Lemmy active users grew by an astounding 1600% in June

MicroWave@lemmy.world to Fediverse@lemmy.world – 1013 points –

From 2,997 active users across all lemmy instances at the beginning of June, the number increased to 52,797 by June 30th. Source.

An active user on Lemmy is "someone who has posted or commented on our instance or community within the last given time frame.” Source. That means lurkers are not counted as active users.

We're really building something here!


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Yeah, this scared me off for weeks because I didn't want the hassle. Turns out it's way easier than those dorks were making it seem!

Exactly. People last week were adamant about needing to spread out new users across different instances. But let's be honest, casual newcomers don't really pay much attention to that. They just want to see a website a lot of content before signing up. The federation concept should be introduced a bit later after they're comfortable.

yeah the people running this show need to understand that normies dont care about server hosting. they just want a feed with cat pics

Everyone wants a feed with cat pics.