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Joined 9 months ago

Of course it won't, as going outside of the US would require them to develop a lot of new high quality lore, something I think Bethesda is wholly incapable of.

5th of June, or even still June 5th, because it doesn't have to match the order of the date format.

Yeah, I sure as shit wouldn't use the internet if it wasn't anonymous, seems like a weird thing to want when people are more concerned for their privacy than ever before.

Greed ruining everything, what else is new.

Doesn't matter, had sex.

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The more competition Sims has, the better. Maybe EA will actually try and innovate... HAHA. I've been keeping an eye on Paralives and Life By You, and there are a couple others coming as well, I think. It'll be a good time to be a life sim fan in the next couple years.

"Yes human, end my suffering in this mortal coil"

This is fucking ridiculous, almost parodic.

I don't understand the thoughts of Sony executives, but I guess I'm just not exec material. This will only lead to a decrease in sales, probably a substantial amount, both from people being literally unable to play it, and also from people now refusing to buy it. So what, pray tell, is the advantage to it? Do they think they'll get more back from selling people's data than they'll have lost in sales?

Ah, you see, the issue is that it wasn't profitable enough. You just gotta try harder, devs, it's easy.

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O'Brien has fallen on hard times

One of my favourite games to have kernel level anticheat is Helldivers 2, and I think it's definitely caused a few issues for me.

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It having official in the title has nothing to do with whether it's a Valve game or a mod, though. It just means that it's a trailer released by the developer themselves and not some random person, that's all that official means.

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Why would they?

Steam basically IS PC gaming, and probably has more active users than Xbox or Playstation, maybe even combined. There's no way it's worth any less than Activison Blizzard

It's pretty common for EA games to have non-content DLC for people to buy if they wanna support the devs more. I don't have any issues with it, personally.

Because lots other people are.

Seems to be the in thing for companies to destroy any and all goodwill they have.

Japan is well known for its issues with sexual harassment, something like this isn't surprising in the least, so I think in this case it's worth the kids not being able to wear skirts.

You think you can take on a wolf? They aren't chihuahuas you know.

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I think there would be meaning in you fucking off, EA.

I feel like child beauty pageants are especially disgusting, to be honest. I can't imagine them being anything but harmful to the children participating in them, especially when forced to by parents who just want to feed their own ego.

...for now.

Believe it or not, this is actually a picture of an average 19th century 12 year old.

Seems like just Chinese emperor things.

I tried it a while ago, but only on anime, which it seems to work pretty well on.

If someone could just knock me out for 8 straight hours every night, that'd be great, thanks.

Valve don't usually do "easy cash grabs" though, and while I seriously doubt it'll be able to meet the insane expectations people have for it, I doubt it'll be shit.

Have you considered decaf?

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I mean, perhaps with some video games, but I think it's unlikely for Fallout, of all things.

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I'm watching through it at the moment and yeah, it definitely makes me wanna do another playthrough.

Seems like PB&Js are your jam.

As others have said, you don't need to play the old ones, and I doubt Sony will bring them to PC, so your best bet is probably emulation if you really wanna play them.

Pretty fucking good question, actually.

True. I wake up every day, which I find rather annoying.

I think these vocal breeds are the epitome of "love to have a friend with one, but not to own one myself".

I didn't even know seedless watermelons were a thing, so it saddens me to discover that they are, and that they're bad, since the main reason I don't like watermelons is having to deal with the seeds.

Why do you say that? Just because it's in those kinds of receptacles?

I don’t think we should ban breeds, but that we should at least take steps to undo some of the damage we’ve done. There’s no reason that our furry little friends should have to suffer the health issues that we’ve caused through our selective breeding of them.