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An infinite set doesn't necessarily contain every number. And the Grand Hilbert Hotel is known for having a strict policy against Tartarus convict's

"Yes, they are allowed to be on the same bus as us. No, we don't call them that anymore"

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Silly, over the top gore is a core part of Fallout. Every game after two has a perk called "Bloody Mess" that increases the chance of enemies just turning into a pile of flesh when killed

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Classic case of survivorship bias

People back in the day had just as much terrible advice as we have today, it's just that the only one that survived long enough to survive to the present day is the really good advice

But to answer the question, anything related to the ingestion of mercury

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"Yeah so after dropping the acid I went on a walk and met the god of nature, in the form of a deerclops. Was pretty good, gonna do that again soon"

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If your sushi is alive when you eat it I suggest finding a sushi place with better hygiene standards

female asian nazi soldiers

That's someone's fetish, isn't it?

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These people are pioneers in 3D animation. I once saw one of them animate a video of D.VA being spit-roasted with nothing but a potato and a box of thumbtacks

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There are probably a ton of incredible banger games out there that don't exist because the person who thought of it just doesn't know how to code

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People are STILL bringing up the "there's enough room" arguments?

The movie LITERALLY shows you why it doesn't work. At first they both try to climb on it, but they're too heavy and the stupid thing capsizes. Only then is Jack like "You go take it, Imma good"

Also, Mythbusters tried it and got the same results. 2 people to heavy, 1 ok.

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I felt kinda bad for the people who were here when I joined two months ago. They had their own little community which would get quickly overrun by ex redditors. I wasn't sure if I was a refugee or a colonizer.

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The internet is terribly inbread and I love it

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FFS, Halo is the name of the blue lady. The guy in the armor is called Master Chef

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But limes are organic, so shouldn't limestone also count as organic?

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I look at negative reviews. If they are all dumb stuff like "FedEx lost my package, 0 stars" instead of actual complaints I know the product is good

Having to pass exams vs learning for fun

Also on stoves. "Oh, you wanna turn off a burner? Sorry, your fingers are too wet. Also, I hope you remembered to read the 300 page manual because we've never even heard of intuitive controls"

Crack houses are usually open 24/7 and while you can drink alcohol there, you're not expected to do so

To answer your edit, because second hand drinking isn't a thing

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Imagine a pitbull goring a toddler before looking you dead in the eyes and saying "BE NOT AFRAID"

Bonus points if you say it when entering the operating room, when given the anesthesia and a third time during the surgery itself

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Of course, ethics committees might frown on scientists duelling with the pistols in the name of discovery, even if the people in question were graduate students.

I admit it, it's true. Every since I got into Warhammer 40K I've had so much sex with tons of beautiful women. It's gotten so bad that I now get an erection, every time I look at the Emperor of Mankind

This post reminded me that it's supposed to be used for gaming. I've had mine since it was first released and have always used it to turn my TV into a PC monitor to watch YouTube and Movies from my bed

You can also do that in Stardew Valley if you put sea urchins in an aquarium

#11: No one asking dumb questions like "Why is the bathroom looked from the outside?" or "Why are you painting the floor black AGAIN?" or "Where is that irony smell coming from?"

Seriously, ever since my old roommate moved to Paraguay without telling his family or contacting any authorities and leaving all of his stuff behind, my appartement has been so much nicer

Let's be honest here, English does not have that level of consistency. "Women" is pronounced with an "i" for christ sake

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May I see it?

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To be fair, we only know where Bluetooth is useful because we put it in a lot of places where it wasn't useful

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Yes, after the took off their lifebelts and tied them under the door for adden buoyancy.

I think two people, already stressed to their teeth, now also suffering from hypothermia can be forgiven for not having the same presence of mind in that situation

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You probably clean your bathroom far more often than your other rooms. And while you are able to remove 99.9% of the dust, the remaining 0.1% are exactly those dust particles that, through one way or another, evaded your detection.

And it is those particles that go on and reproduce, making the next generation of dust more resilient against their environment and it's predators (that being you).

This goes on and on, eventually resulting in the powerfull bathroom dust you are encountering.

Of course, this is complete and utter BS and not how anything works but it was a nice read, wasn't it?

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If you have nuclear or coal powerd electricity you'd be using boiling water to boil your water

Pirates do what Nintendon't

How does improving one's skill in chess correlate to waking up early?

On average people think they are a lot smarter than the average person

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Soup is just vegetable and bone tea

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The ravages of socialism have resulted in a shortage of posts, forcing some lemmings to survive on titles alone

What if the judge uses eminent domain to legally take ownership of the house when handing out the warrent? The state would become legal owner of the house, sends in the vampire police, and hand it back to the original owner later?

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Ants were doing war and slavery loooong before humans even came around

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Watermelons are overrated anyways. They should be a third of the size with the same amount of flavor. Watermelon is a fitting name because they are water flavored melons; the La Croix of fruits

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