2 Post – 328 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

So, basically ham radio but with more Kubernetes.

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This is scene, there are standards goddammit!

Yes, there really are.

I'm honestly a bit afraid of a bunch of German engineers and chemists that suddenly aren't shackled anymore by the burden of three daily status meetings.

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Why is nobody here asking for a local API? Are we as techies just accepting that this NEEDS a server component run by the manufacturer?

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When you've been at good terms with a person close to you and they die, the pain will be like nothing you've ever experienced before and there is absolutely nothing you can do to make it stop.

But: Those are waves. At first it's just constantly all over everything with no end in sight but then there's suddenly a first moment of calm and then it starts again. Those moments get longer with time, for now, endure.

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Of course he says that. It's part of his nothing means anything strategy. He lowers the signal noise ratio so much that any actual signal won't be recognizable anymore.

Yeah, I remember my first girlfriend having to explain to me the concept of occasional discharge. Bonus: Apparently it is slightly acidic and thus tends to ruin underwear, especially the slightly sexier, black kind because there's less cloth material and black is apparently a chemically sensitive color.

That was before I had seen Alien, so I made that connection a lot later.

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One day I'll wake up and my hand will have atrophied due to no circulation. But that will have been worth it. He's usually the chief of security around here, this is the only time he dares to doze off into a deep slumber cause he knows someone is looking out for him and the general situation.

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I fear the day that man dies. I hope I have lost interest in gaming at that point.

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Mine weighs 1.5 tons and is going strongly into it's sixth year of existence at about 95% capacity left. 3/4 of the year I'm driving it exclusively using power from my own roof. It uses about 14kWh/100km which is the equivalent of about 1.3 Liters of Gasoline. I fail to see how all of this is not an advantage.

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Then again, any area of land without access to the internet is reduced in it's usability more and more as time progresses. Fixing that globally once and for all seems like a good idea, the organization behind it is discussable though.

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Then charge me 5€/month and give me an access token. Fuckers.

But likely, having whatever data the app collects is deemed more valuable than that.

I always tell them "Following that logic, there's only one person in the world that can complain. But that dude really got it bad."

Money talks and in this case money specifically asks not to implement any of this. Overworked, stressed out workers that are afraid to lose their healthcare are easier to control.

Voting isn't a chess game.

It very much is. Especially if one of the options might result in never having to vote again.

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I... sorta still feel like blaming them. They're all grown men, right?

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Well, for one, using one of those VPN providers has kept DMCA takedown notices away from me or the hosting provider of my seed box. So that is useful.

His complex rests on a solid foundation though.

But he knows this isn't productive, has publicly acknowledged that and turned that shit way down.

Once you have a hammer the world is full of nails.

willing to let everyone share their opinions even if they’re awful

The question always should be: "Will they show the same courtesy for you?"

And the answer with Nazis is "no", obviously. They're willing to use the democratic process to rise to power. Five minutes later they'll kill it off.

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In Germany, members of the far right party and a few right wingers from the conservative party are openly discussing deporting foreigners, brown people with German citizenship and native Germans that aren't in line to "somewhere in North Africa".

The far right are polling at 30% in a few states. It's the 1920s all over again.

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Let's be honest though, rivers running low in summer so plants had to shut down, core material being bought from Russia and overwhelming costs for dismantling old plants together with no solution at all for final storage also did their part in it.

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Yep, with Toyotas track record in electric vehicles, I read this as_ "do not buy an electric car now, we've got a really awesome thing available in the near future!"_ .

Meanwhile the ACC in my little subcompact never loses track of anything as wide as a bicyclist. But then again, my cheap little subcompact has two front cameras and a 76GHz front radar. Yeah. Maybe not that smart going optical recognition only, eh, Mr. Musk?

To be fair, personal greed causes the same as well. In non capitalist countries, the answer to this might have been "because Dimitri the quality assurance engineer now has a very light and sturdy hunting stand at home".

This stuff is regularly used to mark water flows that someone wants to trace, for example when a stream disappears underground and it's unclear where it joins the watershed again. It's assume there's not much to it.

That's why OpenStreetMap and a user friendly client app like Komoot is usually the better option for planning offroad activities.

Even if this state isn't mapped yet, you'd just add the surface state and the blockage for the next person.

Families should prepare and bury their own, unembalmed with no casket.

Half the people I meet in a day, I'm not certain how they manage to leave the house in the morning without accident.

There would be a lot of dead people lying around and 180kg grandma seeping into the creek running by.

KSP2 or Kerbal Space Program 2. It was early access, I knew that, but it was such a broken mess that I somehow managed to put a lander on the mun, returned it to Kerbin and have never looked back. Rockets that were five parts long wobbling like a stick of candy gum, no re-entry heat and 5 fps on machine that ran KSP1 with volumetric clouds perfectly. Nope. That's not even alpha.

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Well, that's material for a future Sabaton song right there.

Yeah, Well, everybody's day only has 24 hours, need to pick the battles, right.

I finally did and it runs everything, from my lights to my energy and heating management. Worth the saved money, literally.

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Eh, my country has its experience with the "dude is a little bit loony but we'll manage him" approach. Led to a bit of restructuring, first of the German government, then of the entire continent of Europe.

Seeing how you guys have nukes and all that, I'd prefer you wouldn't try to verify our results.

The fascist play social media like a fiddle.

Imagine having a job where you can spew buzzword-y bullshit like this all day and never have to show anything for it.

If I promise something in a daily, I better have at least an experimental implementation for it a week later.

Yep, Saudi Arabia bought that service and the price, giving a man child a toy that it would probably ruin quickly, looked rather attractive.

You do not understand. He smells excellent now, humans just don't get it!

A beautiful pic though.

If you have a steam deck anyway, a used USB-C dock costs 30€ and tadaa, computer, mediaplayer, whatever.

Jeesus Christ Lemmy.

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