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Joined 1 years ago

It's okay to plagiarize books if they're in a library.

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Oil has a bad reputation but how lucky we are to have it. How does a civilization on a planet without hydrocarbons make the leap to a technological species?

It's not impossible, but it's got to be a lot harder.

We both know he was using the broken tail light as probable cause for a stop. He wanted him to pull over because he suspected he was drunk or on drugs or simply because he was black with a broken tail light.

As soon as the man didn't pull over the cop got his hackles up and now he was definitely going to stop him. Escalation is the way with cops.

140 decibels. I'm sure some applications exist but it won't be a 3D TV soon.

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Steam has to be worth a lot more than 12 billion.

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I'll take this opportunity to plug a tiny podcast that I stumbled onto called "Some Dare Call it Conspiracy". It's hosted by two English guys that were hard-core conspiracy theorists for 15 years.

They now discuss, debunk and interview people around the conspiracy life. It's really fascinating to learn about Pizzagate, Chemtrails, Hunter Biden's Laptop and Jeffery Epstein from very knowledgeable people but in an environment of debunking.

Their latest episode is an interview with Rob Jacobson, a former staffer for Alex Jones that worked for him for 12 years. Jacobson ended up testifying against Jones in the Sandy Hook trial. The episode is on their Patreon at the moment but will roll out to the general public in a few days. Fascinating stuff and Jones is every bit as shady as one expects.

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One day soon someone will search online for what to do for a cut and some AI will spit out "Blood letting can actually be healthy in many American males, since often they have a overabundance of iron..."

I find it refreshing to be honest. He's definitely not weaseling the answer with slippery language.

The last time we were in Paris my wife and I came down with a stomach bug that gave us explosive diarrhea. Now, rather than say we have diarrhea and need to rush home we say we're "feeling rather Parisian".

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When you have a gun, especially a "manly" gun like an AR-15, you some people start having intrusive thoughts and desire to use it.

Same with police. If you dress up for war and talk up an us/them mentality eventually it boils over to what we have today. Many cops (not all) are just playing dress-up so they can play war.

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Is the stamp "ROE v WADE" chisled on a tombstone?

Sync Ultra for Reddit. So, yeah.

Not the developers fault though.

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I couldn't find an image but there's an old Far Side cartoon that shows a building that's something like "Jake's Croissants and Fill Dirt". Reminds me of that.

I literally have un-installed chrome. I had to use it on an office machine today and it felt weird.

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He's American and he's unhappy with a $2500 bill? That's less than my deductible. Should be counting his blessings.

I'm a Boomer myself (born in 1964) and this maybe the first legitimate occasion I've had to say "Okay, Boomer."

Out of touch.

At its height Nguyen was making $50,000.00 a day from ads in the game. Whew.

Having cut my teeth on MS-DOS 3.0 in a 4.77MHz PC with a monochrome monitor, two floppy drives and no hard disk, it was drilled into me early to save, save, save. It's just muscle memory for me now.

Writing a whole paper without saving is unimaginable to me.

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Same is true of lifetime Supreme Court appointments. Look at what Ginsburg's poorly timed death did. Her legacy is permanently tarnished by allowing Trump of all people appoint her replacement.

Ginsburg no-doubt thought that Hillary Clinton would be there to do that, but how'd that work out? Roe vs Wade got overturned. Disgusting.

She should have retired before Obama left office.

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Or, as former Texas governor Ann Richards said of George H. W. Bush in 1988:

'He can't help it, he was born with a silver foot in his mouth!'

Those are Trump voters in their 50s. They're everywhere. Don't need a movie thanks.

Reminds me of the guy who paid a million dollars for unlimited American Airlines flights for life. He racked up millions of miles and dollars in flights so they eventually found a way to cancel his service.

No, you won't be charged retroactively for previous downloads. But the change does retroactively affect games previously released on Unity.

So last year you made decisions on your game's price and revenue model that are no longer true. if you made your small game free to play with microtransactions and its had more than 200,000 installs you're probably shitting yourself. Unity will be charging $0.20 per install even if it's to the same device multiple times. A million installs of your game is you having to write a check to Unity for $160,000 for installations alone.

So your microtransactions game now must average a spend of at least $0.20 per install, plus per seat licensing of Unity, plus your overhead for it to even begin to make a profit.

And Unity has said that multiple installations on the same device will all be charged. So it's inevitable that script kiddies with bad attitudes are going to install a game thousands of times. Unity has said you can appeal this type of behavior, but that puts the onus of detecting and reporting this stuff on the devs, further increasing their workload and risk.

"The judge had a habit of masturbating with a penis pump under his robe during trials."

"Investigators later collected carpet samples, Thompson's robes and the chair from behind the bench, and found semen, according to court records."

Oklahoma has us some judges, now.

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I've been saying for a year now, generative AI is going to foster a resurgence in stage theater. When movies are all 100% AI with no humans in them, we'll want to see humans act. That and "organic" movie labels.

This is why you wouldn't do what this guy did.

Kyle Rittenhouse is a perfect example of what I'm talking about. He took his AR-15 and drove half an hour to "protect businesses" that he had no stake in. He armed himself and then deliberately embroiled himself in a tense, riotous situation. While he might not have done anything technically illegal, he was clearly spoiling for an opportunity to brandish and use that weapon.

She had literally given up her personal power of attorney to her 66 year old daughter. But she can make votes on bills that affect the population of the United States.

The fuck.

We all know he will drag this out forever. They may both die before he pays a nickel, escrow or not. But I hope I'm wrong.

Thor at Pirate Software played it and really liked it, probably part of that.

I'm happy as a clam with my 1984 loud as fuck IBM Model M keyboard in Windows.

Think you need a Windows key? CTRL-ESC. I use CTRL-ESC even on modern keyboards.

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After all you've seen Trump get away with I can't believe that you still somehow think this little detail will matter. SCOTUS will create an exemption of some kind for him.

"White male Presidents over the age of 75 that wear predominantly red ties can pardon themselves at both the federal and state level."

Razer designing and selling a piece of medical equipment is an idea that should never have survived the brainstorming session.

With a chainsaw. Definitely pre-meditated.

This was my thought too. Organic growth is better. I like the vibe on Lemmy far more than Reddit which has turned into a Instagram clone.

ChatGPT and github copilot are great tools, but they're like a chainsaw: if you apply them incorrectly or become too casual and careless with them, they will kickback at you and fuck your day up.

I'm 59 and I've worn briefs my entire life. My wife calls my balls "high and tight".

Your mileage may vary.

This is 100% accurate.

Yeah, he didn't.

How very "free market" of him.

"Please clap."

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