Almost a decade. This is weirdly emotional for me. to – 43 points –

I made my first account to post in nosleep in 2012. It’s become a habit as much a part of my day as my morning coffee, but once I’m done with something, I. Am. Done.

Reminder not to trust this view - Google your username with "" and you'll no doubt find things that Reddit has chosen not to show you for... Reasons.

11 years of posts just erased. Hope to see Lemmy gain more users soon 🫡

I did the same thing this morning. Thirteen years of content erased.

14 years in September. I’ve seen stuff come and go but the manner in which this happened was not due to a better (yet) option or technology moving on rather the worst elements of corporate cynicism. Ignoring, completely, that not just content but the very functioning of the site is due to users. The same users that are now motivated to find the next thing as has happened so often before.

They’ll stumble along for a while, maybe even with decent financial results…but it’s a shuffling corpse ultimately and seeing paths taking shape have made it easier to accept.

I mean this without sarcasm at all: why exactly are you people nuking your accounts? I'm not planning to use Reddit much from now on, but I don't really see any reason why i should destroy an anonymous account over there ...

They get ad revenue based on people viewing user content. I don't want them making money off of what I wrote anymore.

It's to remove all content from Reddit, because the site gets all of its content through the users, so if they delete everything, there is no content or information on Reddit.

It seems the whole thing is that they want to monetize user content. My thirteen years of content, which I've occasionally seen pop up on other sites, just went poof.

As a data hoarder by nature, it hurt me to do the same. But I did, and power delete suite worked perfectly (albeit a bit slower than I expected). It even kept going once everything went silent

Keep an eye on it in a few days. Make sure what you deleted stays deleted. Multiple people have been reporting their posts and information being restored.

You were even there for the secret Santa's the end of an era for sure

I was 14 years and 150 karma. Never bothered to figure out what karma meant?

10 years here. Weird to see all that history to just go away, but it was for the best.