
Data's Cat Spot@startrek.website to Lemmy Shitpost@lemmy.world – 1075 points –


I've never watched Star Trek all the way through, but I always thought I knew what it was about... until now

This episode doesn't even make the top ten weirdest things in Trek.

all the way through.. man star trek the next generation is borderline purely episodic. other than a handful of episodes, each one lives in a bubble and you dont need to see the one where data wears a sombrero and fires a double barreled shotgun into a crowd of people to appreciate the one where his twin brother Lore tries to undermine his sense of android well being. kind of like skittles, if you eat one skittle it has no impact on a skittle you may or may not eat years later (again, there are several exceptions, but not many). its perfectly formulaic and episodic.

Also, riker totally fucks the alien chick when shes hot and there's nothing shameful about masturbating thinking about that no matter what your entire family says when your wife brings it up in tears on christmas eve.

somtimes, riker also fucks the non-bianary alien days before their tragic non-consensual conversion therapy

Probably one of the best TNG episodes.

The town of Deadwood may face danger once again. If they do... they will need a sheriff... and a deputy.

What kind of psycho gets a knuckle tat on the inside of their knuckles?

1 more...

I read "El Hopaness Romantic" and was like, well if they put an L instead of the N in "Hopaness" it would be okay 👍

Confused about whether to upvote! Down is good, and up is no.

Do you think they did it this way because it would be too painful to tattoo fingertips? Can you tattoo fingertips?!

You can tattoo anywhere that is skin, but it doesn’t stay nice for long on the palmar side of the hand, I imagine it would be much worse on the finger tips.

I know a number of people who got their wedding “rings” tattooed on and were told by the artist that the under side would smudge and fade within a year or so. Years in, some have disappeared on that side and some are just an inky smear at this point.

Even "hopeless romantic" is bullshit (of the existential kind).

A hopeless romantic domestic abuser more like it lol

"I'm just trying to LOVE you! With my fists!"