
17 Post – 501 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I've been called "a giant faggot" but I'm medium at most. ♥️

The death penalty is always wrong.
Murder is not a punishment and once you've stripped her of her ill-got gains there is no longer any reason to kill her.

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What do you think smegma is and why would you presume you'd find any at the upper crack of this fellow's ass?

From this picture, if anything the secret ingredient can be suspected to be doodoo chips.

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Copyright Mig-Switch 2024 - A product of Mig Switch, developed and produced in the Russian Federation

You'll understand if I don't contribute to their tax base for now.

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Do the people who wrote those lyrics get a cut of Spotify gatekeeping them?

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This is just going to beg for regulations that is going to ruin the generative AI world


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This guy makes christian comics.

On dude's site this one is called Popular vs Unpopular

and underneath it is the bible quote:

Better to be a nobody and yet have a servant
than pretend to be somebody and have no food.
Proverbs 12:9 NIV

From what I can tell she dates a guy who knows how a lady should be treated but can't actually afford to treat her that way.
From the woman's face in the 4th panel she has grown insecure and lowered her standards, dating a guy who bikes and takes her for a burger. She sees on going to the bathroom that her date owns the restaurant chain they are eating at.

The lesson seems to be for women to know their place and date men who could treat them as they deserve, but instead take them to a place they get kickbacks from eating at (and seemingly don't reveal this fact before inviting them).

Praise jay-sus.

Edit: Since the "loser" has dark hair and takes her to a sushi restaurant, and the "good" (presumebly christian) catch has blonde hair and takes her to an all-american burger joint, it also comes off as slyly racist—at minimum xenophobic.

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Is that hatred, or fear, that I hear in this comment?

That's "suppressing theft masquerading as art is awesome" you hear in that comment.

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I think the people downvoting you know exactly how to engage hate.

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No, the arguments presented in the article are not compelling.

A bit like how Euthanasia is foundationaly fine but it's allowance under capitalism leads to the poor being pressured to die, while capitalism oppresses us fucking over A.I. art's ability to be copyrighted is good.

If it were allowed to be copyrit corporations would fuck over creatives more than they currently do and use it to union bust.
Of course in a post-capitalist world copyright won't matter.

Therefore this shit should never get copyright protection.

That's torture and irreparable harm.

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I just want you to know there are pills which are fairly easy to get your hands on which if you take will make your skin softer and cause you to grow breasts.

If that sounds intriguing to you, I further inform you there exist many people who happily take these pills for the entirety of their lives and the kind of person who would want to take such a substance is in no way a freak.

But yeah, girl avatars can do sick acrobatics, huh?

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Cheshire police said from the start they did not believe she was killed for being trans.

“and I want to see if it will scream like a man or a girl”.

Fuck y'all too, Cheshire police.

Can we have one day without talking about poop?

I bet we could go 3 days. 🤔

Take the money, sure. Then they're no longer billionaires and there's no need to kill them.

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The 11 year old girl the judge sided with is one of the "little girls being uncomfortable with it".

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Ah, it was the third option, ignorance.

Oh, I'm not at all ignorant of how horrible generative " art " is, but I appreciate you checking on me.

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Which explains why they hate "Queer"; it's inclusive.

If these services all start federating together

No one should federate with meta.

Yeah, they should really give the people that volunteer to moderate the 3rd party tools they need to control that sort of stuff, huh?

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Why is there a watch that can tell when you're fucking? Only thing it needs to tell is time.

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I don’t know what to do.

  1. Be gay
  2. Do crime
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It’s only stored alongside your account.

There's no reason they should have the info and so long as they do it's possible actors with contrary interests to users (governments, employers, third parties...) can access it.

While I agree in principle I tend to think there are still unforgivable crimes and irredeemable people out there.

Then you don't agree.

I wasn't aware crime was about forgiveness.
I thought in-so-far as societies implemented systems of justice, their purpose was restitution and rehabilitiation.

No one gains anything from a person—irrespective their prior actions—being murdered and we all lose a bit of our soul each time a state execution is allowed to take place.

I really expected better from Vietnam, whose "quarantine at gunpoint" public health policies I heartily endorse.

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I don't judge him for his alcoholism, I judge him for being responsible for over 200 cases of covid.

...and also for seemingly throwing up nazi salutes at a show.

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I'm all for stealing content willy-nilly but you can't then use that theft to craft a privately "owned" mind.

I'd have no problem with "ai" if it could unionize and had to pay for rice like the rest of humanity.

These companies want to combine open theft with privately owned black boxen they can control and license out for money.

It's enclosure of The Commons all over again.

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Why not just disband the murder squads (why are there murder squads??) rather than increase surveillance of the populace?

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I already deleted a mastodon account over the instance admin's "wait and see" position.

Strongly and preemptively shunning meta is the course of action I view as the correct one, most likely to preserve what the fediverse is and tries to be.

excuse me but what the fuck is the nazi bat problem

When you find a nazi but you can't find a bat.

“Oh shit, those suicide rates are going to skyrocket.”

Oh nah, people are absolutely going to die as a direct result of this decision. More many will have scars.

It's still murder—still assault—if the weapon you form against a person is their own beleaguered hand.

I weep for needless death.

Are you mad at people who can draw or something?

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Why would people pay so much money to cross a picket line?

Just buy sriracha from the people who grow the peppers that Huy Fong used.

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Well, at least we've moved from "Meta is Satan! Defederate!!1!"

No we haven't. I never stopped screaming that.

I scream it now. Fuck Meta.

Aren't you the same person who suggested weaponizing images of abuse?

Neither that nor your above suggestion to slather slurs are cool, acceptable, laudable, or in any way good ideas.

This is not the way people who get on with their fellow humans behave.

Listen to Batman and stop acting this way.
I have faith in your ability to improve.

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Why do you want to other trans people?

There's alot of other ways you could have divided bathroom use but you ignored race, occupation, sexual orientation, housing status, handedness, whether they support the Yanks or the Mets, if-or-not they wear flip flops, number 1 or number 2, time since their last covid test, attractiveness, their tact when sniffed, and dick size.

Could have segregated bathrooms by any the above categories but you chose to suggest a bathroom for (presumably cisgender) Man, a bathroom for (presumably cisgender) Women, and an "Other" bathroom occupied by people who are not just not men and not women (whose absence of a space "for" them is a salient if side point) but people who very much fit within the binary categories "Man" and "Woman" but you still want separate, with the odd, ends, and enbys, from the Cis People bathroom.

Think about why it is you want a "Cis People Bathroom".
Don't even think about the invasion of genital privacy or general propriety required to effect the border you wish to erect.

Think about why this is a thing you want.
Why you want people, who have genders—which are every bit as real as yours—, to have to expel the semi-solid remains of food and wastes and toxins filtered from their blood in a separate room from you.
What is it about these people that makes their shit stink more (or less) enough to warrant their doing so separately?

Surely it's not as simple as "Their gender turned out differently than a 13-second-old genital exam told them that it should, for which they need be punished."

Respect if that's it. "Fuck Trans People." Not the way I'd go with things, but it's an ethos.

I don't think that's it, though.
You seem nice enough I doubt naked bigotry compels your actions.
You seem well-informed enough—further—to know just how expensive a "fuck you" a third for every second bathroom would be just to keep a percentage point the populace apart 'pon poop and piss.

So if it's not naked bigotry, and it wouldn't be very effective bigotry even if it was, what is it that makes you think trans people need to not be around people who aren't trans during the 15/1440 minutes a day the average ass spends on a toilet?

I cried more than I think I ever have before.

lol, just wait.

I'm not a press outlet.

Do you need an mp3 player?

Power to you if you're doing it for giggles and shits, but can't you load VLC onto that Pixle of yours?

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Being trans myself, I will gladly tell you no one can change their biological sex yet

This is wrong.

"Sex" is determined by myriad inter-related physical and chemical factors which are absolutely capable of changing.

The view you are adding whatever credence being trans gives you to the discussion not only is incorrect it is adopted and propagated to back-justify oppression.

Do not do that.

A woman who was assigned female at birth and later lost her uterus to cancer wouldn't stop being referred to as "female, late 40s" when her chart is being filled out by EMTs. The distinction you are attempting to hold up is meaningless to how "sex" gets used socially and epidemiologically.

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You can't theologically base views you goddamned wankers.

If they have the information, it can be purchased, leaked, or linked to.

They do not need and should not have this info, especially without consent.