Florida man points AR-15 in Uber driver's face, forces him to ground for dropping daughter off: deputies

ZeroCool@vger.social to News@lemmy.world – 508 points –
Florida man points AR-15 in Uber driver's face, forces him to ground for dropping daughter off: deputies

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When you have a gun, especially a "manly" gun like an AR-15, you some people start having intrusive thoughts and desire to use it.

Same with police. If you dress up for war and talk up an us/them mentality eventually it boils over to what we have today. Many cops (not all) are just playing dress-up so they can play war.

I’ve [fired a gun] a lot in movies, but there are too many guns in the real world. I know people with guns, and they always say the same thing. “If somebody breaks into my house, I have to be able to defend myself.” But what they’re really saying is, “I hope somebody breaks into my house so I can use this thing.” It’s so wrong.

Christopher Walken

Christopher Walken always has been one of the good guys.

"I suppose I think of the man I'm playing as bisexual, and I suppose that's how I think of myself too. I'd hate to think that I was harnessed to heterosexuality. I mean, my life is heterosexual, but I like to think that my head is bisexual, and I think it's a good idea for everybody to start getting used to that notion, because that way one becomes aware of a lot more things."

that was 1973 - it doesn't get more progressive than that for that time.

Wow I didn't consider this at all. When I consider my own gun ownership and acquiring a pistol or rifle, I've literally never thought, "but what if I start itching to use it." I'm more concerned with "where the fuck would I keep this away from little hands, with ammo locked somewhere else, in a practical way to go grab it all and assemble between hearing an intruder and interfacing with them.. okay, this is dumb. I'm not getting guns"

This is why you wouldn't do what this guy did.

Kyle Rittenhouse is a perfect example of what I'm talking about. He took his AR-15 and drove half an hour to "protect businesses" that he had no stake in. He armed himself and then deliberately embroiled himself in a tense, riotous situation. While he might not have done anything technically illegal, he was clearly spoiling for an opportunity to brandish and use that weapon.

Yeah, and now the GOP acts like that little dipshit is some kind of fucking hero.

Sadly, that modicum of thought you put into it, is 10000 times more thought than most "responsible gun owners" actually muster

When policing started including less-than-lethal alternatives for eliminating/subduing a threat, cops stopped killing as many people.

When all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail. And while you may not operate that way, gen pop does, even trained “professionals”

The intrusive thoughts are very real. I used to carry due to driving in bad areas, but also because so many hillbillies also carried.

Someone cuts you off and it’s like the weapon whispers to you. “Why are you taking that? Fuck them, you have a gun, you don’t need to take that shit.” It’s not a real voice, just your mind being a primate.