
328 Post – 245 Comments
Joined 3 years ago

Finnish guy

Founder and admin of sopuli.xyz

Mastodon: Rynach@mstdn.io

Matrix: @rynach:matrix.org


Non-American colors, they are my favorite.

If I were to buy a Steam Deck or similar console, I'd buy a SNES-themed button set for it.

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As the instance's owner and admin, there was a server migration that lasted for a day and nearly 8 hours. And yes, !meta@sopuli.xyz and my Mastodon are good places to check out regarding Sopuli's status.

Got the server migration done and Sopuli is as good as new! Hopefully I can rest for a while.

"Medical freedom", the rallying cry for all kinds of grifters spreading disinformation and wanting to roll back the progress made in public health.

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"Hello, fellow humans!"

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Anti-science has gained too much traction in recent years, I doubt USA will survive if H5N1 starts spreading from human to human.

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Well, you have to explore other languages. As Linus Torvalds once famously said:

There aren't enough swear-words in the English language, so now I'll have to call you perkeleen vittupää just to express my disgust and frustration with this crap.

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Zucc gives an impression of an android-reptilian hybrid, but he handles PR a lot better. And this is because he doesn't spout every thought that runs in his head on social media without filter.

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Seeing him without his beard and hair feels so wrong and even uncanny. I hope he has a lot more years ahead of him and he kicks cancer's ass.

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During the last 5 years Brand has fallen gradually into a QAnon-esque rabbit hole, and all this new-age-spirituality stuff has been the gateway.

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"Blue Lives Matter".... no, not those ones!

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Boomer humor: "Wife bad"

Millennial humor: "Life bad"

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Well, the Ubisoft exec needs to get used to people pirating games if they cannot be owned.

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Defederating from that instance is an absolute must, if you want to take a small step from preventing Voatification. That instance took from where Wolfballs left off.

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Amen! I made a longer post explaining my reasoning for blocking Threads and the decision took only 15 minutes.

2020: Most year ever.

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Exactly! And in case someone misunderstands, this is mocking him, not endorsing.

When some people have argued that there is no use for EU, I have used its handling of technology giants as a counter-argument.

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Those leaders offer simple answers to complex social problems and claim to restore their country to the halcyon days of yore. The days when there were no immigrants, liberals, degeneracy or whatever "came later to ruin the country."

Also the voters may believe that voting against their interests somehow benefits them.

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When someone says "I'm not against all vaccines, just the ones for COVID", he is usually lying. In time this "skepticism" will slide into being against even the common vaccines and it can be seen now. My favorite blog Respectful Insolence had a good post about the so-called "medical freedom":

"Health freedom” and “medical freedom” have become a rallying cry for libertarians, far right wingers, and even outright fascists. Indeed, the Republican Party has become a bastion of antivaccine and anti-public health hostility, a process that actually predates the pandemic by at least several years. “Health freedom” and “medical freedom” have always been code words for dismantling public health infrastructure, anything resembling a vaccine mandate (even in schools), and dismantling the FDA.

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In May 2021, the Guardian reported that Julian Chandra – then vice-president for growth at LBRY, now CEO of Odysee – told employees in an email that “being a white nationalist or nazi isn’t grounds for removal. Are you nazi that makes videos about the superiority of the white race? That is NOT grounds for removal.”


So much for free speech absolutism. I don't have to watch sports, as Musk fans going through the mental gymnastics to justify this is entertaining enough.

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The power of open source compels you!

Oh, Ferngully was that animation about rainforests I watched as a kid.

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And some few weeks ago a memo leaked where Satya Nadella assured that "whatever business decision Microsoft considers, security always comes first".

Exactly. I'd be more interested in that Lenovo console if it ran Linux or if someone gets it running SteamOS.

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Based on classification? Taken from a Wikipedia article concerning lemmings.

At one point nearly every platform was adding stories, and now they add long text posts. Everybody wants to feast on Twitter's corpse.

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But bet you didn't know this about Africa!

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Oh shit, here we go again!

This soap opera just got another twist! It's like clockwork, considering how Microsoft has invested before in OpenAI and Bing uses their technology.

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Either Junnila himself resigns or the new PM Petteri Orpo is going to fire him. He is going to be one helluva burden internationally, considering how he is going to visit Israel and Germany soon. And in those countries a blind eye is not going to be turned to "jokes" about 88 and gas. Hell, in one old Facebook post Junnila showed off a snowman that looked like a KKK member with a text "white Christmas"!

Junnila was saved mainly because those 15 MPs (mainly from the opposition) were away, and the (Rudimentary) Finns Party leader Riikka Purra had threatened to break up the government should the vote be against him.

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So the joke "casual sex implies there's competitive sex" was taken seriously.

Another thing I point out is "look no further than the bottom of your phone" to bring up how EU forced phone manufacturers to use USB-C.

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Yes, it basically boils down to diminishing returns, it also eats up all the good potential for creative graphic design.

It's pretty concerning, as health authorities in the USA don't seem to do enough to prevent the situation from getting worse. The dairy industry doesn't want its profits to be touched, and several politicians seem to be more concerned about the economic impacts. Various far-right groups basically created the framework for their anti-science actions with the COVID pandemic and various anti-vaxx groups that existed before it. Therefore they will double down in their efforts to resist any kinds of mitigation efforts because of "freedom" and "do not comply". Hell, many of them are buying raw milk in hopes of "gaining immunity" and of course "owning the libs"!

It could be said that I am already preparing. When at work, doing groceries, hitting the gym and so on, I am wearing an FFP2 mask (equivalent to N95). This is exceptional here in Finland, where many people have drunk the Kool-Aid of "COVID being over" fed by the THL, our equivalent to your CDC. The only people I have seen masking actively are people collecting bottles from streets and parks! The THL has done similar blunders about public health messaging and "studies".

I am not losing my night's sleep because of this, but who knows what happens in the coming months?

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"Yeah but this is totes different thing!!!?!?!"

And here in Finland no one can't even buy the new shots, they are only for people over 65 or at-risk-groups.

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