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Joined 5 months ago

And anti-vax idiocy flourishes because communities didn't make life hell for them.

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Behold the corporate state.

"Housing addiction: the next drug war." - Republicans/Capitalists

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Given their birth rate they'd be lucky to have even Sato's around by the 26th century.

Let them go and the white nationalists forever lose electoral power in what remains of America. As a black man... I support this reduction in threats to my life and my family's life.

Good. Hope all these office mandating companies go out of business. No more of people being forced into these mandatory COVID infection labs just to make a living.

Finally, a resistance is starting to wake up in this country. I've been left with this belief that the lawless vigilante fascists can do whatever they want and the populace is just too scared to try to stop them.

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Reddit has a near-monopoly on forum communities. It is ranked 16 on similarweb and no other competitor comes even close in terms of community size. It's like Facebook in its dominance.

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The right isn't a frog in a boiling pot. It's reaching its final form as dictated by the Southern Strategy.

That's a lot of words to say "Cartel". get it?

I'm here all day, folks! đź‘Ť

Here’s a hint: the automakers are doing great. By essentially coordinating an industry-wide production cut, the pandemic gave manufacturers power to demand mind-boggling prices for fewer cars, leading to record profits. As consumers adjusted their expectations, executives saw an opportunity to establish a lucrative new normal. Low inventory is an “opportunity to drive strong margins”, GM’s CEO, Mary Barra, told shareholders in 2022. Ford’s CEO, Jim Farley, went even further, declaring: “I want to make it extremely clear to everyone: we are going to run our business with a lower day supply than we have had in the recent past because that’s good for our company.”

Also see: collusion... market manipulation... fauxflation.

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Looking forward to seeing Reddit take a hit. They love to ban people for the silliest of reasons.

Lowest birth rate in the whole world, too. 0.84 births per woman.

"Because Palestinian kids are future terrorists." - Adolf Mitler

The people falling for that are the ones trying to detox off of oxygen addiction.

And the Zionists will look at you and say "...and that's what we wanted all along!"

As long as a single Palestinian is left alive they will not stop killing.

"Just stop being poor, dammit!"

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That's going to break down when Starbucks in San Francisco/etc. can't find workers because the cost to drive 20 miles to work is greater than what they're being paid. That day when low-paying big city jobs disappear because no one can afford to get there and work there is coming very fast.

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Let me break this down for the simple minded:

  1. Biden proposes $50k in student debt forgiveness.

  2. Republicans fight him to make it $0.

  3. Supreme Court sides with Republicans.

  4. They force Biden to make it $10k just so it will pass.

  5. "Biden pulled a Lucy on his voters!"

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Yup, we are. I know I am.

urrrgh, this grits my teeth. Without food stamps people STARVE. This "it subsidizes grocery stores" is exactly one of the narratives used to take this subsidy away from poor people.

"But people will adapt" bullshit look at every country that doesn't have welfare... they're all third world/below third world countries. All of them.

There's no way kickbacks from oil companies due to resumption of long commutes isn't a part of this. They even said the local businessesparasites that feed onprofit from employees needing to buy food during lunch benefit from this.

You order online for delivery to avoid COVID only to catch a computer virus from an ad. I used to watch my relatives browse to a news page and IMMEDIATELY get hit with a "MICROSOFT ERROR CALL xxx-xxx-xxxx TO FIX IT". Then I put ublock origin on their PC aaaaaaand good game ads!

Oh please. None of that even PALES in comparison to the outright supply crunch being caused by housing investors. It doesn't even compare to the damage being done by the rampant construction of expensive luxury/multifamily homes.

Dude you must think they get their degrees in feminist dance or some boogeyman degree. News flash you want some people to get good jobs with that "useless" feminist dance degree. Because if not, they're going to crowd into degrees like engineering and greater numbers of engineering grads creates greater competition for engineering jobs... which drives down the pay that most engineers get, plus it reduces the odds of actually getting a starter engineering job. Supply & demand.

Signed, 100% NOT a feminist.

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Nice. No, not just nice, heroic.

Oh so this is why "Republican" is listed as a synonym for "Dystopia"...

If I was still working for The Man there's no way I'd RTO. Nothing enkindles my rage faster than the idiots saying "COVID is over" when it's more infectious than ever. Well, nothing except the ones who say COVID won't kill you (I've got over a million reasons to show how that's bullshit). There isn't an office in the world that isn't a de facto COVID infection party. ESPECIALLY the ones where you sit elbow to elbow. Frak that, I'm not going to die to make a living.

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Oh watching COVID kill your parents or friends because some plague rat coughed on them is going to motivate a lot of people. I know just seeing it happen on the news motivated me. I'm still wanting payback over the deaths of 1 million of my fellow citizens, far too many of which were fellow African Americans.

I get Prime for free as part of a subscription I have to something else. Otherwise I would be hard pressed to subscribe. It has driven up our impulse purchase amounts, though. My eldest daughter got hooked on that shit for half a year. She needed literal detox in a clinic hahaha j/k

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"American health care" is the problem in their eyes. They want financial natural selection - health care only if you can afford it out of pocket.

Yup! Housing investors >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> zoning laws or all the other narratives about government interference.

And the shared RAM. Games like Star Trek Fleet Command will crash your computer by messing with that/memory leaks galore. Far less crashy with a dedicated GPU. How many other games interact poorly with integrated GPUs?

I know I'm voting for Biden to stop MAGA.

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Oh they'd be 20 times louder with the hate if it was a dude and a fleshlight.

A good reason to start building homes underground.

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There was an article a while back about how RTO brings profits to stores inside the office buildings - gift shops, restaurants, etc. Externally speaking: oil companies. There is a lot of vampirism involved in RTO that is obvious... and far more that's not.

*Elven women grumble on the sidelines*

Please do not give them ideas.

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I mean, with that relief he could buy more stuff and help keep employment high, or invest his money in an ethical business to spur more job growth... which is more likely if that poster walks the talk. Regardless, college debt is just economic parasitism.