The stupidity of YT ads these days to Mildly – 296 points –

I was watching a video on landscape mode on my phone on YouTube. And then when a wild midroll ad appears, the ad thinks it's a good idea to play a ultrawide-screen video inside a TikTok style vertical phone window, and then puts that in a widescreen video. The whole thing also got smaller to display the CTA at the right.

Which reminds me, I hate how YT ads on mobile try to forcibly cover up the entire screen. It's like seeing a billboard that suddenly expands to fill most of your vision. They didn't used to do that, instead they just took over the video portion of the screen, but you could keep browsing comments while the ad plays.


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Use NewPipe x SponsorBlock.

Ah, the joy of not being sold anything.

I'm not really a fan of sponsor block. It's pretty much the most privacy respecting way of advertising and safe income for the creator. Seems like a win−win. I don't like watching ads but I'd rather watch a sponsor segment than a YouTube ad

NewPipe ftw though

I see your point, but I really wish we could go back to a more innocent internet, when people make slightly crappy videos as a hobby, rather than overproduced shows as a profession.

I kind of agree but I also kind of don't.

I thoroughly enjoy well produced content by the likes of Veritasium, Captain Disillusion, Mark Rober, Lemmino, Potato Jet and more. I do see where you're coming from tho

There still are people doing it as a hobby and some even consider it a hobby despite the high production quality. Those channels are harder to find, though and that is kind of sad. I can't help but wonder what would've been if we hadn't commercialised the web.