1 Post – 386 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I'm getting Bixby button flashbacks.

Ho well, my wallet's gonna cry but I'm sure the mechkeyboard community will welcome my ass

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Think the difference there is that the invoices of the guy from the article were actually fake invoices for real things

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Because you gave them the files?

If you don't want dropbox to see them, encrypt them.

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Always has been

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Earth doesn't have any bills though, dues to the United Federation of Planets are set to start in 2161 at the earliest

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Honestly if you're a billion in debt, you're fucking baller mate

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I seriously doubt Google cares.

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Imagine being a freaking sniper and suddenly being forced to enter numbers into spreadsheets every day.


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And they're pretty much required to take things down, it prevents them from being liable. After that, the uploader can challenge this decision, and if the claimer doesn't back down, it goes to court.

Unfortunately, claimers are currently not required to provide any proof, nor are they required to pay for any legal costs (at least not upfront), so it's just simpler for the uploader to take the L.

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It honestly probably is

We've never had it

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Disney, or anyone for that matter, can copyright claim any video. Youtube just plays ball because that's the simplest thing to do.

It's on them to prove, in court, that it actually is copyrightable and that they own the copyright to the content, which they'd fail to do.

The win is for the uploader and for the public, since now you can "be sure" that Disney won't take you to court over it, which would be a costly endeavor for you. Even if Disney would almost surely lose.

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r/art is now only allowing artsy John Oliver pics...

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A random company in Norway is probably the best equipped to do this kinda testing.

Cold? Check. ICEs on the road? Check. A buunch of electric vehicles on the road? Check.

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If you read at least the summary from the bot, you'd see that discord isn't and never was profitable.

I wouldn't call that "doing too well to fire people", just means they fucked up and hired more people than they could financially/operationally afford

But displayport exists, is widely used and is free?

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This is honestly stupid.

They spent insane amount of cash to kill the guy, yet even then they keep failing to do just that.

Either just give him the heavily tested (on animals) and scientifically supported nitrogen, if you really need to kill him that bad or just send him to a damn prison and forget about him.

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I'm pretty sure that's kinda exactly what happened though, I wouldn't be surprised if it was just that no one thought to add a logo because engineers don't care about shit like that (at least a lot of them don't)

It does change the fact that people don't have to be afraid to use any of it.

Even though Disney would lose in court, you really don't want to ever be in the same room as Disney's lawyers.

It's not, and I don't even need to go look it up.

Operating a subway is expensive. Maintenance, new lines, new trains, you name it, it costs shitloads

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Are you actually serious?

If you read the whole thing, it's clearly supposed to be a mashup of different aspects of reddit.

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Read the title again.

Biden didn't do anything.

He was "urged" to do something by someone else.

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it's satire

You could actually run an actual legit miner on the thing, but yeah, you're not getting ahead your electricity usage.

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In that case I'm sure they're enjoying their 60 cents per month

Just for readability, these are the options with reasoning:

  • Attending an event (festivalor convention)
  • Long journey, such as a cross-country trip (probably this one, as OP mentioned walking+travelling by train)
  • Reality TV Show / film
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Well maybe now they aren't flying off shelves anymore ;)

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Anything views quality control as an expense.

Are you even listening to yourself?

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I honestly doubt that. The average user doesn't care about this, they probably don't even know what "sideloading" means.

I'm also not gonna go out and buy an iPhone just because sideloading is an option now. Not saying no one will, it just won't be enough to matter.

Poor chap, imagine training your whole life just to be shot down by a friendly.

Nice shot though.

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Netflix, with everything and with an option to download an .mp4 if desired.

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Well, looking at how popular VSCode is, looks like people don't mind the web browser thing

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It is, it just doesn't know it.

They raised prices and left them there because enough people are paying these prices.

Them asking for bailouts because of their prices hikes makes exactly 0 sense btw, if they need to sell more, they'll just lower them again. The nice thing about margin is that it's margin - as long as you're making money, you're making money, it just depends how much.

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You sound like a pretty shitty person ngl

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Don't think you understand what 20 years in prison looks like.

I don't either, but it sure would ruin my life

It still undermines Putin a bit, think that's what the goal is

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How about mirrors?

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Crazy that we can treat shit like this, well done whoever worked on the thing

Nice thing is, the devs have no power about instances they don't run.

They just write the code for them, and since it's open source, we could see any sketchy code and just fork it away