Fake news, fake penis...

Urethra Franklin@startrek.website to Lemmy Shitpost@lemmy.world – 833 points –

I do 3D scanning for one of the more popular high end sites. The guys coat their junk in smooth on & pour silicon in the resulting plaster mold, then send that to me to scan, embedded pubes & all. Not my favorite job but it’s an honest living. Just wish they’d send me some silicon vaginas every once in a while.

Edit: Oh, and Yvette knew exactly wtf she was doing

Edit: Oh, and Yvette knew exactly wtf she was doing

Yeah, who keeps a dildo on their bookshelf on full display, unless they want it to be seen?

Me, though it's more indifference than active desire

Brought my wife's bad dragon collection out so she could show a friend the different firm esses and my ADHD ass put one on the shelf

It's been there for months, keeps getting put back there

I could go move it right now if I wanted but now that's it's place now

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What’s wrong with that.

Nothing’s wrong with dildos, but it has to be pretty embarrassing to show the world that you read books

That's why I only fill my bookshelf with bad dragon toys

Just imagine the wobble that goes through this array of assorted dragon dicks when someone bumps that shelf.

I want nothing more than to sporadically think of this throughout the day today

Edit: Imagine my equal delight and disappointment to realize we weren’t talking about actual tiny dragon toys

Oh. Oh, you poor innocent soul. Sometimes I wish for the days of fancy and wonder to come back to me. You keep thinking the best thoughts!

Look at Richie Rich over here being able to afford even a single Bad Dragon

Black Friday was my gateway, a werewolf boy for cheap. Then, discontinued toys back for a 'until they're gone' surprise sale, and you know I was getting myself a Liger or two. Then when I needed a bag a few years ago, oh look they have that too, oh and condoms and stickers... They have holiday cock lights, too now!

Once you are a connoisseur, you never leave.

I wouldn't exactly put dildos and professionalism in the same category

Depends on the profession, I suppose.

Do dildo testers have a union?

what about dildo producers?
Dildo designers?
Dildo community managers?

I need a FOSS dildo manager

You've led me on quite the rabbit hole of sex toy technology, kind stranger. Here are some of my finds:

And my favorite:

As a bonus, i also learned the term Teledildonics, which is cool.

Think about the cybersecurity implications - how many people get cheap shitty sex toys (jelly toys aren’t sanitizable btw 🤢). There’s already a lot of issues with smart lights, fridges, having default root passwords or already shipped compromised… now you can have a botnet inside your butt.

You can't just talk about teledildonics without mentioning the great buttplug.io. Its creator even has notifications set up for when someone mentions teledildonics on Reddit (maybe not anymore, haha). Many games have support for it through a mod and IIRC one officially released a 'sex update' to support buttplug.io. Not a sex game, by the way.

Be the change you want to see in the world, I believe in you

No, they are in the business of getting fucked so a union would be a bad fit for them.

What? She likes sex? Such a freak! What a scandal! /i

Having sex toys in a professional setting is... Unprofessional.

I mean it looks like an office in their home, which is where such an error is completely understandable and forgiveable

Also, in the right context and to the right person a slightly-comically proportioned phalace can be a very funny and heartfelt gift especially when paired with a good punchline. I have a relative who works for the government, and received a penis-shaped bottle opener as a gift from a colleague in another agency after working a long-term project together with the attached commentary that his team wasn't the easiest to work with. Knowing the recipient plus how he loves to pull it out and tell the story every chance he gets, it's probably the best gift that he could've gotten.

Labeling that as unprofessional is kind of arbitrary, which was basically my point.

Although sex is something as natural, normal and common as eating, sleeping, shitting, having hair and whatever, some religious people a long time ago felt like this was something that needed to be tabooed, which I find stupid, because it has led and still leads to a lot of problems.

I'm glad that this started to change, but still, having some harmless sex toys on display shouldn't catch so much attention imo.

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Yeah, I'm sure the calls of 'neckbeard' and 'incel' would be non-existent if it were a male subject with his fleshlight on full display.

Oh they'd be 20 times louder with the hate if it was a dude and a fleshlight.

Which would be equally stupid.

Stopping to taboo sex would be advantageous for everyone.

Her liking sex/masturbation isn't bad. It's just kinda awkward to accidentally let millions of people see your sex toys.

It's only taboo because of conservative evangelism, really. Like the difference in how the US vs Europe perceives sex vs. violence.

Nah, I'll go with "this one is awkward for everyone". If it were a casual podcast, sure, who gives a shit, but on a serious interview? Weird.

I just chuckled. That people are focusing in on the background for what is a "serious interview," that in itself is weird. I'd be focused on the interview, regardless.

We should continue to normalise that topic such that no one needs to feel like this is awkward.

On a shelf though? Doesn't dust adhere to rubbery or siliconey stuff? I would have though in a drawer would be more hygienic.

It only collects dust if it sits around for a while. If it's on the bookshelf, it's probably not going unused for terribly long. Good for her!

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Either 100% deliberate or a prank by a mate. Either way. Win.

Last time this made the rounds, it was said she didn't know the dildo was there, a friend put it there as a prank. It was also said she deleted all her social media and whatnot afterwards too. I don't have source and admit I can be totally off

Good prank and also saved her friend from the horror of social media..sounds like a win win

Genuine question because I have no idea who that is, did she do this on purpose so that people would be fished into watching the video and therefore listening to what she is saying there?

Definitely. What kind of animal stores a dildo on their bookshelf. You’re supposed to keep it safely tucked inside yourself.

But what if you have more dildos than you have orifices? If it's a suction dildo, yes, it belongs stuck to a window, preferably a ground floor front one, but if it's not suction or you run out of window space and already have a centerpiece for your kitchen table, then a bookshelf is the next most natural place.

She went on the BBC (no pun intended) to talk about her problems finding employment.

So it's possible but my spidey sense is she's doing it for a laugh.

However normal reminder, don't put anything in backgrounds that you don't want screen capped and sent first to your colleagues and subsequently to the world. Aka passwords, pin numbers, phone numbers, notes, org charts, technical artefacts or business sensitive information (including whiteboards)

Thousands of sensitive alpha males suddenly feel inadequate.

The fall of men. The mightiest final enemy... Rubber

I've heard people say "the BBC".

I've heard people say "BBC News".

Ive never heard anyone say "the BBC News".


and that cock isn't even black.

What's the point of having a Horga'hn if you don't display it.

In the search for a mate, it's important to set certain expectations early on.

I swear I've seen this before, like pre-YouTube or circa 2001. i even remember the woman only lasting a few minutes on the forum that was scrutinizing it because she didn't seem to be aware of trolls. if this is a recent interview then maybe it was done as some sort of homage. only way i would have come across it back then was if someone threw up a link in general chat on pirat4x4.

The only negative thing I see there is Brian's rather backwards moralist judgement.

I find the projection in these comments fascinating. It's someone joking about an embarrassing gaffe, not a moral judgement or anything close to slut shaming.

It may not be a moral judgement, but it certainly equates shitty time and having dildo in your interview background. Almost as if it was shaming, or I don't really know what else to attribute that to

There's a big difference between recognizing something will lead to a bad time and thinking it should lead to bad time. Like I really hope they don't have a public way to contact them.

Thanks for the explanation, now I see what I have missed. I guess, if the tweet author had all the internet warriors in mind when writing the comment, it was a correct assessment.

In that case I don't see a reason to pull that story out on twitter which could easily rekindle the negative attention to the person in the photo

What a shit site and shit article.

There are multiple videos playing at the same time, all having the "wowowow, can you believe it? Here, loads of yellow arrows and circles for that dildo because WOWOWOWOOW!

yeah, the thing that happened is slightly funny, but can we not be 12, please?

Based on coloring it would be a BWC instead of a BBC

“Good evening, and welcome to the 7:00 news. This is Big White Cock, my name is Herschel Phazcox. Here are tonight’s top stories…”

I’d take that over the work week I’ve had

Think of the children!

Sir, that would be highly inappropriate.