1 Post – 473 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

Linux users can't even agree on what distro is actually beginner friendly, so how am I supposed to pick one with any confidence?

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Specifically? I don't know. It would likely help if the conversation around new user distros was a bit less of an argument or if the number of suggested distros was a bit less. It would help with the decision paralysis aspect of it at least. I see enough threads of experienced users troubleshooting more than I really want to deal with, I stopped maintaining my modded skyrim installation because I was fixing when I could be playing and I don't like the idea of my whole computer being like that because I chose the wrong hardware (I have nvidia)

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The thing is, I don't care to distrohop and experiment with this or that. I just want to use my computer. Until I see a distro that can convince me that switching will be actually painless (not 'long time linux user painless', but 'casual new user that does more than just web browse' painless) I'll just use windows.

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I know its one of the strengths of Linux, but I can't help but laugh that the response to "you can't agree on one, how can I?" is for several people to suggest several distros.

If people didn't come out of the woodwork to tell people welding was so simple that their 5 year could do it then maybe they'd be less turned off by the time and effort it takes to learn it.

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The fromsoft cult doesn't like that kind of talk, you're supposed to ignore performance issues, dictate to people how to play the game or else "they did it wrong", and tell people to GIT GUD.

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I'm pretty sure I'm the only person in my circle who even knows what Linux is.

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I'd get snipped if I thought for a moment that I'd be seen as sexually desirable ever again.

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I'm not saying Palworld is a bad game, but people like terrible things all the time. I like Mortal Kombat: Annihilation for instance.

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Another "family values" type doesn't seem to give a shit about his own family. Bet he has strong opinions on abortion though.

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When I didn't see The Onion as the source, it just wouldn't compute for a minute. I did a double-take.

And I'll do it again.

Well, I deleted Onedrive a long time ago, so no it won't.

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I knew this would be the case when my friend insisted I buy to play with him. Hes an unfortunate barometer for games that will either lose hype quickly or get shut down soon after release. You name a game that had a hard fall off and he was its biggest proponent during its honeymoon period. Game had its servers shut down? He played the shit out of it.

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I've never had the settings turned back on after an update, but no I don't monitor my network traffic, if I cared that much, I'd already be on linux.

He is, and I spent a lot of money buying and playing some of these games against my better judgement, but I can't do it anymore. Especially not if they're gonna charge a $70 fee just to start.

People keep saying this, but I've never had to redo any of the changes I've made.

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They should add some twitch integration too, 10,000 bits and the defendant has to floss.

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Oh, are we starting the reddit tradition of making no effort at all and just immediately asking the community for help instead?


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Every single time this happens, people act like its the first time. Game updates -> Script Extender breaks -> Mods reliant on it break too. Every. Single. Time.

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Broke his back trying to suck his own dick. Sad.

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A new conservative accusation? Must mean they've taken up cannibalism recently.

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As long as we aren't trying to fuck with the transporter technology that kills you and makes another you somewhere else, I'm fine.

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The only part that surprises me about this is that the convoy isn't called "Take Back Are Country."

Important distinction in that real answer. I'm immunocompromised and take no chances with stuff like this, its also not something they REALLY specified in my talks before leaving the hospital.

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I survived a lot of this during my 4chan phase, can I have a job?

I wonder if any of them don't.

Who the fuck do you think they're talking about?

Drama like this is exactly why I laugh when people say its better on lemmy than reddit, its just a different flavor of the same shit when you're on All.

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They backed the $91.6 million appeal bond, then backed out of the $464 million appeal bond. It makes sense to me as a headline.

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The best part is that the free mods will end up being better anyway.

Well, that's the problem. They don't want you to live.

You can download FOSS from the same people you download RAM from.

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Just keep watching.

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He thinks "Hurricane Hillary" is one of the dumb nicknames he must have used before.

I live near a ton of them, they're pretty cool. Unfortunately, I also live near a ton of idiots that want to get rid of them because they saw a picture of a dead bird and a single turbine that broke once on facebook and are convinced that they're all useless.

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Maybe you're just an asshole?

They're already going to threads or bluesky if they're able. Honestly though? I don't think we want THAT many people flooding the fediverse. There's already a bunch of accounts here that exist only to troll or have bad takes.

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Anecdotally, I had two female coworkers that acted the same way around me, kinda flirty but in a more friendly way, I felt, rather than trying to hint at anything. One said "EWW" out loud when someone suggested we date, and the other told me way after the fact that she was super in to me and I should have made a move.

The women I've actually dated made an effort to make sure our feelings were not only known, but reciprocated before laying down the "rizz" too much. I have no problem lightly flirting with someone that has no desire for a relationship, its fun, but that can't be the only sign you're in to someone when it isn't even REALLY a sign for a lot of people.

A dog wrote this article.