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Joined 1 years ago

Their static website hosting is probably the best in the business. We seriously need some competition though.

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Knowing r/conservative, Disney was probably talking about hiring someone to play Tina Turner in a biopic, or something like that.

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Long time Raspberry Pi user here, the only software I can't load natively is Steam. What software are you having problem with on the M1?

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We need to move AI from the cloud to our own hardware running in our homes. Free, open source, privacy focused hardware. It'll eventually be very affordable.

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Okay, that's a red flag. Someone check his hard drive.

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This is bullshit.

Until I see an OSI approved license, it's not open source.

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You've had 3 years to understand how the vaccine works. We're you just not paying attention?

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I create content that goes into YouTube. I generate a tiny bit of revenue from that. I have no say into how YouTube treats my viewers. If you watch the ads, awesome, I get some money. If not, I'm just glad you watched the video.

The majority of content on the platform is made up of channels my size and smaller. Most of us are getting paid pennies.

But YouTube doesn't care about us. They want to appease the larger studios.

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This is a blatant first amendment violation. Another pro-gamer move from the free speech party.

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how we ride bikes without smashing our balls

I'm a man and I... I don't know...

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I've built DCPs (Digital Cinema Package, the format that protectors use) and the DRM part is always so finicky. I'm surprised this doesn't happen more often.

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I think you'll find a lot more leftists interested in platforms that are not powered solely by money and profit. Lemmy, much like Mastodon and other federated platforms, only need instances to run to be usable. It doesn't require millions of dollars to keep it afloat.

Generally speaking centrist and right wingers, especially in Western countries, tend to be very capitalist. They only understand the value in terms of money.

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Sounds like you don't understand the sex work industry.

  • People already get porn for free. Nothing new here.
  • Some things you can't synthesize. Like experiences.
  • For a lot of people it's not just about the sex but the personalities of the models.
  • Some make the content because they like to make the content.
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I don't need Lemmy to be a replacement for Reddit anymore than I needed Reddit to be a replacement for Digg. It's a different platform and it's allowed to be different.

I need Lemmy to simply be a social link sharing and message board. And it's doing that perfectly.

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Only browsers blessed by a single company can view the entire web. Not exactly a feature of the free and open web.

The classic idea that someone's hairstyle can be more disruptive than harassing a student and suspending them. This comes down to racism plain and simple.

Don't steal my stolen data.

I like to bootleg the major studios and patreon the indie artists that are giving their shit away for free.

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People complain now, but they'll renew their subscription. It's the same unhealthy relationship people have with Windows.

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I killed a circus clown in a Wendy's parking lot in 1996.

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This was pretty easy because Ned is not an asshole.

Google search has been fundamentally broken for at least two years. When the protests started on Reddit 90% of Google's search results we're broken.

Some things to keep in mind about the theater experience.

  • Only a handful of theaters do film IMAX anymore. A lot of IMAX locations are just 4k DCP (Digital Cinema Package)
  • Most theaters in the world are digital projectors with a max resolution of 1998x1080 or 2048x858

Part of the reason these factors still exist is cost. A poorly maintained film projector with a lousy film print can ruin a movie going experience. Hollywood would sometimes release so very shitty prints. The digital projectors are much easier to maintain so the experience is often more ideal for the average movie goer.

Having said that, if a theater takes good care of their film projectors and they have a well made and well kept print, the experience can be amazing.

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Tank Girl. No one liked that movie when it came out. I left the theater with the biggest grin on my face. Absolutely awesome. Still one of my favorites.

It was completely different than the comics but it was still very fun. Especially in 1995.

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"We'll shut down your computer after this quick message from our sponsor!"

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Good for her.

How "small government" of them.

Everyone should be using a password manager. Every service should have a different password (and some service should have several passwords) and it's impossible for the average person to keep track of all of those. Every time I hear about someone losing control of an account it's because they were using the same password as another service.

I recommend:

  • KeePassDX: Can be completely offline. Probably the most secure but can be a little awkward to use sometimes.
  • Bitwarden: Cloud based but open source. You could run a server but the main service offers MOST of the features for free.

Your mileage may very with some of the proprietary platforms. However my job uses 1 Password and it seems to be fairly safe.

Another conservative tantrum, yet somehow everyone else is a snowflake.

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The people who are stealing our movies and our television shows and operating piracy sites are not mom and pop operations,” says Charlie Rivkin, chief executive officer of the MPA, who adds that some of the operators also engage in drug trafficking, child pornography, prostitution and money laundering. “This is organized crime.”

I like how they always have to fabricate a connection to organized crime. Trying to convince the reader that is not just copyright infringement.

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Piracy is a service problem.

What service is $SHOW on? Doesn't matter, it's already in your favorite piracy site.

Intel is finally innovating because of increased pressure. Don't let the Pat Gelsinger's calm tone fool you, he knows exactly what the competition is bringing. Apple has proven what Linux users have known for a few years, the CPU architecture is not as directly tied to the software as it once was. It doesn't matter if it's x86, ARM, or RISC-V. As long as we have native builds (or a powerful compatibility layer) it's going to be business as usual.

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I worked at a construction company for only one day. The owner kept on doing lines of coke in the office. He thought he was discreet but he was not.

In the US a lot of business use them. It's not uncommon to see a pallet of "old" ThinkPads at the swapmeet selling for less than $200. We're talking x1 Carbons. These machines have upgradable SSDs, Wifi, and battery. For less than $300 you can get a BEAST of a machine that runs Linux very very well.

Richard Stallman was radicalized into forming the Free Software Foundation after fighting with printer drivers.

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Is this an ad?

Every time that dude gives another "vision of the future" it just sounds worse and worse.

I don't want another commercial bank but on the internet. I want more non-profits. I don't want self-driving cars. I want better public transportation.

First off, fuck all y'all for the slut shaming.

Secondly, good for her. We live in a capitalist hellscape and she's trying to make a living in a way that works best for her.

I get emails from them "There's still space on your Dropbox. You have 6GB of space left"

It feels like they think I just want to upload files for no reason. What's the rush?

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Imagine what it would be like if we strike this hard for fair wages.