UN experts alarmed by Alabama plan to kill prisoner using untried gas method

Lee Duna@lemmy.nz to News@lemmy.world – 193 points –
UN experts alarmed by Alabama plan to kill prisoner using untried gas method

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This is honestly stupid.

They spent insane amount of cash to kill the guy, yet even then they keep failing to do just that.

Either just give him the heavily tested (on animals) and scientifically supported nitrogen, if you really need to kill him that bad or just send him to a damn prison and forget about him.

? They ARE giving him the nitrogen. I'm guessing these experts didn't want to jump into the Israel fight so found something else to focus on.

Or these experts have no expertise on Israel, so they are smart enough not to do that as experts.

I can't think of a more current hotbed for torture than Israel or Russia at the moment, can you?

Issue is, this isn't the first time I'm reading about someone complaining about the execution method.

The guy's lawyers were raising complaints about it as well, most likely to try to postpone the execution.

Every day the guy's alive costs the state money, it costs the time of his lawyers, judges and these "experts" and for what? To postpone his death a couple months? To have him get an arguably more painful and error-prone executiom method?

It's just a waste of resources. Either kill him if they must or stash him away for the rest of his life in a high security prison, this circus is unproductive for all parties involved.

I completely forgot america is still killing animals in shelters with gas chambers. Completely crazy how people there think that is ok

It's ok because if they're killing them in the first place, nitrogen is quite a "peaceful" way to do it