Gunman dead after killing 14 at Prague's Charles University to World – 108 points –
Gunman dead after killing 14 at Prague's Charles University

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Pretty big deal for the czechs, things like that almost never happen in this part of europe.

Do random mass shootings happen in any part of Europe enough for it to no longer be a big deal?

France has had quite a few for example. Although these were more organized terrorist attacks than lone gunmen.

But most shootings in europe are most often done with air rifles or small caliber weapons, access to automatic weapons is extremely restricted and rare. So the death toll is also much smaller. For example, school shootings in my country (which borders the czech republic) are very rare and make big headlines but most often result in a few wounded, not dozens killed like the US.

Not to detract from the sentiment, but automatic firearms have been fully banned in the USA for 40 years now and have been illegal in most of the country since the 1930s.

They are starting to become more common, unfortunately.