
0 Post – 469 Comments
Joined 4 months ago

This is not a good deal. First of all I highly doubt this mobo and CPU will be Windows 11 compatible so you're out of luck there.

That's a feature lol

For $373 you can find an AMD Ryzen 5 7600X and mobo combo deal that will vastly outperform this Chinese CPU

Really? I'm actually asking because I don't think you can get the amd combo you mentioned at that price. Also, we'd need to confirm the specs and performance. So far it would be just speculation

Exactly... I have regular buds for running and I hate them because they inevitably shift around a bit and , when I try to get them back in place, they start misinterpreting my touch with whatever touch command they were preprogrammed

These ideas sound nice in the brainstorming room but, in my experience, have rarely panned out in practice

Less than $400 for mobo, cpu and fan is not expensive even if it's a couple of gens behind

5 more...

So it can get to the Supreme Court and be overturned there?

You need professional therapy, not "advice" from Lemmy

6 more...

We have this shit at work, they make it incredibly hard to get a fucking attachment as a real attachment instead of a link to their cloud

Specially annoying since my organization is "geofence" but we work with people all over the world... So MS insists on switching attachments to links nobody can open outside my country

39 more...

When you run an engineering company as a business, you wind up with no business at all

12 more...

Ah the land of the free

BTW, this is a real violation of free speech... Negative consequences from the government for speaking... Even in the context of your own work responsibility

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And yet, people are still scorned and offended as if they were.

I think you are missing the plot here... If a naked pic of yourself, your mother, your wife, your daughter is circulating around the campus, work or just online... Are you really going to be like "lol my nipples are lighter and they don't know" ??

You may not get that job, promotion, entry into program, etc. The harm done by naked pics in public would just as real weather the representation is accurate or not ... And that's not even starting to talk about the violation of privacy and overall creepiness of whatever people will do with that pic of your daughter out there

25 more...

How could a CEO of any company trade his own stock from the company and not be insider trading?

The fact they are allowed to control stock is laughable... At best, stock from the company you control should be in a blind trust (which would still be laughable but we can at least pretend)

10 more...

LinkedIn games make as much sense as zoos on airplanes

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The headline is stupid ... It basically says Geek Squad is laid off after getting laid off

Journalism is basically beyond saving at this point...

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Recently met a Texas resident who swore it was the best place "to raise children"

If the news are to be believed, I think it was probably a veiled anti LGBTQ victory lap

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How about 34 upvotes instead?... No? Reddit gold?

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So another tax payer handout to Musk?

Man, he is THE welfare Queen

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So if ads are just like user posts, why would companies pay for advertising when they can just have an intern, paid in "experience and exposure", make regular posts and maintain any different aliases?

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In my experience the VAST majority of people that say things are hard on Linux have never actually tried it ...

Same with people that complain cats are not LoYAl lIkE DOgS... They have never had cats

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Remaining rich depends on them not believing climate change

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Anyone in tech who moved from Cali to Texas was completely misguided... Case in point, ElOn

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To me the worst is that this would only "solve" such a trivial problem that is clearly not worth the risk

It's equivalent to leaving your front door wide open just because once in the last 10 years you forgot your key and had to wait 1 hour for your partner to arrive and let you in

When even the people that work for Reddit, for free, don't want to buy your bs stonk

Biden is far from perfect and the people of the USA do deserve better choices... But to pretend Biden is anywhere near the vicinity of bad as Donal Trump is simply veiled simping for Trump

Agreed... However I want to point out that in this case they are to return the revenue plus $100k fine. The fact they went after revenue (not profit) leaves Razer to carry the bag for the cost of production and distribution of the fraudulent crap they peddled.

This should be the deafult... In egregious cases, a fine should be applied on a multiplier basis, that is, your revenue is $1 million, you get a fine of x0.5 so you now must return $1.5 million... Eat the cost of all the stuff plus $500,000 fine (for example)

If the fraud was criminal, then do the fines AND include jail time

Basically, skirting or breaking the law should be a scary proposition... Presenting a shady business plan internally should result in people getting fired on the spot

1 more...

Garbage... We have had services with real nurses doing telemedicine and it tends to suck

Essentially, the lack of actual information from a video chat (as opposed to an in person meeting), coupled with the "better cover the company's ass and not get sued", devolves into every call ending in "better go to the ER to be safe"

4 more...

Wow the USA is surely running backwards full speed

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How could the db be all plaintext unencrypted?!? I mean this is amateur hour at display here

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Enjoy the freedom!

Agreed that there is a bit of exgaerated dread.. but honestly this has all the hallmarks of a monkey knife fight in an elevator, it's hard to imagine how this won't end in disaster

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You have no idea how many times I mentioned this observation from my own experience and people attacked me like I called their baby ugly

ChatGPT in its current form is good help, but nowhere ready to actually replace anyone

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I mean, the USA has a Supreme Court Justice literally taking bribes from a billionaire who has stakes in FOUR cases this judge has not recused himself.... and literally NOTHING has happened.

Do you really think this recording will do anything?

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Quickly? this idiot has been propped up and waved around for what feels like 4 years...

Another responsible gun owner.....

They want to prove to themselves that their vote still matters.

Voting ultra right because of this is like trying to prove life is worth living by eating a bullet

I care little about that at this point to be honest with you ...

The alternative is that these innovating companies would have milked the IP and/or shelved it if it means more money, fuck the people, fuck the environment, etc etc etc

If China's IP theft brings the green revolution we knew we needed 50 years ago but the innovators sabotaged for profit, I'd consider China the robin Hood of the story

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Switched to Niagara Launcher a few years back... it's awesome... clean, fast and actually different (most other launchers are just icon packs)

18 more...

So happy I deleted my account with them 5 years ago after going throught their laughably bad customer protection (the only reason I had them to begin with, I had figured it was a good idea to have a buffer between merchants and my CC)

In the end, it was perfect because, as they refused to help, I went straight to the credit card to reverse the fraudulent charge and closed all accounts with PayPal... Then I get a whiny email from them when the CC took the funds and left them holding the bag... Sweet minor victory

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Maybe I'd they added more ads I'd be tempted to use it....


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Isn't this the general sad state of democracy? Specially in America and it's 2 party system?

Rarely people get to vote for whom they want, they vote against the one they dislike/fear the most

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ah... the Land of the Free

The title reads: "we can solve the climate crisis, but we won't"