2 Post – 308 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

I’m pretty tolerant of most foods but Brussels sprouts are disgusting. It’s one of the dozen or so foods I dislike, and despite trying every couple years, they’ve never caught on for me. They remind me of cabbage which is another one of the dozen. Oddly, I really enjoy fermented cabbage be it sauerkraut or kimchi. Cauliflower is decent but I’ll agree it’s pretty bland at best.

Humans are most sensitive to EM radiation between 30-300 MHz. It tapers off after that, it’s not linear where higher = worse for you across the entire spectrum.

In the case of exposure of the whole body, a standing ungrounded human adult absorbs RF energy at a maximum rate when the frequency of the RF radiation is in the range of about 70 MHz.  This means that the "whole-body" SAR is at a maximum under these conditions.  Because of this "resonance" phenomenon and consideration of children and grounded adults, RF safety standards are generally most restrictive in the frequency range of about 30 to 300 MHz.

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There’s nothing high power about that, It’s the same as everything else. Maximum 30dBm, about a watt.

They do not own it, they did co-develop it. They’ve never owned it outright.

WiFi emissions are tightly regulated and there are no “high power” WiFi equipment unless you flash custom firmware and break the law. The link you posted below is the same power as anything else, up to the maximum allows by law. This is not uncommon, every router / AP does this unless it’s some special low power model.

Those are 95 GHz but very high power and focused as well.

It's not that high frequency can't hurt you, what I'm trying to say is for a given power level, 30-300 MHz is the most risky to humans. That's why the FCC regulates this band the most stringently.

What? No. If I write data to a Blu-ray it’s not encrypted. This comment makes little sense. Sony does not control “the encryption keys”, whatever that means.

This sucks ass. It’s hard to not become blackpilled from Friday’s rulings.

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It’s just one company, it’s not all the Blu-ray production stopping. I think the last time I bought any Sony recordable media was CD-Rs for my MP3 CD player in the mid 00s.

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Since the potential of not being accommodated is given, we must assume he doesn’t have a reservation.

Given an infinite number of rooms and guests, it is highly likely both he and the boulder are already there.

I don’t follow. He’s clearly not there already, being at the switch instead of at the hotel.

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That’s a chonky goose. Roundbird

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Well that’s it. No need for any more comments. We aren’t getting any better than this right here.

RIP 53215700, the oldest account I’m still aware of that I’ve forgotten the password to. Must have made it in 98 or 99.

Edit: it was actually 2001 because I was in a Tribes 2 clan and we used ICQ to chat.

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This article is too long and reads like an ad.

He was right for the wrong reasons. He believed the treaty was too lenient, when in retrospect it seems pretty clear that the punitive nature of the treaty was a significant factor in Hitler rising to power and then WW2 starting.

NK & SK were making historical progress towards reunification until Kim and Trump met. Look at the pics from the summit and the timeline of inter Korean relations and it’s clear as day. He’s the reason relations went downhill.

It didn’t take long at all for WW1 to get rolling.

June 28, 1914 Archduke Francis Ferdinand is assassinated.

July 28, 1914 Austria-Hungary declares war on Serbia, beginning World War I

WW1 has an insane pace compared to WW2. Battles where a single day has casualty numbers that compare to an entire month past D-day.

I’ve got >1000 hours in Microsoft Flight Simulator and I paid $100 for the deluxe edition. 10 cents an hour, at most.

Have to ask all current infinite reservations to move to x 2, now you’ve got 2x the open rooms as all current infinite reservations are even rooms only.

Yes and yes

I’ll take my clothes to the cleaners if I need to look fancy. They do a much better job anyhow.

It’s straight from the paper, seems typical for a peer reviewed scientific paper title

Found the article:

It makes me feel so bad for the Koreans living under that regime. On top of barely having anything to eat, there are parasitic worms interfering with absorbing the food they do ingest.

Seems to me they could glean some info regarding the prevalence of parasites and other enteric pathogens from said poop. Somewhat recently there was someone who escaped across the border that was infested with worms.

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I’ve had a set of KRK Rokit 8s for 10 years now and they’re great. I’ve had them absolutely cranked for some parties and they haven’t showed any signs of giving up. Perhaps not the best studio monitors out there but the price to performance ratio combined with how long they’ve lasted makes them one of the better audio purchases I’ve made.

Why doesn’t Canada see a similar per capita rate of shootings despite having more guns per capita than the US?

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I really wanted to like this game but I couldn’t get into the rhythm aspect. Shame as I enjoyed DDR and guitar hero back in the day. I couldn’t find the beat, I made it about 30 minutes in and dropped it. The music and art were also not my cup of tea. Seems like many other people really enjoyed it, but it didn’t click for me.

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IANAL but witnesses and jury are done working the case. The others are not done working until sentencing. That seems to be the difference.

How does PPE have a shelf life? We’re talking disposable gowns, gloves, masks, etc. correct?

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Yeah, you’re right. I was playing Tribes 2 around that time and it came out in 2001.

While I'm sure there is a crazy markup, it's important to note the cost to produce - as in manufacture - does not include the cost of drug discovery, which is extremely expensive and involves a good amount of risk over a long period of time.

You can't just compare the cost of discovering a new drug vs. cost of producing a generic without any research like that.

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Can we just STFU about this mediocre ad already? You’re giving it more airtime and more mental bandwidth. I didn’t think it was worth one day of headlines much less two or three.

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can we just please get some normal, boring, safe, efficient trains that actually function instead of this gizmo bullshit?

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I had my first ever comment, in decades of forums/reddit usage, get mod deleted because I was critical of China and the USSR. It was a fairly mild criticism. That action turned me off the whole instance.

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"If you were an F22 fighter jet in Doom Eternal, this time around we wanted you to feel like an Abrams tank.” […] ”You're heavier, more powerful, and grounded," he says. "We're making strafing-to-aim a thing again. You'll be weaving between projectiles, just like you did in the original Doom, to deliver that Super Shotgun blast to the chest… It almost creates this three-dimensional 'shoot 'em up' puzzle that you're weaving your way through."

Hell yes. I’m still going to be cautious with my hype but this sounds like what I want. I know many people liked the acrobatics of Eternal but it was not for me.

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I can't stand "a16z" type abbreviations. "a11y" for accessibility is ironically inaccessible unless you already know. I hate having to search these terms just to figure out what they're talking about. "a16z" is apparently Andreessen Horowitz. How is that intuitive or accessible?

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I looked at the links in the source and they’re Windows popups, not Chrome injections. Shitty reporting from the verge.

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Calling strep pyogenes “flesh eating bacteria” is fear mongering. This is the strep throat bacteria. Not good to have by any means, but you’re not getting necrotizing fasciitis just because you come into contact with S. pyogenes.

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Of all the things to use machine learning for, identifying poisonous fucking mushrooms seems like a poor choice. I’m sure it sounds very confident in its wrong answer, though.

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