Billie Eilish, Pearl Jam, 200 artists say AI poses existential threat to their livelihoods to – 44 points –
Billie Eilish, Pearl Jam, 200 artists say AI poses existential threat to their livelihoods

more of a threat than the recording industry already poses?

“a race to the bottom that will degrade the value of our work” pretty well encapsulates what artists have been dealing with for the last several decades …

More like the recording industry unto itself is the reason it is a threat at all

If artist's entire livelihoods weren't 100% dependant on business parasites who have, since time immemorial, been looking for a way to get rid of them and just keep making money without those pesky artists asking for like. Payment or respect. Then AI would just be a funny little invention that might have even been welcomed by artists as another tool in their toolkit.

Expand that for writers and the television industry. Illustrators and the publishing industry. Etc. Etc. Etc.

This would mean a lot more if their livelihood wasn’t already providing them an absurdly lavish lifestyle that none of us will ever see. Let me know when AI has you on the brink of homelessness and maybe I will give a shit.

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Sort of, right? AI generated work can't be copy writed so we'd all just get free robot music.

I mean, I don't see a lot of sympathy here for the established musicians but the knock on effects of this are that up and coming artists can't get gigs either because nobody needs live musicians for an event anymore?