Rob T Firefly

@Rob T
3 Post – 373 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Artist, writer, comic, hacker, loud voice, and nerd of all trades from New York City.

He/him. 💙💜🩷

All original content I post here is licensed Creative Commons BY-SA 4.0 Int'l.

At the fancy Little Caesars they have Pizza Pizza Pizza.

That kid's moments away from flipping off Spock on a bus.

You may think inside the nose is tasty but it'snot.

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You're going with someone who owns two irons?

Blink twice if you're in danger.

Do you fold your clothes right after taking them out of the dryer, while they're still warm?

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Don't ya think?

Most people aren't all that clear on the distinction of things being "on" a phone. When they switch to their next phone and their photos immediately sync onto it from whatever cloud stuff they use, they may have the illusion that the new phone is where their photos "are" now and not consider the continuing existence of the data on the old one.

Basic technical literacy should be everyone's responsibility and would be in a perfect world, but any IT person will tell you that it can never be assumed of anyone. However on the bright side, stories like this blowing up in the mainstream news will knock a little awareness into more end-user skulls every now and then. Send it to all the non-techies you know and care about!

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Nobody's talking about the real casualty of this shift. What's going to happen to all the jokes about "how many (insert category of person here) does it take to change a light bulb?" now that people don't have to regularly change light bulbs anymore?

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True story: The morning before going in for foot surgery, my mom was in a silly mood and wrote "wrong foot" on the other non-surgery-scheduled foot with a marker before putting on her socks.

After the surgery everything was fine, and later when checking up on her the surgeon told her everyone in the operating room got a good laugh out of that "wrong foot" message.

Mom was glad her joke worked out, but later started wondering why they were looking at the wrong foot in the first place and now wonders if her private joke to amuse herself actually saved her from having the wrong foot operated upon.

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TFW someone's performing a sexual act on you and your inner thoughts are about a baby cartoon character cuddling with his mother.

None of these. You wouldn't be in a human bed, you'd be sleeping in a bunch of hay somewhere just a few feet from the pile of wood shavings where your centaur pisses.

The living situation with a centaur wouldn't be comfortable, but it'd certainly be stable.

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My favorite thing about widely-available blue LEDs was the effect on TV scifi.

Watch the Star Trek shows made in the 1980s and 1990s and the tricorders, alien gadgets, and other props were always twinkling with red, yellow, and green LEDs to look futuristic. A generation later and every single hand prop on 2000s Doctor Who, Torchwood, etc. glowed and twinkled blue because the LEDs had just become cheap enough for prop makers, but weren't yet widespread in day-to-day life so the viewers were seeing something strange and unusual.

Now every color of LED imaginable is just common and whatever, but for a good stretch of time glowy blue became the standard "scifi" color just because that particular tech happened to turn up at that particular time.

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PVC is stored in the balls.

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Photoshopped guidebook cover with the title "Everything I Don't Like Is Woke - A Book For Basic Dickheads." The cover illustration is a kid pointing to the engine under the hood of a car and saying "This engine is woke."

That's nice, maybe they can finally re-enable about:config in the damn thing too. They removed it from mobile Firefox years ago and the lack of it aggravates the hell out of me.

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Just because the politicians want to grab you out of your life and use you as cannon fodder doesn't mean they want to actually be as accountable to you as they're supposed to.

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This police department really gave a gun and a badge to someone who fears for his life encountering a 13-pound shih tsu.

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Link to the actual post OP screenshotted:

Screenshots of text are not the way. The crappy “hey, a text thing I want to share, let me take an accessibility-poisoning screenshot and upload that graphic file like a psychopath instead of just copy/pasting either the link to the text or the text itself like a decent human being” routine needs to die with Reddit, we have to be better than that here.

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We have had legit flying cars for generations, they are called "helicopters" and most people can't afford or safely pilot one.

If you think the classic sci-fi "in the future we'll all be using flying cars and it'll be awesome" thing is a good idea, just try to realistically imagine how crappy life would be for us all if you and every idiot you fight with in traffic every day had a helicopter.

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Sponsored posts, banner ads, algorithms, and other advertising-industry fuckery.

A reply that's just "r/(some subreddit name)."

A robot trying to sell stolen fan art printed onto t-shirts.

People childishly self-censoring non-sweary words. "Sex" isn't a bad word, but writing "s*x" suggests you probably shouldn't be allowed on social media at your stage of development.

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"I am altering the deal. Pray I don't alter it any further."

Somebody once told me, raw input's gonna roll me...

Hopefully the devs will take the lesson from this incident and put some better tools together.

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This is why, on the occasion of necessary permissions not being set, a lot of apps nowadays have a popup which tells the user something like "you need to grant permission for X because it actually lets this app do legitimate thing Y" like you just told us, with a button to click over to do the permissions grab and trigger the OS popup.

Anyone jailbreaking these damn things yet?

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If you like boiled eggs, you need a boiled egg timer.

It's a clear "egg" made of heat-tolerant plastic with a color-changing temperature gauge visible inside. You throw it into the pot when boiling eggs and it lets you know when the eggs are soft boiled, medium boiled, or hard boiled. It's very readable even in boiling water, and the results are always perfectly accurate. These things are totally worth the few dollars they cost.

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What sort of non-bigoted story do you think capable of containing all those particular posted punchlines?

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Rust seems like a great foundation.

The fact that I know you're referring to the programming language called "Rust" doesn't make this sentence any less funny.

According to the evidence, the defendant clearly committed the crime with all 17 of his fingers. His lack of remorse is obvious by the fact that he's clearly smiling wider than his own face.

I look forward to the movie in which Shrek has eight fingers on one hand and four on the other, two completely different and incompatible ears, and three rows of teeth while the title screen says "SHROOEOORSHWZECL"

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There was a diving team outside.

In that they won't have any meaningful regulating done to them or suffer any actual consequences despite the obviously evil shit of which they're plainly guilty?

Even before Google stopped working, I'm not sure the results of googling "super load" would have been what you are looking for.

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Posted a sentence of text as an image file

For those interested, the shop in question is .

This motherfucker mailed me the same blu-ray box set smashed to shards twice in a row before he finally put the third copy into some goddamn bubble wrap, and he wants me to trust his space station with my life!?

The real question is, how many pee bottles did they force Dave Grohl to fill in order to make his song quota in time?

When Friends was current I wasn't a fan, the small bits I'd seen mostly annoyed me and - disaffected gothy teens/early twenties guy that I was - I dismissed it as one of those things everyone in the mainstream liked and was therefore obviously garbage.

Nowadays I'm married to a Friends fan who has begun showing me the series. As we progress through the box set I'm realizing it's actually pretty good, a couple of the characters actually still annoy me when they're focused on but there's a ton else going on that's pretty entertaining. I'm particularly surprised to be enjoying Chandler so much.

It's very sad what Matthew Perry went through in life and how he died, but I'm now belatedly appreciating some of the work he did.

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I’ve [fired a gun] a lot in movies, but there are too many guns in the real world. I know people with guns, and they always say the same thing. “If somebody breaks into my house, I have to be able to defend myself.” But what they’re really saying is, “I hope somebody breaks into my house so I can use this thing.” It’s so wrong.

Christopher Walken

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