Fish out of water

🍹Early to RISA 🧉 to – 729 points –

Sounds like the 21 Jump Street remake

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Imo, a movie that accurately depicts the social atmosphere of a modern high school would have bullies from the 90s crying in a corner. High school kids today are fucking brutal with their insults. Also school shootings would have them horrified, because they wouldn't have seen coverage of Columbine

Reminder that the kids that did Columbine were the "nineties bullies."

Didn't they do it in response to being bullied?

Edit: Nope - they didn't.

Shooting up a school is all kinds of fucked up, but I'm not sure I'd call it bullying.

From memory, those kids were known bullies at the school.

Yep - some quick research says I was wrong, and that the bullied part was misinfo.

TIL - thanks!

Why on earth is this down voted?

Eric Harris would fit right in a Hannibal lecter novel.

When I was in school, kids called things gay as an insult. Nowadays kids call things gay as a compliment.

I have come to regard the "everyone so sensitive today" discourse as literal background chatter because for as long as I can remember people have been saying this. "Ah you could never get away with that today" like yes society does seem to be growing and changing don't it and the sky is up there yet, and the rock's still hard.

Things like that change all the time.

Sure you can't call people a n-word anymore, but at least now black people are allowed to wash their hands in the same wash basin and you can show interracial kisses on TV.

Sure you can't jail people for being gay anymore, but at least they are allowed to be who they are and even adopt an orphan.

Sure you can't hit your wife anymore, but at least they now have the right to vote and can start their own bank account without a mans approval.

We are currently more free than before, just not for a particular group of people.

The particular group of people that experience butt-hurt at the improvements are also exactly as free as they ever were. One of the most damaging arguments against freedom is how poorly some choose to use it.

But how am I supposed to feel good about myself if all these minorities have the same rights as me???? -- them probably.

I remember it when it was called Political Correctiveness.

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And he makes himself right at home.

I have two nieces who get bullied at school about different things. One so bad that she is switching to online-only for the next school year.

Anti-bullying my fuckin ass. Schools aren't doing shit other than waving some flags around.

Teachers are trained to ignore the situation, punish both parties or whichever party they think is the problem, and move on. This tends to result in the victim being punished, simply because the victim is more likely to complain about their abuse than the abuser is to admit to it.

Why? Because if you were an underfunded educator being used as a glorified babysitter by the state, and constantly being accused of spreading communist propaganda when you tried to tell people with the Confederate War was bought over, whoever you think the problem is is whoever is speaking the loudest.

Or the teachers agree with the bully because they are racist/sexist/homophobic themselves.

My biggest bully was a teacher in high school who is in charge of the "special education" they made you take if you had to diagnosis the school system felt impacting your learning.

She was an ablest piece of shit who basically reveled in torturing her students.

I still remember going off on her when she tried to force me to read Bob the Builder in front of the class, despite the fact that I was the top of my Honors English class.

( we only had to take the special education class as one of our electives but dear God I hated it)

with diversity and inclusion

Important part there. Bullies thrive in plenty of shitty schools today and haven't changed much. Biggest difference is they can now use the internet to further their bullying.

Isn't that just present day Republicans?

-Sees shitpost on lemmy

Americans - "Hmmmmm how can I make this about American politics?"

Many countries worldwide are experiencing the neoconservative bully ideology pushing back against progressive inclusivity, not just the USA.

I was referring to the fact that lemmy is fast becoming a place for Americans to constantly shove their fucked-up politics in everyone's face, despite the lack of relevance

Well if you listen to tankies (which you shouldnt) America is why the whole world is like this. We control everything and also are a total failure. It's weird to be two opposing things at once.

We control everything and also are a total failure

If only there was a word for people who use arguments like this, when their enemy is weak and strong at the same time

Welcome to your defence budget.

Hey, I'm just a guy. My defense budget is just a door on the front of my house. Stay mad though ;]

You do understand what I'm getting at right? Your defense budget makes you powerful but takes away... Well pretty much everything else. I hope you escape your programming. Stay awkward though :》

Ah okay I'll have a talk with my defense budgeter and get that sorted.

Lol no, you are powerless and just have to suffer. Stay salty.

Here we go again, I am the ultimate enemy with my massive defense budget and also completely powerless.

You'll never guess where i found the following description of your style of arguement:

The enemy is both weak and strong. “[…] the followers must be convinced that they can overwhelm the enemies. Thus, by a continuous shifting of rhetorical focus, the enemies are at the same time too strong and too weak.”

This is a defining factor of a fascist. I don't blame you for being misled your entire life as it is not your fault, however it is your responsibility.

Said it first buddy, deprogramme yourself. You've been fed lies. Why do you have no holiday? where are your free hospitals., why do your kids die in school? Wake the fuck up. Know your enemy.

Tankie, we're all dead already, you can stop wanting to nuke everyone you don't like.

Get over yourself <3

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This is Memes. I browse my local instance to avoid politics, all I get there are gay memes. But there aren't enough 😂

Yeah... these posts make me wonder if I shouldn't switch back to reddit. The app may be shittier but atleast the memes are actually funny

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Those are Trump voters in their 50s. They're everywhere. Don't need a movie thanks.

Bit of an extreme but Look Who's Back (German: Er ist wieder da) In 2014, Adolf Hitler wakes up in the Berlin park where his Führerbunker once stood. Disoriented, he wanders through the city, interpreting modern situations from a wartime perspective.

And the scary thing is lots of people supported him. It was filmed like Borat where the parts of him interacting with the general populace are not scripted.

Honestly why the heck did movies in the '80s do nothing but make me absolutely slasher film level terrified of going to high school?

Because your parents' generation thought it was hilarious that your school was turning into a prison.

They really, really did didn't they? My Dad was a teacher and did barely fuck all to reassure me high school would be alright, while I'm talking to him about a TIME magazine article about how we've reached peak bullying and it's scarring children for life. This moment a week before I begin high school.

It didn't go well, not because I was bullied but more likely becsuse my fear response / emotional reactivity had grown massive.

The bullying had leveled off by the time I got to high school. All the really traumatic shit happened in Jr. High.

There was a really specific reason why bullying got a lot better in my high school - I went to Frankfurt American High School in Germany and the fall of the Soviet Union caused the Drawdown, the removal of a lot of US troops from Europe. 9th grade, lots of kids, plenty of bullying, 10th grade and on, less kids, much less bullying.

Wow! American army brats were bullies there? 🫡

Oh yes, I was bullied for a few years. Thank god the internet wasn't a thing yet!

I remember there was the show called root of all evil, where two people would get together and debate over which of two things was the greater evil facing the world. I caught the pilot episode in was turned off immediately, as they we're debating between American Idol and High School.

Well American Idol is just a blip on pop culture that people really only remember because of various parodies of Simon Cowell...

Meanwhile everyone who went to my high school, know somebody who was abused by faculty so hard that they attempted suicide. And in some circles, I am that friend.

So when American Idol won the debate and was considered the greater evil, I never saw an episode of the show again, because I was convinced that the judge was an idiot or they were just going with whatever Society considered the bigger punching bag at the time.

My dad actually liked the show, and felt that they had made the right call claiming that American Idol had ruined the music industry by elevating pop music over Rock music. And while that is true with rock becoming more of an underground genre and pop is the new standard music, not only is American Idol more a symptom of that than a Cause...

But we will always have Rock music, it's not like pre-existing rock musicians transitioned over to pop, or that rock groups don't still exist... I mean sure we don't have 90s Hard Rock anymore, it's not a sound that people generally go for, but I can say the same thing about every decade, music is constantly evolving as per society's taste.

The countless people who take their own lives because they just can't handle the abuse, most of them children, can never be replaced.

My dad isn't a terrible person, and I don't think he would make this call today if we talked about the show again, but it really shows the generational divide.

He thought of high school as a necessary evil that just happens you up and prepares you for the real world, because that's what everyone thought of the suffering of teenagers going to high school. It was just commonly accepted that standing up to your bullies is what made you a man or that by bullying someone else you were just asserting dominance.

Amongst my generation, we were a a bit less likely to view life through the lens of some '80s movie where you punch Biff Tannen across the face and win the girl. Why? I guess in the '80s they didn't know just how bad abuse could be, maybe they didn't take Mental Health seriously...

But I got out of high school in 2008 ready to put that part of my life behind me, and just let my life carry on, maybe move out of this town and off to better things. Anyway to make a long story short we entered a recession, and the lower classes never really recovered from that.

Anyone else wants to play armchair historian and try to figure this out? Be my guest.

It was and is purposeful. Abuse victims statistically have much much lower self-esteem and life achievement than people who were not abused do, and therefore abuse victims make good chattel for menial labor. That's where TPTB want most people, as chattel sweeping floors or minding registers or flipping burgers with chains around their necks. The fact that those chains are internal is all the better for them.

It's just modern day slavery and bullying in schools and abuse by parents is used to break people like they were horses.

It's sick.

I wonder how much diversity and inclusion there really is in a school today. Many little kids are dicks, and will always be dicks.

Changes in what the adults tell them is or isn't appropriate won't sway them, they're going to continue to abuse each other and come up with colourful reasons to separate into groups, be it clothing, hair style, gender, skin colour, accent, what flavour of crisps you prefer.... etc.

I am not sure if this is even measurable anymore. A lot of things that happened in the past were not considered bullying. Even really serious stuff.

Additionally, especially when looking at anecdotal evidence, how respectful kids treat each other can be different per school and even for each class.

For a few things we have semi-reliable statistics. For example in Germany the number of knives that are regularly taken from students has significantly increased. Also the number of times schools called the police because they needed help getting a situation under control. But this could also mean there are more extreme single cases. It doesn't necessarily mean the overall atmosphere is more aggressive.

i graduated school recently and bullying was nearly non-existent with some exceptions like when someone said he wanted to have sex with children

If you own an iPhone is the new thing. Apparently if your parents aren't willing to waste $1000+ dollars on a phone they don't love you.

Plot twist: he realizes he was born in the wrong body and wants to be called Karen from now on.

Billy Madison explored this a little bit when he made it to high school. Pretty much any movie where someone goes back to high school does this. 21 Jump Street was mentioned by someone.

I’ve seen three shows basically try to make this joke. Somebody from an earlier time comes to now and can’t adjust to the political correctness. Clone high did it, Futurama did it, and I think another show I watched as well. It’s pretty played out already.

Dr Who did it, but in a very weird way. they made thr first Doctor kinda sexist, which fits the time, but not thr character, because he wasn't really sexist in his time even by our standards.

I should rewatch Kimmy Schmidt

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I worry the bully would probably be more accepted in such a situation.

'He only acts like this as a result of intergenerational childhood trauma and fat shaming, he's a good kid at heart'

Wouldn't surprise me. I had somebody arguing that rapists and murderers were all capitalism's fault last week.

It would be the exact same character, except wearing a MAGA hat.

This would be the funniest movie if someone actually made it.

Rom-com ending - the bully is gay or trans in the end

After-School Special ending - there are two bullies, one becomes friends with the LGBTQ+ kids and goes on to college, a well adjusted advocate and the other bully ramps up until he ends up in jail for accidentally killing a kid.

American ending - the bully ends up snapping, bringing his father's collection of semi-auto firearms to school and kills 20 people. The NRA and Conservatives circle the wagons and lift him up as a champion of CIS rights, have the LGBTQ+ friendly administration and school board fired, and every kid he bullied is seen in the final cut scene doing drugs in lower Philly as he walks by in a $3000 suit to his 500k/yr consulting job.

Unfortunately, defending (or even creating) diversity and inclusion requires the courage to speak up against bullies. I'm not sure we are encouraging our kids ourselves to do that enough.

I just want to say that in real life, obese kids are bullied by skinny kids. The "fat bully" stereotype is very harmful to society.

Edit: No, I know the obese kid being the bullied thing is not an absolute. One of my adoptive brothers was obese and took no shit from anyone. He was cool and kinda smart and also the class clown; and eventually he kinda thought he could get away with anything, bought into thug culture, and now he's in and out of jail.

Well the audience has to know who the good guys are, and what better way than by making the good guys look aesthetically pleasing compared to the bads?

That said when I was a kid, the bigger kids tended to be the bullies, I always assumed it was because they could hit harder.

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Or a movie of high school kids watching one episode of Mind of Mencia