It's just one of life's mysteries

🍹Early to RISA 🧉 to – 237 points –

Me: "I'll piss on that electric fence."

Friend #1: "Do it, no balls."

Friend #2: [has to physically restrain me from pissing on the fence]

Clearly masculinity is a very elegantly culturally evolved trait for survival.

This is how you know who your real friends are.

Yeah, a real friend wouldn't've stopped me!

That's what you meant, right?

Yeah.. of course I don’t think it’s funny. I definitely don’t want to know if Ren and Stimpy were right.

Clearly masculinity is a very elegantly culturally evolved trait for survival.

Sure it'll get you killed but like so many things which've evolved to kill us we can treat it now with pills.

"Tired of the urge to piss on electric fences to prove your masculinity? Take antiboyotics today!"

No, no, that's anti_idiotics_ you should take in that case.

It's my God-given right as an American to be an idiot! I'll be damned if I let some so-called 'medical expert' take that away from me!

Of course, sir, I understand, in that case, may I point you towards our large selection of liquid proidiotics, aisle 7 and 8.

Spoiler: Sharks can smell a drop of blood but dont care for human blood

I was always a fan of this version, I think I heard Rodney Daingerfield or Sam Kinnison say it first:

Why do husbands die before their wives?

Because they want to.

He should stick to hunting porch pirates. That's a public service.