Somewhere along the way Humanity lost the ability for long term thinking.

Possibly to – 33 points –

Imagine if we prepared for Covid back during influenza. Also we should have realize smoking is bad for you.


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We've never had it

Our brains are physiologically wired for the short term. In the place we came from, there was no long term. The world before society was brutal. We are still running on that hardware.

This is the correct answer. Whatever long term thinking we are capable of is a result of the most recently evolved parts of our brain.

Pop quiz for you: what’s twice as far away as a million years in the future?

Our brains are physiologically wired for a longer term than any other brain in existence.

Human minds are the only thing we know of that has any awareness of the future. So on the scale of short term to long term, humans are the longest-term thinkers there are.