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We are required to show up one day a week, but my employer usually buy breakfast and/or lunch. It’s a decent meal, not a shitty half slice of pizza.

None of us dress up. Not the bosses, the lawyer, no one. We sit in the conference room looking like it’s finals weeks. No one cares, and we get more done.

It’s crazy to me how we went from buying a complete game for $50, and now we get an enshitified, half completed mobile game for free but people spend hundreds of dollars playing it.

And it’s nowhere near as good.

No, it’s worse than that, but not in the way you think. Him killing someone wouldn’t matter to his followers, they would love him even more for being an alpha man or some crap like that.

Putin likely has footage of Trump with a large, black woman in a BDSM situation of him crying and whimpering. That would make his voters shy away from him, shattering his tough guy image.

It’s a new kind of sandwich you take a couple bites out of them throw it away in front of homeless people.

(Buy Washing Machine)

“Hello, I see you bought a washing machine. Would you like to buy a few more?” - Internet Ads

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Nope. Rather live in a bad climate with progressive people than hateful people that infest most small towns.

A buddy of mine spent several thousand on Marvel Heroes. He wouldn’t go out to lunch with us, and finally I asked him what was going on. He eventually told me, we had a “dude…we are adults and can’t be doing that shit. Imagine the hookers and drugs you could have bought!”

He quit, but still tells me he thinks about it and is immediately filled with regret.

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It would just be five Rage characters screaming at each other.

The UL one is very applicable.

Chinese motor manufactures will often copy a design (completely rip it off) and make changes to make it even cheaper to manufacture. These make the motor no longer UL compliant. Sometimes these changes lead to it becoming unsafe, but good luck suing a Chinese manufacturer in China if your house burns down. However, they will still put a UL sticker on it and call it a day.

I used to work in motors and turbines and will outright refuse a motor made in China. Always buy motors from US or Mexican manufacturers (inside the US, cannot speak for EU). A good way to find out where the motor was made is looking to see the company that made it - and 100% your HVAC company didn’t manufacture the motor, they bought it from a B2B supplier you likely never heard of.

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That’s funny because one of my Calc professors said to a student during a test “you can pray all you want, but no god is going to help you integrate. That’s what homework is for”

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Dude, you can’t talk about deporting people back to Africa. Not cool.

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Most of us see that as a perk. “Wait, I can die right now, painlessly? Like totally painless? Where do I sign up?”

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Women - “so we finally get large pockets!?!”

Fashion Designers - “yes, but we made them impossible to use. No Pockets For You Ever!!!!”

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My son (5 y/o) walked into my office and said “dad! I brought you something”. I assumed it was a piece of Easter candy because he had a hand behind his back. I asked him what did he have.

He turned around, let out a huge fart, and said “Fooled you!” Then he put on his cowboy hat and walked out of the room.

Yep, gottem.

I get around $400/mo from the VA for being exposed to toxic chemicals that will lead to me having cancer in the next ten years.

Pretty good trade off, let me tell ya!

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If Trump gets elected, she will get a seat on the SCOTUS.

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My first real dose of “these people fucking lie” was when we were sent to New Orleans after Katrina. We had just gotten off a deployment, almost no equipment except our weapons, and we took a tour bus there because I was told “get there however possible”.

It turned from a humanitarian mission to a full on disaster en route, and our mission changed. While down there, we were shot at multiple times, received almost no aid until big army showed up, and protected what remained of the city. Three cops stayed, that was it. I know, ACAB, but these guys were there to genuinely help the people while the rest of their department hid. They were so happy to see us grunts.

People took pot shots at us, we ended up commandeering a NG “Base” (no idea what their building was called) and using their vehicles. We returned fire a few times, but didn’t treat it like OIF/OEF. Usually a couple shots back made whomever was feeling froggy leave.

Then we hear the general talk about it upon getting home. “No one fired a bullet, not one service member took fire. It was a great help!” Mother fucker, no. We had hillbillies driving to our checkpoints wanting to come into the city to shoot black people (their words, although they used slurs that I had never heard) Mexican standoff style when we told them to leave, and then shooting over our heads when they got down the road. It was a ridiculous sequence of events.

Generals: “Nothing happened and we all gave hugs!”

They replaced their management, who were mostly engineers with MBA’s, to business majors with MBA’s who worship Jack Welch. The IQ in the room plummeted as the ghost of Welch demanded sacrifices for short term gains so they might one day get their golden parachute.

Have a buddy that switch to chemical from mech, and he likes talking a lot of shit in college.

Now he helps design food processes in factories. Said it’s hell, he got to look at the peanut butter and chocolate for Herseys and he can’t stick his fingers in the vat. The horror.

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It’s the chair the cuck sits in while they watch you have sex with their partner. It’s usually something comfy and kind of a lounge chair.

A running gag is how every hotel room has a cuck chair.

Yes. They are about to assault their local Dollar General, establish some freedom, and then go home before they are outed for faking fibromyalgia.

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The paradigm shift from an MBA becoming a degree for showing you are a connected, yet glorified project manager, to a Jack Welch disciple is astounding.

Why anyone would ever hire a pure MBA graduate is beyond me. Yes, please make my business a complete failure while extracting all the wealth for short term gains. This is amazing.

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It took a really long time for Reddit to reach a point to where it was decent and attracting new communities. I am hoping all the niche little places move over to Lemmy, or at least off Reddit.

If there is a niche community you miss, you could start it over here. I have no idea how to go about doing it, but it might be worth it for you. Start making this the better place.

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I got a job at Subway when leaving the army, mostly out of boredom. Told them the only day I cannot come in is Thursdays, that’s when I go into the VA for my deployment issues. Put that is writing, got hired. They also had something like this where you have to always be on call. They called my on Thursday in the middle of a counseling session, so on Friday I was fired.

Turns out, the FAFO is strong with this one. The VA asked if I put it in writing, “Yes, here is the email”. Several weeks later the fine leveraged against the owner was so high she had to sell the business. She called me, asking when I am coming back in (I could tell it was being recorded, could hear the static) and I laughed and told her you can’t record me, and you fired me, then hung up.

Turns out shitcanning veterans who just got back from a deployment during the height of “we all love Murica!” gets you zero sympathy from anyone.

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But don’t you see, unless there is one magical silver bullet solution that fixes everything then it’s all worthless and we should go back to dumping CFC’s into the atmosphere.

First edition, first run of the three Lord of the Rings books.

I can’t bring myself to open them up and mess with the pages.

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Most of them think the war will turn the economic tides and somehow turn their rural towns into utopian areas where all the wealth from the cities is funneled into their shitty towns. They want the status and earning of being an engineer, doctor, or lawyer without trying or educating themselves.

What is sad is all conservatives are willing to kill us, our children, and everything we worked for for this ideal and for a corrupt, failed New York businessman that sells military secrets to our enemies.

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I found it to be one of the best games I have ever played with a fantastic story that really pulled me in. If you do decide to play it, look up nothing. As in don’t even google it because it’s a slightly older game and people spoil the entire thing.

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After meeting many a middle manager, I can say with absolute certainty that they would write something like this.

Breathing has a 100% death rate.

Through voter apathy and the bullshit lines about how Biden is too old.

When the news broke, we were talking about it at work (trust me, I’m an engineer) and looking at the design scratching our heads.

Then someone says “that main body is made of carbon fiber!” All of us started laughing in hysterics, then someone goes “yummy yummy crab food!” and it just got worse.

It was hilarious watching interviews with the owner, who had zero formal engineering training, talk about how he was a rule breaker and maverick, and how rules were just holding back his amazing design. Dive a little deeper (har har), and every actual trained engineer he hired was almost immediately fired for calling out the poor design and material.

He settled on an 18 and 19 year old kid (not the one that got squished) as his engineers. I can’t even comprehend how this was even allowed to happen, but appreciate the memes.

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My dad did this. Was almost 70k in unsecured debt at the time of his death. I gave most everything away except his fishing stuff. He had so much shit.

Only one credit card company said “it’s good you are taking over the payments”. Told her I never agreed to that, just informing you of his death, and if they contact me again my Saul level lawyer is going to enjoy that lawsuit. Never heard from them.

Don’t ever assume the debt of someone else.

I left Reddit. Had over 600k Karma after a few years answering all kinds of questions from Veteran help to complex engineering.

Fuck Reddit. Will never go back. It’s a shell of what it was only a few years ago.

I think Reddit caught on to this. I tried destroying my comment history (~7 years with 600k karma) with a few of the available tool on GitHub.

Found my account permabanned next time trying to login. People should attempt to eliminate/poison as much as possible, but Reddit has all the comments and modifications in a database somewhere to sell it all to whatever AI is the highest bidder.

They have to do something to make money after taking away awards. The advertising is absolute shit and not worth the $100 entry fee.

Yes, you do. If you need help, message me. No dox, but I can help you out.

Google “intent to file VA”, and fill it out right meow. Whatever claim gets processed will be backdated to the date that form was submitted.

My dude, circular logic and “because I think it” does not make something logic. That is some Joe Rogan level dipshittery.

Also most of these people in management roles seldom are the ones doing anything. A lot of them are either HR MBA type people, or sales. They don’t know anything of how a company actually works, what the jobs entail, or how to run a company.

Usually these companies all run in spite of them doing their best efforts to make it run as awful as possible.

I got into painting mini Warhammer 40k figurines during covid, and thought the lore was pretty interesting.

Every time I watch a video, my suggested feed goes from videos related to my hobbies to entirely replaced with red pill garbage. The right wing channels have to be highly profitable to YouTube to funnel people into, just an endless tornado of rage and constant viewing.

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