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Joined 1 years ago


i moved to but it's shutting down so i'm back here

imagine being pregnant for 90 months

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i eat pizza with a fork and knife

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It's not and I'm Lovin' It. The Fediverse I mean. Want to defederate from corporate ads? Just Do It. Have It Your Way and Make Every Second Count.

Really, you just need to Think Different.

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Transcription of the image in @BitSound's comment:

A Reddit comment by user "YARGLE_IS_MY_DAD":

"I remember I got into an argument on reddit awhile ago with a person over Italian food. It got to the point they were following me into other subs to harass me.

I clicked on their profile to block them and their most recent post was them drinking their own piss on r/piss. At that moment I realized I had spent so much pointless time arguing about the taste of food with someone who drinks their own piss as a hobby. This site is a shit hole."

A comic:

In the first panel, a person affirms that the operation was a success.

In the second panel, Cookie Monster holds the surgically added breasts: —"Oh, hell yeah" says Cookie Monster.

In the third panel, Cookie Monster furiously lactates on a pile of cookies using the newly acquired breasts. Then, in the fourth panel, Cookie Monster eats the cookies.

This is so everyone can suffer with me, regardless of sight or signal quality.

Librewolf, basically Firefox but more privacy, I did tweak some settings for usability which may have made it a bit less private though

  • KeePassXC, it is a client for KeePass password management, works great

  • Krita, KDE's awesome drawing program

maybe look at it in the original instance? it could be that your instance hasn't federated with it yet or the community's instance is gone

this made me actually laugh out loud

On KDE Plasma I have "User Feedback" set to "Detailed system information and basic usage statistics"

Since when do people think 50 is middle-aged? To me it's always been 30-something years old

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I usually install noto-fonts

patch earth-00137900.12023.09a

  • make 1/137 show up more often to mess with scientists

  • add syntax highlighting to maths

[bugfix] patch earth-00137900.12023.09b

  • π is no longer irrational
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You could use an extension that changes your user agent but I'm not sure how well that'd work

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On the other hand we now have Lemmy 3rd party clients and hopefully publicly available Kbin clients soon

How can you read the version? It is highly compressed

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what a suspicious comic

a black hole

You mean a FOSS Clip Studio Paint or maybe Paint Tool SAI? IIRC Adobe Illustrator is a vector-based program

huh, this really shows how languages in europe are generally closely related

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  1. A very cheap smartphone that is decent performance-wise and comes with Lineage, Graphene OS or something similar.

  2. A machine that can turn thoughts/dreams into video, image, or other mediums.

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Normies¹ don't even really think about Windows or OS in general, most people just think it's just what a computer is like regardless.

¹ : Normie as in person who is not experienced with computers and PC gaming

Krita, a free and open-source art app

Elisa, a FOSS music player

Birday, an open-source app to remember birthdays and other events

Note to Self (Play Store), a note-taking app with a chat-like format, data is stored locally

What about Kiwi and Iceraven (Iceraven is a Firefox fork which has more extensions)

no kbin login? :(

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They could be sex-repulsed, which I imagine would make them disgusted maybe? I don't know I'm not asexual

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My laptop has middle click on the touchpad

I live in Brazil and don't know many people with iPhones, most have Android phones

they did, "Recently I've gave up Windows for Linux"

to me the ones in the photo are yellow but i usually see them green and imagine them green too


what does toy-like mean?

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my laptop charger is round and my phone is usb-c

my laptop has usb-c but it doesn't seem to charge it

The Mastodon instance I use has a character limit of 1000

It's not really possible to have an instance that doesn't remove hate speech but also hasn't been defederated by other instances, since most instances do not tolerate hate speech.

You're more likely to be exposed to different viewpoints in a reasonably moderated instance that doesn't allow hate speech, which would be federated with a lot of other instances, rather than an instance that allows it, which would most likely be in a hate speech bubble with other similar instances.

Probably going to make a lot of hardware obsolete for Windows, a lot of people with older systems are either going to stick to their current version without updating (no updates could mean security issues) or switch to Linux for better hardware support. This is assuming that MS decides to support less and less older hardware with each update.

I watched it, would absolutely recommend.

Hoprom elan esstic 🪄

They are talking about running LineageOS on Pinephone. LineageOS is based on Android so Android apps work on it.

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I recently moved to Arch from Artix, I followed the installation guide and installed with btrfs. My experience in both systems was/is great, the software is up-to-date. I mostly use system packages, flatpaks and sometimes AUR packages.

I have not had any system-breaking issues.