Fucking finally.

Ilovethebomb@lemm.ee to NonCredibleDefense@lemmy.world – 195 points –
Former US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger dies aged 100

Took him long enough.


Fucking war criminal, hope you like hot weather

Or rather, be constantly ravaged by OMORI and his dangerous arsenal of cold, blood-red spaghetti hands.
A human justice unretributed, yet upheld in some way anyway.


Me, who's so noncredible that I don't even know who that is: "Hahaha, burn in heck, asshole"

Brings the question to my mind. What happens when a States representative dies. Is there an emergency election, runner up, is there a hierarchy like the president has.

Every state has their own rules. Governor might appoint, or there might be a special election, or the seat goes vacant until the next election.

I'm not sure, but I think a replacement can be picked by the governor of the representative's state?

Def don't quote me on this though