, if I know archaeologists, they'll call our data centers ritual centers or temples.

Otherwise there will be disbelief at the inexplicably sophisticated engineering, and how we could have achieved it all with no written records. Probably it was all just ancient aliens.

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Live by the Mango, die by the Mango.

No love for CNN here, but that was the right move this time. One hopes it's the fresh start they needed.

(Also? One despairs that, at long last, this is that fresh start that won't be.)


The tears will be delicious, and I shall slurp them.


What brand of shirt do you wear? Also, which wrist do you prefer to wear a watch-- left, right or middle?

You get what you pay for, though. I've had nothing but good experiences as an Amex card holder. You need to live a lifestyle that gives you opportunities to use the system, but you can offset the cost of even the Platinum charge card if you sign up for, and then use, all the perks.

For how I use it, I'd say it pays for itself.

edit to add: their customer service is always stellar, and their disputes department are really effective.

How's he gonna shoot anyone on 5th Ave now? Won't someone please think of the machismo??

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I've seen more instances of "you're right, I'm being a dumbass" than I was prepared to.

The Old Place put a patina of grime on my soul. People are alright here.

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Unless they need you more than you need them, announcing your intent to leave "unless..." puts you in a more difficult negotiating position because you have signaled you have other options that, perhaps more challenging for you, are an easier solution than them having to fix it for you. HR isn't your friend.

Practically and more directly, if you can be easily replaced then your workplace issues are yours. If you are difficult or expensive to replace, your workplace issues are theirs.

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This us an update that reads like a whitewash. He was both looking forward to his day in court, but had PTSD and declining mental health such that he kills himself on the cusp of his day in court.

Pardon my skepticism, but I smell paint

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Nope. We all saw it.

Streisand it harder though. 🍿

For those who also weren't sure: Florida state Senator Tom Wright (R-14)

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Were they covered in pee? Asking for a friend.

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Witness tampering. Spicy.

It's a psychological trick used both by hostage negotiators and con men alike to build trust and inclusitivity, and to maintain engagement of the other person in what otherwise might be a confrontational exchange where the other party would be motivated to disengage. It exploits people's tendency to try to meet kindness with kindness.

People generally respond positively to hearing their name, and will sort of pay attention for the next few seconds to hear why they are being addressed. In a "selling it" context, using their name frequently keeps the other person engaged by making them feel involved in a conversation that might be entirely one-sided, or where their contributions are being minimized, dismissed, or rebuked. It also builds comradery through familiarity. If you are taking time to use their name and to include them, then you become a bit less threatening and perhaps even more familiar to them. Over time, it can wear down predispositions and make people reconsider that r commitment to their own goals.

Yes, it's just as insidious as it sounds, and is a technique used by gaslighters, con men, and other abusers as much as it is by sales people, crisis negotiators and politicians. Pretty much anyone who needs to soften your opinion of their position would use it to try to draw you in and keep working on you might use it.

The only real defense is to spot it being used on you, and to assertively disengage.

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I should open a Mastodon account

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This is NOT worth a click on the article, but I'm gonna upvote any post on this all the same.

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Clipboards (the buffer where copypasta is stored) are a weak link in security because ANY app can expect access to it. If there is malware on your system it generally has access to the clipboard buffer, and therefore any credentials you might paste.

"OK, but usually you only paste the password and type the username?"

Quite true. Keyloggers are also a thing and easy to install on desktop OS, maybe harder on mobile.OS.since (at least on android) you need to grant permissions for keyboard apps. Either way if a keylogger is installed then you're fucked.

It boils down to a bad risk assessment. Those services decided memorized credentials must be manually typed to prevent clipboard snooping at the (likely) cost of reduced password entropy and/or weak MFA (e.g., SMS or email based TOTP). In other words: stupid CISOs.

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But why not does that larger woman simply eat the Governor?

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Prediction: this will be the basis of their appeal.

If I'm wrong, I shall record the fry-up and consumption of a delicious bratwurst.

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The best way to say thank you is to pay it forward. Always be mindful of the time when you were the new kid, and freely share your knowledg & experience with the next new kid behind you in the spirit of community.

Geek on!

I just wanna know what brand of phone case was on that phone.

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I've been moving my stuff over to Porkbun from Gandi after Gandi updated their ToS and changed their pricing structure.

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There are circumstances where conspiracy the likeliest explanation.

This is one of those.


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This is just shameful. You are a bad person and you should feel bad. Also, I shared this with like 10 people already.

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I give him 0.7 Mooches, 0.8 tops.

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A politician in Russia’s Tver region....

Well, that and keeping the USSR Russia and China out

No! Ya think?

... Really??

That thing has been at or past 5 minute to midnight my entire life. Can't live your whole life in fear.

Yeah even you, Boomers.

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It is absolutely too soon for remarks like this, but I can't help but be amused by ISIS having their "nOTicE mE SEmPai!" moment.

My heart goes out to the victims and their families, and my spite to the rest of the lot.

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Mostly serious answer: the current implementation is not going to scale effectively with growth. The software implementation is still rough around the edges, and the ActivityPub protocol probably needs more knobs to handle bulk data synchronization. Within the service, moderaton is a serious challenge with many unanswered questions.

Likewise, the back end software implementation is monolithic, meaning it's one software stack that does everything from sign in to subscriptions to synchronization and scheduling. Housekeeping and garbage collection probably isn't that tight, either. This is mostly speculation as I've watched things over the last couple of weeks' growth.

I believe the data store is based on Postgres RDBMS, which while being robust and scalable is fussy and needs tuning when turning over large amounts of highly unique data.

None of this is an indictment on the devs! Rather the opposite, because the software IS chugging along while experiencing tremendous growth.

I expect over time the back end will devolve into micro services that communicate over a highly scalable, or stream-based messaging bus. Larger instances could probably also benefit from static caching and CDN techniques to keep pages loading quickly even while the back end thrashes.

The structure.if the ecosystem needs to strike a balance between fewer large instances and many-many small instances. In the first scenario, the scaling limit is in the monolithic stack, which introduces I/O bottlenecks and serialization delays (even if massively threaded). In the latter scenario, message state and synchronous distribution become challenging because a full mesh of federations could scale faster than network state tables have room to support. Some middle tier might be needed, and I have no idea what that might even look like.

So to answer your question, can it scale indefinitely? Probably not because we hit scaling limits pretty quickly on a number of dimensions. Nevertheless, smart people.are starting to hang out here, and I expect will take an interest in how it all works. Improvement is inevitable, and I think the early roadblocks will be overcome easily enough

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Lol, this was the guy mod-splaining GenX to a bunch of GenXers the other day.

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