
6 Post – 216 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I'd rather be sleeping.

Divorce is sin, side chicks are fine. Got it.

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This whole thing is especially heartbreaking because at its core, the game is great. Running around and shooting feels better then Halo has in a long time. It was just ruined by corporate fuckery.

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Competing early humans (neanderthals, etc.) would be my guess. I've also heard it makes us not want to go near corpses.

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Trust me, we've all mentioned it to him. He's convinced nobody likes him because he's a conservative.

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Jailbroke iPhones for $20 a pop in highschool. Blew it all on fireworks.

Flipped broken consoles before the market got too saturated to profit. Blew it all on video games.

Currently breeding fish. Blowing it all on more fish.

I'm bad at saving money.

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I'm in a Magic: The Gathering card."


Essentially, yeah. Now that the "covid vaccines are poison" stuff has died down he's back on the "modern society hates straight white men" train.

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And all the "Thanks! Took two minutes to fix after seeing your post" comments just to rub it in.

The History Channel makes compelling arguments for how extra-terrestrials built the pyramids. Compelling doesn't always equal true.

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Another settlement needs your help!


Y'all need unions lol

You're still using it, so they're gonna keep doing it.

You can't have it both ways.

I get what you're saying, and I agree with you, but I think they've proven that they absolutely can have it both ways. 99% of people just don't care.

How DARE you diss the penguin

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Good news! We've invented the torment nexus


A tripwire that sets off a bunch of confetti when they find your corpse.

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No, he's rich.

New trucks aren't made for blue-collar workers anymore. It's all just rich people who want to ride up high and feel manly while they take five minutes to squeeze into a parking spot.

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Is it morally wrong to choose inaction, to not involve ourselves in a no-win scenario? By simply being present, are we already involved? Will God someday judge us for these most pivotal moments?

I also choose not to press x.

Aurora Store.

some police person

Yeah all of them

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It sold 10,000,000 copies. It was the best selling first-party PS4 exclusive released.

I know the loud internet people were upset about Girls With Muscles or whatever, but it did fantastic with normal people.

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CASETiFY has always been a bastion of originality, and we hold pride in that.


Plex server go brrrrr

The first thing I do when Return of the King ends is put on Fellowship of the Ring.

It was a joke. Are you okay?

I used to be a delivery driver for a pizzaria. One night I got a really far delivery, like half an hour each way. I guess during that time the lasagna steamed the paper delivery bag, because I picked it up by the top (stupid) and made it three steps from my car before the lasagna fell out the bottom of the bag and exploded on this dudes driveway. Very sad.

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Poor impulse control

If my employer questioned my call out, my next call would be the union rep.

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Damn dude, you should contact the devs. You solved the problem that their engineers couldn't. Big brain.

Higher up you were talking about a travel writer marrying a doctor. Those motherfuckers are rich.

Texas is American.

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Now thats user retention!

Then its just a matter of finding a weasel to go after the rabbit.

Must still be doing alright financially if he hasn't sold off his human skull collection

Here's the menu for anyone who can't watch the video right now.

Looks great. I can't see giving up my modded Wii for this, but if you're only interested in GameCube games anyway it seems like a good solution.

Did you read the article or just skim the headline?

Those global overlay filters that tint the whole screen never seem to do anything for me at all.

On the other hand, the ones that change specific colours (enemy tags are blue instead of green, for example) are a huge help.