
0 Post – 246 Comments
Joined 11 months ago

Wow those are three wildly different definitions lolol

Saying you're disappointed with what girls do to their bodies is mad weird, though

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Lol You didn't provide a rebuttal to my claim either

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Thankfully, facts are true whether you believe them or not.

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You've said nothing except for flat denial and asserting illogical nonsense lol

Go back to talking about cryptocurrency and communism, because that has definitely resulted in material improvements for people.

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You have made no points to refute, and ridicule is how you handle low effort trolls.

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My point is proven science, you didn't ask for a source you just claimed the opposite, so you're on the same footing as me.

Except for my point is obvious, between the methane and animal waste run off, the water required for animal agriculture, the waste products unused from meat production, and the fact that you have to grow even more plants to feed the animals instead of eating the plants directly, I don't see why on earth you wouldn't see how being vegan has a smaller footprint.

Read a scientific study in-between your theory, sometime.

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Because you don't have a position, hence why you just whine about being victimized like the bad-faith conservative you are instead of re-iterating or clarifying anything. Go ahead and claim I've committed another formal fallacy on an informal discussion site instead of using your words like an adult, you commies are all so predictable smh. Materialism really does lend itself to anti-intellectuals who think they're so smart, doesn't it?

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Lmfao that's your argument?? It's in "not even wrong" territory, literally what on earth are you talking about lol

Coal pollution is also higher now than when renewable energy was first invented, therefore renewables wouldn't help us! /s

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this, too, does not change the truth of what i’ve said

That's true, because what you said holds no truth at all. I pointed out the flaws in your point and your "argument" was that since no one is vegan, veganism isn't better for the environment. Which is so monumentally stupid I'm convinced you're trolling.

"The vast majority of people are not communist, therefore communism wouldn't be better for workers."

"The world isn't powered by renewables, therefore renewables aren't better than coal."

"Things aren't currently better, so no change would make it better."

You're arguing from a position of complete nonsense, and it's not an "appeal to ridicule" to call out bad logic and sealioning tactics. Link literally any source that backs your conservative, status-quo reinforcing position, or go read something other then century old rich men philosophizing about societies they daydreamed up.

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I said more than that, your "rebuttal" isn't a rebuttal either, it's word vomit and an appeal to futility.

If you're trolling, then 10/10

Better than nothing! Feel free to reach out if you have any questions about it

Lol you're fucking hilarious, I thought the self-professed communist would appreciate advocating for a better system but it turns out you're just a goofball

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Lol sure thing buddy, whatever you got to tell yourself

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If the country doesn't become communist, calling yourself communist has done no good.

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Being vegan requires less production. And animal waste, runoff, and methane are all major sources of pollution that being vegan eliminates. It takes less water, land, and plants for a vegan diet than it does to feed animals for agriculture.

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Japan famous for their outgoing and expressive culture

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How else would you read that lol come on, now

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Choosing to not have kids yourself, for whatever reason, is definitely not eugenics. I don't even get how you'd come to this idea.

Well he was a pastor, so all bets are off

What on earth are you saying lol

Didn't a lesbian kiss get edited out of Star Wars Rise of Skywalker for the Chinese release? Just as one example

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That's a take

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Hackernews is just chock full of techbros who think that since they know how to code, that automatically makes them rational and more authoritative on a subject than most people. Every time I go there I'm surprised by how crappy it is lol

Edit: somehow misspelled "techbros" lol

Every dog on the planet is more aggressive than all other dogs on the planet?

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Is that a rule here??

Go vegan.

"You won't be able to have an abortion, I never said I'd ban it, though!"

but I also do not have an "awesomely powerful AI on the verge of destroying humanity"

Neither do they lol

The "more villainous" part is odd to me, but the subjective claim that the federalists were just v2.0 of the British empire is strong "don't tread on me" libertarian vibes ngl

Nothing like getting 75% through an audiobook I just bought and realizing at the twist that I've read it before lol

I think it's making a joke that the weird domain name is "the elephant in the room."

You're a fake patriot

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Way to hold them to a higher standard! /s

Don't you have some Democrats to be criticizing?

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Another former VCJ user? How'd you find Lemmy with your B12 deficiency??

Ah finally! You didn't put that link in this comment, so I get to feed it to my hungry AI that I keep down in my basement!

If we're blaming people for what their ancestors did hundreds of years ago then Imma need to see everyone your great great great great grandparents all ever did

Yeah I love how they pioneered marketing gambling and loot boxes to children, so visionary

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If you're genuinely asking, yes that is generally how it works.

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Didn't he and the band literally promote AIDs conspiracy theories at concerts?

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