🍹Early to RISA 🧉

@🍹Early to RISA 🧉@sh.itjust.works
55 Post – 57 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Not the main point, but this is the first time I've seen "allowlisted". Lol

...are they trying to avoid saying whitelisted because of the word "white"?

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Best I can do is upload memes and add to the load.

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This is the answer. It comes with the territory when you have a demographic that is nerdy and terminally online.

This demo has more pros than cons, but I do find myself using the "block community" option liberally.

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This is gold

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Those are just "ines"

Water, like from the toilet?

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It doesn't even have to be a touchy subject.

I've seen plenty of complaints about lemmy.ml being the worst offender for this, removing stuff that is so innocuous that you could show your grandmother at church, because someone in charge found a contorted way to be offended by it. (or worse, because it was critical of China or something)

I think users will ultimately find the path of least resistance, and the least heavy-handed instances will have a healthier growth.

The flavor actually tastes very cruel

Is it weird to have subscribed even though I don't pirate (yet)? The community seems good, and I might take the plunge eventually.

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In time, you will know the tragic extent of their failings.

I think my enjoyment of a bad movie is inversely proportional to how aware everyone involved in making it is that it's a bad movie.

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We at Red Hook know something about madness.. Much like Darkest Dungeon, game development is a dynamic and challenging effort where tough choices must be made using imperfect information. Making and releasing a game is an uncertain endeavor, with treasures never guaranteed. But that uncertainty should lie in the marketplace, not with fundamental business terms around which a project was built. We believe Unity has made a grave misstep in introducing a poorly thought out fee mechanic and then compounded that threefold by making it apply to games that have already been released. We are sympathetic to the idea that companies must sometimes change how they operate, but these changes should be carefully planned, communicated, and enacted in such a way that partners may choose whether they wish to accept these new rules for their next projects. We built Darkest Dungeon using Unity, and a large part ofour decision to do so was the relative cost certainty around the license and subscription model. We've spent hundreds of thousands of dollars on licenses, and far more than that in engaging Unity to help us with parts of deve lopment. It is hard for us to imagine building another game with Unity unless we know we are protected from the possibility of massive changes to how we pay for that technology being introduced at the whims of executive management. Part of game development is knowing when a mechanic is not working and then having the courage to swallowyour ego and undo the mistake. We call on Unity to recant this blunder.

(used Google's text detection to copy/paste, so may not be perfect)

I just want to chime in and agree.

Treating any demographic like they're too fragile to hear a clean joke (not hateful or malicious) is insulting in its own way.

I don't get to talk about Beast Wars enough these days.

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I haven't really decided where I stand on biotic.

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I like her

Afraid of some competition, I see.

I align with the majority of the politics of "reddit left", but I also have a sense of humor, so I don't claim the pearl-clutchers.

You got there!

One day, all will be Risa.

That rule seems incredibly fair.

Slow down, I'm not following

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Am I missing something? The community you linked only has one post.

I've noticed the user you've mentioned reposting some of my greentext posts to similar communities on different instances (and vis versa), but that seems harmless. Maybe even a needed service.

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Build the... dome?

This should be upvoted as the most concise and simple explanation in this comment section.

They're straight to the point

Anyone who is offended by these needs to calm down and remember that it's ok to not take everything so seriously.

None of these are hateful in any way. The one about mods definitely has some targeted sass to it, but that's pretty light.

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Do I want to know?

And don't get me started on those bad apples.

...ok, if you think it would help. Now what?

(edit: oh, you meant the images)

Yeah, this scared me off for weeks because I didn't want the hassle. Turns out it's way easier than those dorks were making it seem!

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SMW is my childhood nostalgia.

I've personally been splitting my time a bit on mobile until my beloved RIF dies, then I'll be here 100%.

Is this real?

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I was skeptical until I just tried it. Wow, well done.

Yeah, I was around the same age. It was high tech!

First one, then the other.

Please send help

He's so judgemental

These are just the basics too.