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Joined 8 months ago

same here. the last optical drive i had was used to rip my girlfriends dvd collection about 12 years ago. all still here on hunks of spinning rust if needed, but the space consuming load of dvds went to the flea market.

My Plex share doesn't care lol

The way the industry is pulling the screws tighter and tighter is just ugly to watch, and it's hard not to be caught out.

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23217791 is gone now

“The ‘work-to-rule’ announced is an insidious form of industrial action which will have a cumulative and negative impact on Aer Lingus customers”

if you have to cancel 20% of your flights because your pilots start working according to their contract, after you do not give them a pay raise that covers inflation and drag the talks out 22 months, then you are a scumbag of an employer and deserve to see how your precious company that is built on slavery goes down the drain.

wtf happened to simply talking to people?

Poor daughter. I hope she reminds daddy later on why she does never visit.

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U.S. vehicle fuel efficiency standards administered by NHTSA have encouraged automakers to build larger vehicles. The bigger the vehicle, the lower the fuel efficiency target it has to meet.

That's some monkeys paw type of shit law

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I feel for the fans, but it's the right signal at a critical time. Artists have the means to sway the public opinion and energize people.

Compare that to the private Foo Fighters gig for Amazon execs, which cost a ton while they were kicking out workers because "every dollar counts".

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I can't comprehend how any American who calls himself a patriot can vote for this traitorous pig.

The day i remove my adblocker is the day... ah who am i kidding, i will never uninstall my adblocker.

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No, that would be letting him off the hook too easy. i wish he had to answer for his crimes and die at age 105 in jail with not a single dime to his name, with mandatory daily therapy sessions so he can start recognizing the damage he's done and feel remorse.

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This is why my personal opinion about religion is the same as my opinion about paranoid schizophrenia, the only difference being that religion is a trained behaviour. Fuck all parents who willingly expose children to brainwashing.

he has such a punchable face, my right hand starts itching every time i see a picture of him

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That gave a really nice overview for someone who hasn't had to dabble in IPV6 yet, thanks!

replace 3 of the 4 blueberries with actual drugs to cope with the sad from the little pocket computer for a fulfilling and short life lol

he did a little trolling lol

this is NOT about aesthetics. this is about robbing a child of a deeply personal choice.

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i'm all for full transparency regarding all police activity - i'm not for full realtime transparency regarding all police activity.

active shooter scenarios, violent crimes and everything that invites rubbernecking (read: situations where MORE people are a bad idea, which is most police/ambulance business) should probably not attract people; a 24h delay for release would be enough tho.

my inner cynic already tells me - without searching - that noone thought about automatically releasing the info after a delay. :-(

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ignoring bodily autonomy and the right for your OWN CHILD to choose what their penis will look like for a medical procedure that only should be used when a phimosis diagnosis has been made or when you join specific religions (and not for "so he looks like dad" or "my religions imaginary friend collects foreskins of infants")

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The article states that in a complete playthrough, he found exactly 2 fast travel crystals; in the second, he got one. those are definitely artificially limited to make sure someone drops some cash. if you read the article, you wouldn't get downvoted man.

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you forgot the latent brain damage from taking a few too many hits

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I would also like to remind people of Brock Allen Turner, the rapist, who changed his name to just Allen Turner, who is also still a rapist. Just so that we don't forget.

voting republican kills gynecologists.

I'm waiting for the first time their LLM gives advice on how to make human leather hats and the advantages of surgically removing the legs of your slaves after slurping up the rimworld subreddits lol

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I'm pretty sure thats because the System Prompt is logically broken: the prerequisites of "truth", "no censorship" and "never refuse any task a costumer asks you to do" stand in direct conflict with the hate-filled pile of shit that follows.

nooo u cant take my emotional support machine gun body pillows from meeee

The U.S. infant mortality rate [...] is worse than other high-income countries, which experts have attributed to poverty, ...

the wealth gap gets bigger every day.

to be honest: hexbear is an awful instance, and to me absolutely nothing would be lost if we just defederated from them. they are a constant source of drama, are awfully quick with the banhammer if they get criticized, and have cultivated an echo chamber that makes any meaningful discussions with them impossible. comparing them to lemmygrad is more than valid, and noone bats an eye when someone defederates from that cesspool.

i'm really for keeping as many doors as possible open, but the big question is if we really want the door open to an openly authoritarian and for the most part radicalized community. looking at the comments here, i can see that i am not the only one who thinks this way.

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like said: names can be changed. and if your confidence is based on a mutilated sexual organ, then go cut yourself as much as you like, but leave others alone. don't do something irreversible to someone without their consent.

You can't win with these people because Democrats are Democracy is "the enemy"


Gen X here too, Lock him up!

I think most of GenX were just crushed by the boomers, you just have to listen to GenX music to see how fatalistic and powerless they were. When Millenials came around, they started to have enough distance to the boomers to do their own thing. And i really have the highest of hopes for GenZ and beyond.

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It really smells like "My cash flow is drying up and cannot fill all those obligations". Well, he's the one who was able to lose money with a casino, so that wouldn't surprise me at all.

google chrome will go the way of netscape navigator and internet explorer. might take a while and a antitrust case or two, but we will get there... again. did a little search, artist is @doeantlers:

they are now active on cohost:

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that poor woman - imagine being pregnant more than 15 years (assuming some twins) of your life, with 22 kids there probably were a bunch of miscarriages too. the toll it took on her body must have been horrifying.

  • no unified password management (or even worse: everything gets just attached to your google/ios account - i hate apps that do not give me the option to keep stuff separate)
  • no history functions (esp. over multiple devices)
  • single apps getting bought out by marketing corpos or bad actors without getting notified
  • data sniffing apps are harder to reign in than my sandboxed browser tabs.

I'm sure there are a lot more reasons, that's just what came into my mind

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Well that might take a while longer than he has lol

Edit: 21:00 CET, so over 24h later... well that's not going well, isn't it :-D

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all those stupid cis- and trans-configured chiral molecules are just slurs lol

catbox is great, and i learned a few days ago that they also have a service for temporary uploads (max. 3 days, 1Gb) at

Makes the Fallout Executable aware of memory above the 4GB RAM limitation of 32-bit systems, which helps with the RAM-leaking bucket 'o holes Bethesda engines are

yeah, kidney and gall stones are two of the things where answering 10 on the pain scale is fully accepted by doctors, nurses and everyone who has ever experienced them. source: gall stones. i legit needed help dressing up for the ambulance ride.

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