2 Post – 70 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

Sounds like your circle is growing apart. It happens. In this particular case, some personalities have grown enough to not be compatible with some of the others.

I'm not good at situations like these, so I don't really have a solution for you, other than accepting the fact that your circle of six will soon no longer be six. Stick to the ones who are still reasonable, and with time the toxic ones will either remain so among themselves or will push away the part of the group that is more in line with how you're perceiving the social dynamic.

Not only deer, but all antlery animals (moose, reindeer, elk, etc). It's completely normal and pain free, but it looks like something out of a horror movie.

For some reason, this does not happen to animals with horns, such as cows.

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How bad did Tesla fuck this up? Enough for us noggies to join the side of swedes AND danes. I hope to see the finns join in too.

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How bad did Musk fuck this up? Enough for us noggies to join the side of swedes AND danes..I hope to see the finns join in too.

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Anyone who lives near the sea an can see ships disappear behind the horizon.

Of course. It is/was my favorite purely based on the design of the front page.

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If I remember correctly, a sequel has been in development hell for years.


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Rest in piss, ghoul

This is the same woman who thought bringing in Henry Kissinger with her made her more electable.

Just hope your school bully doesn't find it.

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Rest in piss, ghoul

If true, those are some pretty impressive graphics. However, I suspect it'd come at the expense of controls feeling sluggish - realistic animation means your character won't instantly move when you push the button/key. As nice as GTA5 and RDR2 looked, I found the perceived input delay annoying as fuck.

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Agreed. While I tend to disagree with most of the viewpoints coming from lemmygrad, at least the content is posted with benign intent. The room might stink, but nobody intentionally shat on the floor.

I support it in principle, but I prefer to install from scratch as I'm picky when it comes to partition schemas and filesystems.

Let's instead designate Florida the MAGA containment state and convince anyone living in a "too woke" swingstate to move there.

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I just refer to them as AP, as the wireless aspect is implied; A wired AP is called a switch.

I didn't know nanotech at that scale was possible yet

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Similar attitude by the HoI devs caused me to buy HoI2 and every new release after that.

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"Pretend your nipples are laser guns, and try to shoot people you see on the street in the head. It does wonders for your posture."

As someone with a horrible posture, I found this "game" to be surprisingly effective.

Can't wait to hear Trumps appointees' arguements as to why the president is above the law and not realize this means Biden too

I learned once upon a time that a healthy person needs about three weeks to starve to death if they have water. Not sure how accurate it is as it's part of the rule of three mnemonic; 3 minutes without oxygen, 3 days without water, 3 weeks without food. However, it does at least seem reasonably plausible, so we can use that as a baseline.

Now, beer does have some nutrients, but far from enough of the ones you need. It has to be balanced with water to be able to burn the alcohol without dehydrating yourself. I would therefore think that the beer in moderate amounts might help some, but not a lot. Four weeks total, maybe?

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The internet. Web2.0 made everything worse with trackers and three companies running almost everything.

Buy her a hedge trimmer for christmas

I'm a hobbyist programmer myself. I've picked up a few languages along the way, and by far the best approach I have found to learning is a simple but real practical use case. Find the smallest task you want your program to do, break it down into even smaller subsections, and then start to figure out how to transform it into code. It usually takes less code and knowledge about a language than you think.

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Create a linux mint install USB. When you boot from it, you'll be in a fully functional linux OS, without installing anything. This way you can try it out before making a commitment.

Although a recurring recommendation is to install linux on a second PC to try it for a while.

Unrelated to the post and discussion at hand, I just want to point out that I enjoy finding a fellow regex scholar in the wild.

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You and me both, and I don't even live anywhere near to the U.S.

Norway, sandwiched between a fjord and a mountain

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Am I to understand that the cable use has multiple cores within a single cladding? Interesting approach..

Now we get to classify them as singlemode, multimode, and multiestmode.

1929 My house
197X My keychain
1993 My first guitar
1995 My car

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Flag or rating?

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That's our N-word. It's not offensive if we're the ones using it.

The year Henry Kissinger finally got a public toilet erected with his name on.

Rest in piss, ghoul

Destiny Potato - Addict

Great song
Great buildup
Epic guitar solo

EDIT: Seems my suggestion is somewhat popular, so in case it wasn't already known, the entire album, Lun, is amazing.

Shhhh, keeping up appearances. Can't let them stinky continentals know.

OnlyFans might

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Yes. The word is "Neger", and up until very recently, that was the common term for people with darker skin tone, as "afro american" doesn't really make sense outside of america. It was used up until maybe 2000ish in a similar way to how "negro" was used in the US in the 40s and 50s (and probably later), but more broadly.

It was later replaced by "African", which doesn't really work, as the old term could mean more than just people of african heritage.

I'm not entirely sure what's the appropriate term is today - it's not like i need to refer to peoples heritage through their skin tone a whole lot.

EDIT: I just remembered from when I was a kid my aunt (who married a guy from Ghana) referring to him as "neger" some time in the 90s, so it was at least at that point in time not considered offensive.

Let's be awkward together. Sure, why not.