Data's Cat Spot

@Data's Cat
16 Post – 79 Comments
Joined 13 months ago

The sync dev is doing it right by redirecting their users to the next project. Looking forward to sync for Lemmy!

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Is this real??

I can't imagine it's hard to scroll past 600 posts in a day if you use twitter a lot.

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The popularity of this community might finally get me into pirating, lol. I subbed out of curiosity.

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Yeah, I miss finding some very barebones website called like "Gary's Favorite Garlic Breads", just run by Gary, who isn't trying to turn a profit or be an influencer. He just loves garlic bread and wanted to share.

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This is some top notch investigative journalism right here.

You might be breaking this whole case wide open

You're trying to get me in trouble with the orb.

Yes, intelligence is intelligence. There's nothing about the rest of the body that the brain is encased in that makes one more or less deserving of rights.

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Aye aye captain!

I don't think it's entirely the app. I've had it happen to my account using Jerboa and Connect, so I think this must be them working on stuff after the hack.

I think for a lot of them, they must have come up with some cool looking sprites and then tried to make a game/story around that.

So much outrage and doom. The algorithm rewarded people being more and more extreme, even about real problems.

Like, yes I lean left like reddit, but not every issue is the biggest scandal that has ever existed.

If you get swept up in that stuff, you'd think the world was about to end. And you'd frequently encounter people who think just so.

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Sometimes the best tech people are weird as hell. This might be one of those cases.

Although I did hear that they censor content critical of china, which sucks.

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I miss not having the expectation of every social media being so heavily moderated and sterile.

The old internet was like walking down a busy city street. You might walk by someone doing something absolutely batshit crazy, but you just think "Weird. Moving on." and go about your day because getting emotionally invested would be dumb. The new internet feels like a workplace where people want to run to HR to report anyone who acts out so that they'll get what's coming to them.

It's not all bad, but I miss the sort of "wild west" feeling where nothing on the internet mattered because it wasn't real life.

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The idea of paying a monthly subscription to use reddit is so off-putting. Maybe if it were a company that I didn't feel so negatively about, I'd consider it.

Which is a damn shame, because it's actually kind of good.

I think if someone went all out with making some sort of bizarre simulator game like this, people would play it. Like, don't even try to make it fun or add a story or anything, just make it as real as you can.

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The Baldur's Gate IP has a solid fanbase, D&D is really popular now, and also Larian knocked this one out of the park.

It's also refreshingly consumer-friendly, like others have said.

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Get out of the holodeck, Lt Broccoli

sniff "So my vision for this game is Tron on ostriches, but with a heavy focus on medieval jousting."

I agree. It's just also fun to make fun of it, lol

Gracias, mi amigo.

I had no idea the rollout was still going. That sucks for y'all.

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Could we see

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Holy shit

Ok, somebody fill me in

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I say the more the merrier. I'm still going to use, but it's good to have a presence on other instances to avoid becoming reddit.

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Partners are usually because you want love and companionship, and possibly to create a family.

Friends are great, but a partner is different.

But what a mouse he is!

I'm just going to use accounts other than my one on for a bit while they sort out whatever's going on.

It's weird, because I'm subscribed to a TON. Hundreds of communities at least. I can't imagine that it's running out so quickly.

You're going to make me rewatch this episode now.

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Hot seems to be the way to go for me, unless I'm in a single community and sorting by new.

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I've ingested more quality memes on lemmy since June 1st than I have on other platforms for a while. It's refreshing.

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Now this feels futuristic

I'll have you know I meow at the ship computer.

Right here, bro

Actual privacy

This is like that scene in a sci-fi movie where they're trying to repair the shop mid-battle. Good luck!

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I'm with old Dr. McCoy from that one TNG episode on this one. Not a chance.