1 Post – 90 Comments
Joined 7 months ago

$10 billion funded school lunches for a year during COVID and we should have kept it going. School kitchens are back to having to try to collect "lunch debt" again. So how is less than a fifth of that going to end hunger? This is just election posturing and empty promises. Look for more of these coming soon from the right.

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So no different than most days

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Eh, the police fish would just keep all the good armed fish out of the area.

We need to start putting the death penalty on the table for criminally negligent officers.

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I'm 50 and definitely working at least to 70. I can't afford life now, I can't afford to retire!

I've never used lube.

I mean, he's in the same three spots.

You've become the intolerant. I can't tolerate that. Repeat.

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That's not really a good sign for the economy. It means the marketplace is a valid option today. It was a pretty awful option in the past. But it means our broken system of relying on companies to provide health insurance is still broken. Companies aren't taking care of people. Medicare for all! (why couldn't Obama Dems have just done that instead?)

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We're already the state of 20% spirits so why wouldn't they Ohio this up too?

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This would make sense if Democrats actually raised taxes significantly on the wealthy.

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I work in a religious nonprofit that hosts a bunch of community service orgs including two churches, a teen volunteerism org, a food ministry that distributed 10 mil pounds of food thru the pandemic, a music nonprofit, an acting/drama nonprofit and more. We've been getting our ass ridden so hard by local zoning and fire stuff. About to drop $20k plus on a compliant oven hood for a simple oven like you have in you kitchen. I took a cut in pay last year because of this bullshit.

That's completely bullshit. The ACA was passed with zero R votes. They didn't do better because they didn't have the votes from fucking Democrats.

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There's actually no mandate for non-Jewish people people to be circumcised in Christianity. It's specifically made clear that it isn't a requirement for "gentiles" in the new testament. But I have a great circumcised cock and I have no complaints. I'm still curious what it would be like naturally though.

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It doesn't matter whether or not he helped plan it. He was complicit in weaponizing it against the American people. Obama renewed the legislation and strengthened it. It's all unconstitutional.

5 million plus die every month, and more than twice that are born every month. The world population grew by over 70 million last year. 10k is 0.2% of deaths. I still don't want to die from COVID though.

Ohio just passed a pretty good legalization bill by popular vote. So Ohio's okay but their R majority reps are about to learn a lesson.

That's pretty rookie. Always destroy all evidence. It's like crime 101

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I'm in my 50s with no savings. It isn't lifestyle or marketing driven though. I just have had very few years where we had any extra. Also three teenagers and the price of food is killing me, cost of cars too. It's just surviving that's gutting me.

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I'm already starting to migrate my small office. Two PCs done, a handful of others to go. I have probably three that I'll run Windows 11 for software compatibility, and another three Mac's for different software.

Who remembers "Windows 10 will be our last operating system'?" I remember. Fuck Microsoft. Fuck Macs too though.

How about debates that are actually debates, moderated by an independent and not partisan entertainers? I'm no fan of Trump but those are all strongly Democrat supporters. If you're trying to sway independent votes, biased moderation sours the desired audience.

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Probably not :(

Well it's not law yet. They're pretty good at pushing for tweaks to laws in their favor.

It's the most convenient restaurant around the corner from my home but I stopped going there.

I'm barely feeding my family and paying bills at this point. Paying for privacy, email or storage isn't an option. I guess I need to up my hobby IT game.

Peace? Have you looked around?

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Not even once. Not even from this post.

As a Christian I agree.

Yeah there is a dearth of good generally electable Dems. It's like both parties are doubling down on their most unpopular stances.

Christianity embraces the God of the Torah but rejects the Muslim faith. There are exceptions but mainstream no.

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I'm just wondering how you got into my shower

I make less than I did 20 years ago plus now I have three kids. I can barely afford to eat.

Living expenses > income. It's not complicated math. You can't save when you don't have enough to live and already putting off things like car repairs, health care, hair cuts, buying clothes...

Even then there was talk that they didn't have the D votes to pass it. Nowhere near. I guess the world is changing though, healthcare is such a shit show currently that a bunch of my Republican friends and family support Medicare for all now.

I rolled all ones on my character creation and just went with it.

I used to take not getting worse for granted. It's getting worse though.

Well, if trains existed.

Your mom taught me way more than he did though.

I've seen Direct D shine this back at cops when they point their flashlights at his cameras. They aren't supposed to do it, it's called prior restraint. This flashlight is the perfect response.

You know it would be paid by our taxes not our of their pockets. And cops would raise the rates for everyone. They shoot far more people than regular law abiding gun owners per capita. Most murders are committed by unlawful owners who wouldn't carry insurance anyway, so the insurance wouldn't pay out most of the time. If this passes I bet it gets stricken down.