Microsoft is not buying Valve and Counter-Strike for £12 billion to – 331 points –
Microsoft is not buying Valve & Counter-Strike for £12 billion - unsurprisingly

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Steam has to be worth a lot more than 12 billion.

Considering what they paid for bethesda and co (7.5 bil) they should at least pay 100 bil.
They (estimations by random pages) already made a billion in revenue from cs cases in 2023.
No way they are <70 bil for the cash cow Steam is in comparison to ABK.

Steam basically IS PC gaming, and probably has more active users than Xbox or Playstation, maybe even combined. There's no way it's worth any less than Activison Blizzard

I will be happily surprised if you prove me wrong but a quick Google search suggested all three have around 120 million active users monthly