
1 Post – 202 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I really hate having the taskbar permanently affixed to the bottom of my screen. I've had it on the left side for decades now. They are really throwing the baby out with the bathwater.

Someone at Microsoft "Customization is the enemy of progress!"

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Office jobs are BS in the internet era. You go to work to look at a screen. You come home to look at a screen. You go to bed, you look at a screen.

Your bosses are taking calls from their hot tubs while smoking big spliffs and making fun of you for not being as smart as them. They figured it out and they'll be retiring any day now. I'm not even being facetious, I know these people. They're the Pakleds of the human race.

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Thanks for posting this. I almost forgot to cancel my subscription to Netflix. Thanks for the reminder 🙂

My dad tells me it has something to do with Communism and the color pink but I can't really understand him through his slurred speech three drinks in after Thanksgiving dinner.

My dudes, how does wb keep making the worst decisions possible?More tax breaks? How are they making money off of this move?!

I think Nintendo is dancing into dangerous territory here. I have a feeling this thing is going to be loaded with anti-features here specifically designed to curtail modding, piracy, and even unlicensed peripherals. The games themselves are going to get HD re-re-eleases and Nintendo will charge you full price again for the moderate upgrade.

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I gotta be honest, I love his deadpan dry ass thumbnails.

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This platform is the best thing to happen in the computing landscape in a very very long time. If the Deck can become the target platform for developers due to the install base, we're going to see more legitimate gaming hardware and software come out alongside it.

There are a glut of gaming handhelds out there running android or windows but there are a few that rise to the top as the pinnacle of the platform. When a clear winner emerges, everyone else tries to be like it enough while having something new to offer.

This problem with windows (one of the many) is almost all the value ads like game hubs (i.e. ROG Armoy Crate) detract from the experience and almost provide a superficial "ooh she diff'rent" appeal.

With the contribution of their work back to the Linux community, imagine Asus deploying their own Linux OS that ran steam. They too would be inclined to contribute back to the larger ecosystem while providing actual added value of substance!

I'm sure I'm preaching to the choir here but I'm just so happy about the success of the steam deck that it makes me want to evangelize it in my spare time!

Honestly, this article shouldn't be called how to. I'm trying to make heads or tails of this documentation but I would love to see more. I just want to recompile Mystical Ninja starring Goemon as it's my favorite N64 game from my childhood.

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I'm starting to feel like this game is being made an example of how to not make videogames. Good.

These games do not get enough shame from their consumers to make any changes but money talks.

Buy the game and instantly request a refund.

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My favorite trick to reviving old computers is trying to find ways to get them to run off of solid state storage. It really makes a huge difference. You will be surprised by how much more tolerable classic computers are when you no longer have to deal with slow storage mediums.

Mind you this doesn't make them modern levels of fast and you no longer get the satisfaction of hearing the hard drive grinding away when you open a window but thems the tradeoffs...sigh...

I think it's hilarious with the market for Linux handhelds this hot that these companies are still like "ew no thanks"

Ubuntu used to get a lot of undeserved hate but lately the hate feels deserved. Ubuntu has been the face of the usable desktop Linux for a long time and they just keep tripping over themselves every time they try to move forward.

Their intentions are usually good. A lot of things they propose usually end up being adopted by the community at large (just not their implementation). They seem to just yank everyone's chain a little too hard in the direction we're eventually going to go and we all resent them for that.

Off the top of my head, there was Upstart (init system), there was unity (desktop), and now snaps (containerized packaging). All of these were good ideas but implemented poorly and with a general lack of support from the community. In almost each case in the past what's happened is that once they run out of developers who champion the tech, they eventually get onboard with whatever Debian and Rhel are doing once they were caught up and settled.

Valve's lack of interest in maintaining the snap makes sense. The development on the Ubuntu platform is very opinionated in a way where the developers of the software (valve) really want nothing to do with Canonicals snaps.

On another note: my favorite thing about the Ubuntu server was LXD + ZFS integration. Both have been snapified. It was incredibly useful and stable. Stephane Graber has forked the project now into INCUS. It looks very promising.

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It's been an unsupportable business model from the beginning. Other than android, everything Google makes is easily replaceable by some other product. They don't have a monopoly like any of their competition that will easily sustain them. I honestly don't believe the majority of Google Engineers actually do anything innovative anymore as most of those people left the company when their pet projects were shut down in the first round of cost cutting measures (around the time Google became Alphabet).

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There is something about the Palm Pre or Jolla Sailfish OS that was so endearing back then. Devices that support it just don't exist.

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How's dragons dogma 2? ... To shreds you say... And how about the community... To shreds you say ...

$0.00 dollars per inStallman of godot engine.

Idk if it's worth trusting articles from this site after the fake ddos toothbrush article.

Nonetheless, I can't imagine crime not getting more sophisticated as time moves on.

POE cameras are the way.

I'm starting to feel like this headline is some sort of psy-op.

RTO mandates make employees unhappy because I think they perceive it as a punitive measure. It's not "We need you to be in the office because we have a big project in the coming weeks and we need everyone on board" instead it's received as "We don't believe you're actually working anymore so now you have no choices left".

The statements I've seen have been suggesting that corporations try to make remote workers feel like those who don't come in are lazy and worthless and you need to prove your worth by being present. (See web MD RTO cringe) and the insults people suffer only go so far.

Imagine if you feel like you worked very hard through the pandemic and even through working remotely you were able to keep the ship afloat just to turn around and get spanked for it by your boss "Thanks but we really need you to get back to your REAL job and stop slacking off", you would perceive the RTO mandates as injust punishment. All self respecting people reject injustice.

::Tinfoil hat:: This is by design and they want you to quit as they are done extracting value from you and firing you is harder than making you quit.

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Stop giving these scam artists money.

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They aren't actually mad. It's a show. Like when they yell at the food counter clerk, they don't actually care. They're more pleased with their own performative expression than anything else. They brag about it later and do the show again for their friends.

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Ive been thinking about this a lot and if you think about this like they are selling a stolen product then it can be framed differently.

Say I take several MegaMan games, take a copy of all the assets, recombine them into a new MegaMan game called "Unreal Tales of MegaMan". The game has whole new levels inspired by capcom's Megaman. Many would argue that the work is transformative.

Am I allowed to sell that MegaMan game? I'm not a legal expert but I think the answer to that would generally be no. My intention here is to mimic a property and profit off of a brand I do not own the rights too.

Generative AI uses samples of original content to create the derivative work to synthesize voices of actors. The creator of this special intention is to make content from a brand that they can solely profit from.

If you used an AI to generate a voice like George Carlin to voice the Reptilian Pope in your videogame, I think you would have a different problem here. I think it's because they synthesized the voice and then called it George Carlin and sold it as a "New Comedy Special" it begins to fall into the category of Bootleg.

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The vibe has been rancid for a while, people just keep forgetting.

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Google is collapsing because we are not the customer they serve (anymore). We are the product.

They have spoiled all the good will their brand has which means they are vulnerable to competition.

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I own a switch, I bought the game, Game runs like shit, Instead of returning it, I play it on yuzu

I'm sure if they had their way anyone who backwards engineers a system like polymega or analogue would be next on their hit list.

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Abso lutely. Microsoft and Google basically have a duopoly on corporate email and no one seems to care. I know this does seem relevant but trust me it is.

That's some nice density you got there. While you're at it...

Can I get a 12.8TB drive 1/10th the physical size (m.2 2230) and has a steady transfer rate of 2.4GBs that costs <$200 dollhairs? Pretty please 🙏

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"cocaine is illegal"

Genius Billionaire "But what if it wasn't"


In an effort to extend his life, I can't wait for Bezos to splice nuclear wolf DNA and then get in front of a camera with a wet nose, fangs, and weird Nicholas Cage style long hair from the movie Next (2007) looking like we got "Teen Wolf" at home.

"TAKE CONTROL" -Old Gods of Asgard

I find that when I'm feeling depressed and lefty, singing out loud helps me. Maybe you too can sing along!

"Do you hear the people sing? Singing a song of angry men? It is the music of the people Who will not be slaves again! When the beating of your heart Echoes the beating of the drums There is a life about to start When tomorrow comes!"

Don't feel shame, be heard, be loud, and beat the drum!

(Yes this is les mis)

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It's funny especially because the attachment rate of the average gamer to a console is like less than 4 games. Microsoft killed their cash cow when they mismanaged Halo into oblivion. Players came to Xbox for Halo not the other way around. Once they had that audience they invested into them with more titles (like halo 3 and gears of war) and improved online experiences, by the time the 360 was done, Microsoft's new direction for the console including the announcement (then retraction) of CD keys being their new killer feature, they lost the entire audience at the turn of the hardware generation. Players ended up mostly on PC at that point.

I just want to see the German talk show where this was said. Sounds fun.

This is Great... Unfortunately this is too little too late ...

He's already moved out every asset he owns from under his control to other sources. They've given this man too much time to make himself appear "Virtually" as pauper on paper. He'll go to prison before he ever gives them a cent.

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Is there an alternative way to register a domain that cannot be seized? It seems like domain seizure is the one thing that enables internet censorship. Is there some sort of block chain base registrars out there? I'm genuinely curious.

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What's slowing down Linux adoption?

Is it the monopoly Microsoft has on all PC hardware and strong relationships it has with desktop software partners that make leaving windows near impossible?

No, it must be the users.

/s insert principal Skinner meme

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Large language models are going to replace search. Naturally concise recommendations are easier for humans to interact with than a swath of web pages. The problem that you get here is this is going to disincentive the creation of new web content outside of the walled gardens we already have. The walls are just going to get higher.

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