1 Post – 796 Comments
Joined 9 months ago

If you have a hard time telling this is satire, you might just be a bit dim.

That's a two hour movie condensed into one sentence.

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"Sitting right on the wing and the noise after reaching altitude was much louder than normal. I opened the window to see the wing looking like this," user octopus_hug wrote. "How panicked should I be? Do I need to tell a flight crew member?

Holy shit, redditors are a special breed. Yes, you should probably tell someone.

I should go and find the comment.

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It's a matter of perspective really.

In the sense that the fence is built on higher ground, but it's not obvious because of the perspective the photo is taken from.

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Edit: Oh, and Yvette knew exactly wtf she was doing

Yeah, who keeps a dildo on their bookshelf on full display, unless they want it to be seen?

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I have no sympathy for companies losing money due to theft at self-checkout, it's a cost saving measure that's bitten them in the ass.

They also suck for alcohol, or anything that doesn't have a barcode, as mentioned in the story. I never buy either of those products at self checkout.

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Are we going to pretend running a command centre out of a school isn't something Hamas would do?

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Someone took a list of insults written about soldiers in the military, and rephrased them. Do you actually think teachers would say this stuff about their students in writing?

This website just doesn't get satire.

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Then there are non-tech-savvy users looking at the post and saying, “This is too complex. I give up.”

This is YouTube's ultimate goal. They don't need to make it impossible to block ads, just more trouble than it's worth for most people.

Girthy little guy, isn't he?

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Who else is going to do it though?

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Non credible defence has breached containment.

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Yup, because children never watch old movies.

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Hmm, so only on a very small number of predetermined routes, and at very slow speeds for those roads.

Still impressive, but not as impressive as the headline makes out.

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I remember seeing an article where they presented animals the way archaeologists would if they only had their bones.

It was quite enlightening.

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Two of those words are difficult to spell, a third is quite often misspelled, and the phrase is not as easy to remember.

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You probably said something mean about Daddy Marx, or pointed out one of the many flaws with communism.

They're a sensitive lot.

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How TF does thatcher the milk snatcher have a $300k statue? This is bullshit.

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Fuckers stole his chin.

Find out where the mayor lives, and just wander aimlessly around with a leaf blower outside their house at 6am.

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Right wing can shout the loudest.

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I don't think passenger comfort was a high priority when they designed and built the HMMWV, I don't think this is a great plan.

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with the educators attracted to the research opportunities, student bodies, and the warm weather.

Possibly could have phrased that better, but OK.

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Watching the Taliban try and be a functioning government, and getting chewed out by both their own people and the international community, has been fascinating to watch.

She has absolutely zero charisma, just not a likeable or trustworthy individual.

It honestly amazes me the calibre of candidate America has been able to put forward the last few years, you have either Hillary, or a selection of coffin dodgers.

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I genuinely don't get why Spotify is so popular, the way they arrange music, especially downloaded music is so annoying.

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Just don't, repost bots add nothing of value to the platform in my experience. We don't want this place to be Reddit 2.0, we want it to be it's own thing.

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Not really, the whole point of a pipe bomb is for the reaction to happen as fast as possible. This is sub optimal for rocketry.

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The muzzle blast lifted the windscreen wipers.

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Does anyone actually do any those challenges? I always thought it was a joke.

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Fucking terrorists is what these assholes are.

If you actually wore these in public, you'd be so incredibly sick of people telling you "your pants are inside out" within the first hour.

This goes well beyond mere YouTube drama, I think. This is getting into the relam of actual criminal behaviour.

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It's really not going to be Boeing's decade, is it?

2842 frames at 30 FPS is just under 100 seconds, at 24 FPS it's 118 seconds.

I call bullshit.

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Eh? The Chilli Peppers have quite clear and easy to understand lyrics.

This platform will upvote anything.

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This is by no means a "basic" car though.

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These pranks are a great way to teach critical thinking to impressionable youth, I don't think we give 4chan enough credit for the valuable work they do.

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It looks like an incinerator.

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Not even remotely close to 2/3, and it's the whiney and annoying chunk anyway. I don't want to "not engage", I want them out of my feed.