3 Post – 134 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Older millennial nerd.

Bought Icarus and State of Decay 2 today. One was 50% off and the other 66%. I almost bought them last night. Glad I waited. Always on the lookout for more co-op games to play with the wife. Can't wait for Ark 2!

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Thank Mr Skeltal

Still waiting on Spaceballs 2: The Search for More Money

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I'd start by wondering how in the hell I got a girlfriend, then my wife would do the same.

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Most states do (illegal to pump your own in New Jersey), but the joke is more about tipping culture in this country.

This is the right amount of crazy that I'm not sure if it's honest or parody for this country.

Also: Jesus gets my prayers because he's in my heart, checkmate atheists.

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🎵 Please don't shitpost just because you can. 🎵

Before edit: Please don't post them just because you can.

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Reminds me of a Bender line.

Petunia: "Die young and leave a pretty corpse, that's what I say."

Bender: "You should say something else."

In Windows 10 & 11, window+shift+S then draw a box to grab a quick, pre-cropped screenshot. It goes to your clipboard for easy paste and you get a notification you can click to view and save to file.

Bonus: use window+L at work to lock your desktop, preventing shenanigans.

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First, anything ending in -ayden. 2-4, I'm just going to list a few real names I've heard. Middles included.

Wynter Obsidian

Ocean Zebediah

Buck Shot

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Dangerops pregrant sex will it hurt baby top of his head?

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Alvin and the Deeznuts

Don't worry about it. On the other side of the spectrum are people who use seed boxes which are literally seeding machines. I'm currently seeding 27 torrents 24/7. I occasionally go through and delete old ones with a good ratio (2+) and plenty of seeders. I was in a place similar to you once and I appreciated those who could seed. Now I'm trying to give back.

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Oh God. Back when I was dirt poor, I needed socks but I wanted to save money, so I wore them for two days, hanging them to dry overnight.

I ended up with athlete's foot. Don't skimp on socks.

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I talk a lot when I'm drunk. I over-explain and over-share like crazy. My 10-year old also does this on a regular basis.

On an unrelated note, I seem to be missing a bottle of vodka. If anyone sees it, please let me know.

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If we're talking computers, screenshot their desktop, set it as background, move taskbar to top, auto hide it, right-click desktop and choose hide icons.

Advanced mode: also set screen flip to 180 degrees and flip the background so it looks right side up.


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This requires not renting. A luxury not all of us have.

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Y'all trying to come up with ways to cool it while I'm using my 5 temperature setting electric kettle to get the water hot enough to steep tea, but not boil.

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My least expensive option was the local cat shelter. They have a ton of cats and the small fee I paid was to cover sterilization, mainly. It was actually cheaper than it would have been to get a free cat off a marketplace and get it sterilized.

There is one for bra that's close: over the shoulder boulder holder.

I feel like the only reason they use stone for weight is to get lower numbers. Plus, you can gain 13 pounds, going from 252 pounds to 265 pounds and still be 18 stone.

Is that why my cakes keep falling? I thought butger was optional.

That reminds me of the old Hannaford (and other Food Lion brands) guiding stars logo. It's something they'd put around the store, particularly on shelf tags. The person looks to be running right and there are only three stars. Might explain why you remember it, but can't place it.

This is the real issue. Date her and have a great time, but don't consider moving in together or getting married for years. I got married when we were both 18 and after a few years, she turned into a different person and ended up really hurting me. 0/10 would not do again.

"Am I adopted?"

"Not yet."

I'm mostly into educational channels:

  • CGP Grey (infrequent posting schedule, but really good when he does)
  • Minute Earth (Quick Earth science videos)
  • Minute Food (Quick food science videos)
  • Technology Connections (explains new and old technologies)
  • Kurzgesagt (general science with cartoon birds)
  • Mark Rober (over the top engineering)
  • The 8-bit Guy (retro computing and pc gaming)

Then there's "You Suck at Cooking" for silly, but good recipe videos.

"Film Joy" for deep dives into films

"Lock Picking Lawyer" to watch a guy pick any lock in a few minutes (addictive)

If he was dying, he wouldn't bother to carve 'aarrggh'. He'd just say it!

Billy Madison explored this a little bit when he made it to high school. Pretty much any movie where someone goes back to high school does this. 21 Jump Street was mentioned by someone.

What day is today?

It's Nibbler's birthday!

What a day for a birthday!

Let's all have some cake!

That's not the issue where I live. Houses easily go for $300k+ here and the only rentals I can find are $3000/mo, and/or winter months only. You may say to just move, but I grew up in this area, I have the best job I've ever had and my kids' school is helping them immensely. Shouldn't I be able to find a modest 3 bedroom that's affordable? We'll I can't.

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IDK, hailing a taxi is fine in the red area if the elbow is at least slightly bent, wrist rotated, and space between fingers. Extra points if waving.

This is why yesterday, after completing double the minimum expected work, I "worked from home" for the last two hours. Meanwhile, there's a senior on the team who did a quarter of the work I did last quarter. And he gets paid more!

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I go ahead and download the right one immediately. Then I make sure I'm seeding to a ratio of 1 or at least past the minimum seed time for the tracker. And as long as there are a few seeders, delete.

Amazon will make me so much money that I can afford to hire people to shop other places for me.

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Welcome to the wooorld of tomorroooow!

Oh Spectrum does this too. How else would you have it in an apartment complex down a dead end road with nothing else around? This, among other reasons, is why I bought my own modem and router.

I think "Asian" evolved to replace "Oriental" since that is no longer an accepted word to use.

While I understand why we're trying to get away from such labels as they have historically been used in a derogatory way, it is useful when describing a person. If my white friend told me to look for his friend John in a crowd, and he described him without mentioning he's "Asian", I'd probably expect another white guy, since we're both white. It's the difference between looking for John Mulaney and John Cho.

While I hate to divide and label people based on how they look, it is a useful way to describe what someone looks like without having to teach the term "epicanthic folds" to everyone.

Wouldn't you agree that describing John Cho as an average height guy in his early 40s with Asian characteristics is no different than describing John Boyega as a black guy of average height in his early 30s?

Give me a better term to use and I'll use it.

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