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A lot of aggression in this comments with this is literally no stupid questions.

Sexual assault comes in many forms and men are and can be victims of most of them. Coercion, violence, emotional manipulation, drugs or alcohol, the list is the same regardless of gender.

As for an erection, it’s a biological response so they don’t correspond to desire/attraction/consent. Many women who are raped get “wet” and even orgasm, but that does not indicate pleasure or consent. It’s actually one of the reasons rape victims feel very guilty about the event. “If I didn’t want it/hated it/was scared, why did I cum?” That reasoning is also part of why people don’t report rape. They think that having an orgasm will hurt their chances to press charges or win because “they enjoyed it”

Rape can also happen between consenting people as well. In fact, quite a lot of what is and should be considered sexual assault/rape, is a partner “going too far” or doing something their consenting partner didn’t consent to.

Healthy sexual intimacy requires clear communication, setting boundaries, and making sure those things aren’t broken. The kink/BDSM community is an extreme form of sexual pleasure, and despite literal violence and pain, there is always consent at the forefront and there is always an “opt-out” or safe word that ends the encounter with no second guessing.

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It would def have to be a discussion, but that would by default be sexual assault

Bodily autonomy and safety around boundaries are paramount over “finishing”

No means no, and yes means yes until a no

I have thought about this as just some fucking Lemmy commenter.

Rural white Americans used to benefit from conservative systems. Maybe not the current people, but their parents or grandparents. And while conservative leadership destroys their lives, campaign promises are often made to farmers/miners/other heavy industry. Any failures (the system working as intended) are blamed on “the other side” This upholds the divide between rural and urban whites as intended.

With black and brown people becoming more prominent in rural communities as members instead of just laborer, those previously felt conservative views don’t hold up. They aren’t benefiting, their parents didn’t, their grandparents definitely didn’t. On top of the racial divide that conservatives operate under, rural whites and rural POCs are likely to not share the same political values despite being a like in lifestyle.

But what do I know, just some guy from the suburbs death scrolling Lemmy

Isn’t the purpose of the art piece to demonstrate the human condition across an ocean? Flashing/mooning/offensive memes, that is what humans do. This should stay up and more should be put in place. How much more culturally connected would cities in the US be linked to other UK or EU cities?

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I mean, you got a 2 year extended warranty and free delivery, both of which I’m sure Best Buy charges for.

What was the distress? What was the conflict with the neighbors?

Turns out it was an”Fuck Trump” sign in the neighbors yard. So now it is just an Ouroboros, where the justification for the flag not being about Trump comes back to being about supporting Trump.

Their records might be expunged, but their photos and what they did well never be.

No criminal record, sure, tarnished reputation amongst the left leaning side of the internet will remain

That’s great! Competition in this space is working to improve both.

Instead of this stupid fanboy shit of Android vs iOS, we should celebrate an actual success in development.

Insider trading seems to have been perfectly legal for the last few decades. Nothing will come of this or it would start setting precedent that we could use against our government leaders and other billionaires and federal judges. Not gonna happen.

Suddenly Batman breaks free and wholops Joker BLUNT

Batman: See how this tastes Joker, you MAD man

Joker: No! I’ve never hit a blunt rolled in oil!

Joker turns into Toker

It is important for cis people to do so for one important reason on top of what you said, if only trans people need to put their pronouns in their profiles is just another way to identify them.

If everyone does it, nobody feels awkward about doing it.

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“Suck my tongue” Dalai Lama to a young boy

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Can anyone explain why Apple is such a target when there are several other companies that truly are a Monopoly, not just popular? They might not have super great business practices, but under capitalism that it not only okay, but it seems to be the default.

There isn’t a single product they sell that only Apple sells, there is a huge market for smart phones, smart watches, home computers, tablets, headphones, chargers, etc. Being a popular product does not make a company “a monopoly” and if we wanted to just go off market share, Microsoft needs to continue to be pursued, as does Amazon, Google, Disney, Comcast, the single other ISP in your region of the country, your power and water utility companies, every chain restaurant, most places that cut men’s hair.

Why go after Apple specifically when there are many companies to go after? Because people don’t like them? Do you like your power company? Tough shit, they are the only game in town. Do you like your ISP? Tough shit, you have two options and one is the worst DSL connection you’ve ever seen. Did you like any of the 20 streaming options in 2018? Tough shit, 12 of them merged into 3. Want to buy a computer in a store? Better like Microsoft or have the ability to install and maintain a new OS (is Linux the only other option?)

I’m not saying Apple is amazing or they have good business practices. But there are far more insidious companies where there simply isn’t many or any legal alternatives.

I didn’t realize protesting required a school ID.

I’m pro AI at this point. Any use it has in the real world have and will continue regardless if AI art somehow gets restricted. AI is choosing who gets jobs, doing the work previously done by humans, and companies will continue this trend.

Being able to create art that is good and makes someone money is already a 1% kinda thing (I don’t mean money-wise, I mean just the ability to earn money as an artist at all). If we can’t save the rest of humanity, artists are just going to have to join us.

I thought this was an Onion article at first. Of course most people voting Biden are only doing so because the only other option is convicted felon Donald Trump.

Biden is a loser president in a loser system. But if the option is him or Insurrectionist/Felon/Rapist Donald Trump, it is the option people will vote for.

He’ll just ask the Supreme Court to add Tax Evasion to the laws the President doesn’t need to follow. And when that drags on, he will publicly threaten IRS agents by name.

Record companies have been stealing artist record sales for 70 years. This is nothing new to musical artists. The motivation to get on a streaming service is so sell tickets to your tour shows. Inflated album prices of the 90s made very few artists any money.

Streaming was never going to be profitable, it was the only option the music industry had to make any kind of money over piracy.

Most artists are happy to be making nothing on streaming, because giving access to your recorded music sells tickets. Tour tickets sales and merch has been the bread and butter for the musical artist for decades and remains the primary source of income.

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The “gateway” drug thing was taught to me through DARE in the 90s. But has been confirmed propoganda for decades. Calling Cannabis (marijuana is not the proper name) a “gateway” drug is like saying water or air are “gateway” drugs. Sure, a crack head has probably smoked weed, but that isn’t what got them into crack.

I would guess that these materials are, either, very old or they categorize cannabis differently because it is so common. It doesn’t help that it is illegal in half the country and legal in the other half. So any state with cannabis not, at least, decriminalized will still have the talking points for the 1930s.

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HP is the one responsible here, Windows is just the delivery service HP uses to deliver their updates.

I’m all for hating on Microsoft, but you don’t blame the UPS driver for delivering a bomb to your house.

An old fashioned meme but it checks out

Safety, scope of mission, budget

The first moon missions were extremely risky. Many people died during development and/or during those missions. As NASA evolved, they reprioritized safety and that changed the demands of the vehicle.

The scope of the missions are also different. The first moon missions were, mostly, about just getting there. Taking moon samples back and doing science experiments were limited. The mission now is for a larger group of people to stay on the moon for week/weeks.

Budget has been a huge issue since the 80s. Once the allure of new and exciting space things died down after the first landing on the moon, public perception and federal budgets got moved to other things. The reason NASA is using the SpaceX rocket isn’t because they couldn’t make something better. But SpaceX has done a lot of the development on their own dime. Getting a moon-worthy rocket without an additional decade of funding and research ensures reasonable timeframes for the new moon missions.

Everyone cool with gun rights until you ask if someone they know should have access to guns with little regulation. On the abstract, preserving rights sound good. But when you stop to think of the types of people you know/have met/know about, restricting gun rights feels a bit more logical.

Ghettos of WW2 are making a comeback, who’s forcing people into those ghettos will SHOCK you!

Isn’t that the agreed upon consolation for free content? Was nobody alive when TV was the primary means of content consumption?

It always irked me that people are upset over YouTube running ads. Like, of course they had to start running ads, hosting/programming/daily operating millions of videos isn’t free for them. They need to make money some how, even at “break even” which prevents the idea of profit seeking would mean running ads.

Hate to sound like a “kids these days” but seriously, absolutely nothing in life is free and if there isn’t a direct cost, advertising is going to be present.

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One of the memes that has followed Trump for almost a decade is “Lock her up!” Is he truly this lost that he forgot one of the things he ran for president (and won) chanting?

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I guess I’m glad he didn’t go missing forever. He can face his crimes, sweat all that hair dye down his face again and again

I should have headed your warning. I have less faith in the Lemmy community after having read through these comments.

When all you have is a hammer, everything looks like nail.

The cemetery in question is in France and exclusively for Americans who died in The Great War (WW1). None of those men knew or supported Donald Trump, as he was not born for another 30 years.

Just drop the pronouns. Super easy, doesn’t change based on who your are speaking to, and just saying Thanks or Thank You is 1000x better than your average retail customer.

Jerry has been going on the wrought ideas of cancel culture inhibiting his ability to tell jokes. As if he was attempting to make high-art and the “woke” mob isn’t letting him. His two movies have been about a bee and the other about a pop tart.

It’s about personal preference for sure. I tried to start using the “white” emojis and it just didn’t seem to matter. If I do use an emoji, I tend to default to the Simpsons yellow because it requires no extra effort. I don’t see a ton of people using the skin-tone emojis at all. I also have no issue with people using them much like pronouns in emails/profiles.

I’m also on iPhone so if I am going to extra mile I’ll just use my little sticker guy who better represents me in general.

It’s more about having “skin in the game” It appears that many representatives/senators are creating or upholding laws that immediately benefit them, the companies that support them, and their industries on the whole.

If someone was closer to middle-age, they have enough experience to make good choices while also being young enough for the negative consequences to happen while they are still alive.

I’m really loving Manor Lords but my first “good” playthrough is coming to an end and I’ll take a break until more content is added. Once you learn all of the game mechanics, building a thriving economy is really easy.

I picked up the game for $30, it will keep getting better, and some day I’ll have an amazing game that I got for pretty cheap. This isn’t my first early-access experience, and most of the games I’ve gotten have been a success. Subnautica, Oxygen Not Included, The Forest, Astroneers. Im sure there are more on that list, just a few off the top of my head.

I don’t much care about the semantics. It isn’t just one person making the game, but it is one persons vision and it is a good one.

I don’t trust a news source still calling it marijuana. Marijuana is a Mexican weed that was used as racist propaganda against cannabis in the early 20th century.

I’m happy to see the wide-spread adoption of cannabis. It’s non-addictive (it can be habit forming), you can’t overdose on it, and withdrawal is non-existent. Alcohol is addictive, you can def die from consuming too much in a single sitting, and withdrawal can literally kill you.

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Going to college, getting a good job after acquiring a degree, holding that job for decades, retiring, being able to afford a middle-class lifestyle.

Here are the steps I would take. Powering the device on each time it seems logical and see if anything has changed.

-Check the power switch on the power supply. -Make sure the power cable is seated into the power supply. -Listen for any unusual noises when power supply is on -Open the computer and look for any codes or lights on the mobo, Google it -Check RAM is properly seated -Check all of the power cables visible to me from opening the case. 8-pin at the top, 24-pin on the right side, any hard drives/ssds, cable for graphics card -Inspect computer for any hot spots -Unplug video cable from graphics card the into the one on the mobo, this only works with some newish AMD, but most Intel processors are going to have onboard graphics -If nothing comes up and I can’t see any problems, you will have to start taking things out of the computer -Start with removing the graphics card -Check for any sort of damage to the power port and PCIe on the card and the slot Removing the card should allow better visibility of the mobo -Remove the back panel (if you need to) to see if all of the power supply cables are properly seated -Check any cable management in the back or any hard drives/ssd mounted back there

After this, if nothing has changed and I don’t have any more info I would probably take apart completely, check for any kind of damage, put back together and test again with the bare minimum and adding stuff as I go. If you don’t know how to take apart or put a computer together I would follow a guide on YT.

After that you should def have an idea what isn’t working, if everything looks fine it can be the power supply If the power supply seems okay and mobo isn’t showing any kind of lights or code (or signs of life) that is your best candidate

As you add stuff it should give you the best indication and if you are unsure, post another edit

My best guess based on your post is a dead motherboard but going through the steps like you want will avoid having to purchase an expensive thing for no reason

Ancient Egypt was Ancient to Cleopatra and Mark Anthony. They both lived closer in time to us than they did the building of the pyramids.

Yeah, AP is good. But this does show a lack of understanding on the part of the author. I expect better of them.

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