
4 Post – 245 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I fucking hate all these streamer "personas". They always turn out to be assholes.

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I agree that this is a wider problem with streams as a genre.

I think the main problem is that starting a stream and talking about whatever in order to appeal to a larger and larger audience is rewarded rather than good research and preparing high quality content, like on YT or TikTok.

It's just not possible when you're streaming and would defeat the purpose. It's all quantity over quality, so assholes get to the top.


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That's after they let zionist mobs in to attack the encampment for hours with fireworks, mace and batons but that was not enough and they got repelled. So they're finishing the job themselves with (rubber) bullets.

This is history in the making. And they chose to be on the wrong side of it.

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A wave od horror washing over me as I realize these idiots can afford a Cybertruck while I can only have an old beater.

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White cops using their torure sticks on a lying, handcuffed black man for protesting against genocide.

I'm sure this'll look great to the future generations that see this.

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He probably realised that criricizing one of the main french cultural exports wasn't going to win him any favors. Don't wanna piss off Ubisoft.

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Guy looks exactly as I would've imagined him.

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The us will literally do anything but build better public transportation.

This pig faced little dweeb is the one who should leave.

Never forget the Dilberito

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Nokia is no stranger to patent fights. In February, the company reached a patent agreement with Chinese phone maker Vivo, ending a years-long dispute that dragged the two companies into court and forced Vivo to pull out of Germany. In 2021, Daimler and Nokia settled a dispute over the licensing of wireless technology patents in cars, ending a legal battle that had at one point threatened sales of the iconic Mercedes brand in its home country.

Is Nokia becoming some sort of patent troll?

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You can tell this was made by some terminal carbrain.

Bonus points for comparing humans to cockroaches, Rwanda in '94 called, it wants its genocidal rethoric back.

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Who the fuck dives with their cigs on them?

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She's CTO not CEO. She absolutely should know the answer.

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All the while Israel blocks land deliveries of aid.

Nobody's triggered.

Vegans have been looking at meat for their entire lives. Most have eaten it before.

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Liberal != leftist. Also, the right wing could not care less about optics, because they are the ones who dictate what is acceptable. Why would we play by their rules, especially since they always change them?

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Of course you didn't even read the article. The firefighter died extinguishing an underground parking lot. There's basically no confirmed connection to the riots.

Also, rioting is sometimes the only option for change. Nothing "mindless" about it.

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Imagine driving minding your own business and out of nowhere a jet crashes into you and your existence gets vaporised in a fraction of a second.

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I agree. ACAB.

For more context - these were not contemporary photos but from the WWII era. The threat is pretty obvious though.

Usually, religion is just a front for different political interests

Pretty big deal for the czechs, things like that almost never happen in this part of europe.

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Use NewPipe x SponsorBlock.

Ah, the joy of not being sold anything.

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Funny, but not true. The standing man icon is for the red light, the walking one is for green in poland, just like everywhere else.

Tbh most of the distinction is between cities and towns, which are much more developped both socially and economically and the countryside which is poor, and still completely in the grip of the catholic church.

East and west also matters, but less.

Because it's an ideology of egoism and selfishness, corruption finds fertile ground in these kinds of attitudes.

That's one hell of a showdy!

That's a very interesting basis for a lossy compression algorithm.

Well yeah, because we don't have the marketing billions and monopoly that Microsoft/Apple enjoy. So we gotta do the promoting ourselves.

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So there's basically no connection between the death and these riots.

I think "rizzler" is pretty funny when used ironically

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I think this isn't really free transport's fault, this is a problem with youths being antisocial, it has different causes. The free bus just helps to make it more concentrated in certain places, but the solution isnt to make the bus paid but to help the youth find better things to do.

Also to quote the first article

Despite its success, First Bus, Scotland’s largest bus operator, confirmed to The Herald it has experienced “a slight increase” in youth disorder on its network of routes since the scheme was launched, although it added that the rise “cannot be directly attributed” to the roll-out of the scheme. 

While that was a hilarious episode it always annoyed me how they got it wrong. It's "omelette AU fromage".

I'd say that's worse. Incredibly unproffessional and just shitty.

It's not the first city/town in europe that's done this. Many medium-sized towns in my country have free public transportation. It works very well and means less cars.

People don't abuse it, because how would you even abuse something like that?

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The cruelty is absolutely the point here. They want to ethnicly cleanse them, whichever way is quickest before the international community actually does anything about it.

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